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Posts posted by wowtoes

  1. Since WOW designer Ion Hazzikostas revealed that there will be no flying in Draenor and future expansions, a great amount of posts have been published to denouncing Watcher. And most of players even decide to AFK to fight against this decision. In this case, a potential idea was put forward, aiming at solving this problem with a satisfactory method. Continue for details.

    Hazzikostas confirmed no flying in wow 6.2

    A recent interview with lead designer Ion Hazzikostas showed that wow had originally removed flight out as an experiment, but the developers finally decided not to add flight in Draenor in 6.2, and maybe in any future expansions, since flight would reduce the risk, make the world smaller, and decline the game experience. As Blizzard Entertainment posted, “Being able to fly added convenience, but removed the ability to add things like targeted exploration of the world and made the world feel smaller and less dangerous.” The thing is that when risk turns larger, players would need much time or even more wow gears to challenge it - one of the reasons why players boycott this decision.

    Most of players fight against no-flying decision

    Although wow’s developers have given their explanation, a big crowd of people couldn’t control to express their outrage and disappointment. Look some common voice from most players.

    1. Some players know that restricted flying areas are beneficial for game’s development, but clipping their wings permanently just make people sad. Most of them like flying, so it should have a place in the game.

    2. Fewer players would like to take adventures without flight, and they will just stay in their WOW Garrison.

    3. Ending flying essentially ends archaeology. It is way too time consuming to get to the sites. Many people will AFK if there is no flying.

    4. If developers have the best interests of players, they should value players’ opinion and not to remove flight. People who don’t want to fly can keep on ground, but it is no need to hinder others who want.

    Potential idea: restrict flight rather than remove it

    Although Blizzard’s original intention is to make the game better, some players think there are some ways to allow players the effective full freedom of flying that pro-flight people want and still have restrictions to make the game playable and challengeable.


    1. No flying except at cap. Leveling experience affected less than heirlooms, RAF or XP potions.

    2. Add a debuff that reduces character's capabilities by 50% or something for a minute after dismounting from a flying wow mount. Prevents players from going after targets of opportunity in PVP or PVE, or at least savagely increases the difficulty.

    3. Don't let players fly within a short term of time (maybe 5 minutes, less time in PVP combat means more time before flying again) of engaging in PVP combat.

    4. Aerial hazards. Turbulent winds force players away from areas you don't want them to fly, but don't interfere drastically with their chosen course. If they want to try and fly to some rare bollocks you've hidden, they'll get blown off course. If they want to try and goblin glider in, do the same.

    more details at: Gold4fans


  2. World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2 has been available already today, along with the introduction of WOW Token. If everything goes well, players can exchange wow gold and game time between each other. But it is still most players that worry about its price setting.

    wow token available in 6.1.2 ptr

    How WOW Token works

    Players can "purchase a WOW Token through the in-game shop with cash, and then sell it on the Auction House for gold at the current market price. When a player buys a WoW Token from the Auction House with gold, the Token becomes Soulbound, and the player can then redeem it for 30 days of game time."

    Two days ago, World of Warcraft lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas revealed that "it's a part of Patch 6.1.2, a smaller update hitting the public test realms, in the very near future." it comes unexpectedly soon.

    How much a WOW Token costs

    Blizzard hasn't set the cash price yet, but Hazzikostas said that "it's not going to be cheaper than a monthly subscription," which runs $15 a month. What's more, wow tokens are cat out at the current market price, and players cannot be able to set their own price for a token.

    That means, no matter how violent wow gold price fluctuates, the sellers can and only can get that set wow gold us or eu. For all sellers, it means nothing but risks. But if you have millions of wow gold in stock, you can purchase some WOW Tokens for sale to gain more wow game pay time.

    If you would like to join 6.1.2 PTR, it is time to copy your character and download the PTR client now. And Patch 6.1.2 adds in the framework needed for the WoW Token feature in the game client and is not active at this time.

    News from: Gold4fans

  3. World of Warcraft will soon introduce a whole new economy, allowing players both to spend in-game gold on real-life game time and to exchange real-life money for tokens that can be sold for in-game gold.12. cheap wow gold us hot sale with fast delivery at Gold4fans.com

    The system is simple, and best summed up in this graphic (via battle.net):


    World of Warcraft Will Start Selling Subscription Time For Gold

    The new system will launch "in an upcoming patch," Blizzard says, and though they haven't announced specific pricing details yet, they do have a big Q&A (that you can read here) addressing many potential questions. Each token can only be sold once; gold values will fluctuate based on supply and demand; and they're hoping this system will "lead to fewer account compromises and a better game experience overall."3

    This isn't a particularly unusual move for World of Warcraft, as other MMORPGS (like EVE Online) have already taken steps like this to regulate their gold economies and help crack down on grey-market gold sellers. And although this new system will inevitably lead to speculation about the future of Blizzard's big cash cow, it's worth keeping in mind that WoW still dwarfs every other subscription-based multiplayer game on the market.

    Below are comments from wow players:

    Wait. I'm confused here. So by "the shop", they mean the cash shop, correct?So essentially, the only way to buy game time with gold is to buy a WoW Token that someone else purchased with their own actual cash and then put up on the auction house at a price they themselves set?I'm sure this is going to be an extremely viable option for absolutely no one. - Archaotic

    Any way it goes down blizzard still gets payed, that'll be about all they care about. - Shardik The Man Bear

    I'd actually totally disagree, this system worked wonders for EVE Online, it can work here too. - RerTV

    Viable for those who have the gold to buy it? There's plenty of people who have more than enough gold for this to be a viable option to them. Depending on the pricing it might even be viable to myself (I only have around 100,000g). Say each token is valued at 10k. I'd gladly pay the 10k for a month, although I have paid friends/guildies less in the past - around 5-7k.All this is doing is making such transactions legit, albeit probably a bit more pricey. We'll have to wait and see. - Who_BobJones

    Well it looks like I chose the right time to start playing WoW. Got base+all expansions (except Draenor) for 拢5 from BattleNet and now I won't need to spend money on subs either. - Mortal Dictata

    I wouldnt bet on it. knowing WoW auction houses it may end up getting to insanely high prices that no sane person would be able to gather unless they get extremely lucky with drops. could go to pretty much 1mill gold or more. Then again, putting something with real money value into the game's auction house could end up stabilizing things. - Cloud Hiro

  4. For a long time, Quest Ashran Appearance has passed through a lot of trials, and wow players also lose themselves in the staging area. Recently, some players have given out some easy ways to get the Ashran flight path. Check more.

    Normal ways to get FP


    Normally you can only get the Ashran flight path around 91 by completing the quest "Ashran appearance", which requires you to talk to the flight master, Bron Skyhorn, and have him fly you there initially. Completing this quest, you will be rewarded 8 wow gold cheap, 60 silver and 10270 experience.


    Easier ways to get Ashran


    But if you don't want to fly there, but just need to get the Flight Path only, you need to be on a mount and talk to the garrison flight master and select "send me to Ashran". Usually it will give you an error message saying "you are already mounted". But that means, you will have learned the Ashran fp.

    Note that it has been checked and confirmed with the Ashran quest, but not with other breadcrumb quests originating from the garrison such as "News from Spires".


    Besides, you can also get ported right to Ashran by having at least the Appareance-Quest and fly through the new portal, which then ports you directly to Ashran. It doesn't really have much to do with not having the pre-q, like your post intends. And in the end you just talk to a Mage and get a Stormshield portal. It should work as lvl 1.


    In these ways, you will get an access to find the Ashran Flight Path faster and have a chance to exploit more Reputation. You might as well to try it later. Gold4fans offers wow gold eu all the time to be with you.


    details: http://www.gold4fans.com/news/easy-ways-to-get-ashran-flight-path-and-complete-ashran-appearance.html

  5. There are a lot of holiday events in World of Warcraft this month. February contains the Lunar Festival, Love is in the Air, the Darkmoon Faire... heck, it's also going to be the month that the next major raid opens up. Luckily for avid World of Warcraft players, the official site has put together a comprehensive schedule of the month's festivities, starting with the Valentine's Day event and the new raid opening tomorrow.

    Astute readers will note that Blizzard suggests players prepare for patch 6.1 with no hints about when it's coming out. Whether this means it's going to be later in the month or won't be dropping until March remains to be seen. Then again, the raiding crowd will have plenty to do through the month with Blackrock Foundry, and if you like holiday events, you've got several of those coming around as well.

    detailed sckedual from us.battle.net:

    Love Is in the Air [Feb. 2 - Feb. 16]
    Love and adoration are in the air in the major cities of Azeroth... and in celebration of the occasion, you' re invited to share candy, perfume, and gifts with guards, townsfolk, and other players for special rewards.

    However, a strange "love sickness" seems to cloud the hearts of many of Azeroth' s people. Is this simply an outbreak of amore? Or will you and your fellow adventurers uncover a dark secret behind this plague of passion?

    Locations: All major cities
    Rewards include: Toxic Wasteling, Lovebird Hatchling, Peddlefeet, several new amulets, Vile Fumigator' s Mask, lovely dresses and suits, off-hand flower bouquets.


    Blackrock Foundry [opening Feb. 3]
    This foundry was the ancestral home of the Blackrock orcs, wherein master smiths smelted and worked the impossibly hard ore that is the clan's namesake. Now, massive giants captured and broken by the Thunderlord heat the great forges, flamebenders of the Burning Blade imbue the ore with an inner fire, and engineers shape the slag according to otherworldly schematics. Warlord Blackhand's foundry is the center of the Iron Horde's military might, churning out the weaponry that will be used to raze Azeroth.

    Darkmoon Faire [Feb. 8 - Feb. 14]
    It' s incredible! It' s unbelievable! You' ll be dazzled! You' ll be amazed! You aren' t prepared for the Darkmoon Faire, ' cause it' s like nothing you' ve seen before! Don' t be shy now; don' t be bashful; step right up for a tantalizing glimpse of what we've got in store for you!

    Gathering exotic wonders from around the world, Silas Darkmoon presents a celebration of the marvels and mysteries found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of its time in parts unknown, this traveling festival is available from time to time by accessing portals in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest.


    Location: Darkmoon Island, via portals just outside Thunder Bluff and Stormwind.
    Rewards include: 17 different battle pets, including the Darkmoon Tonk, Darkmoon Zeppelin, and Syd the Squid; two mounts: Darkmoon Dancing Bear and Swift Forest Strider; replica armor sets for all classes, such as the famous Lightforge set for Paladins; many heirloom items.

    Lunar Festival [Feb. 16 - Mar. 2]

    The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration for all of Azeroth. Across the world, people gather to acknowledge the triumph of ages ago, when an alliance of races-night elves, tauren, and the proto-dwarven earthen-defeated the Burning Legion. At the beginning of each year, elders of generations past manifest around the world to impart their wisdom upon all who listen. Should you encounter these venerable spirits in your travels and take the time to heed their words, they may even pass along tokens of their gratitude: Coins of Ancestry, mementos of the lessons of a past age. Gather enough Coins of Ancestry and the Cenarion Circle will open their stores of celebratory garb, fireworks, trinkets, and recipes!

    The Cenarion Circle has good cause to celebrate, for the Lunar Festival marks the return of many Ancients that fell in battles past: Goldrinn, Malorne, Aviana, and Cenarius himself. But this celebration is darkened by the eternal torment of one of their own-Omen, a wolf Ancient blessed by the moon goddess Elune, has risen from the depths of Moonglade' s lake. Though Omen was once as noble and proud as any Ancient, he was driven mad by the Burning Legion' s tainted magic during the War of the Ancients. Omen' s immortality dooms him to forever return in his maddened state at the advent of each new year-and this year, he has grown further in power, a challenge for even heroes of level 100. Heroes must make haste to ease this tormented Ancient' s suffering, in the hopes that perhaps next year he will return with a clearer mind.

    Locations: Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, Booty Bay, and Moonglade (look for portals in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms).
    Rewards include: Lunar Lantern, Festival Lantern, dresses and suits, schematics for fireworks, stacks of fireworks, individual fireworks, the sounds of fireworks, fireworks for days.


    Seasonal Pursuits
    The Snowy Owl is only available in the Winterspring zone during winter months, and it' s a requirement for the Kalimdor Safari achievement.

    Prepare for Patch 6.1
    There' s no time like the present to get ready for the upcoming patch. We' ve been updating a complete PTR patch notes list, and you can use the Public Test Realm to test the patch with us. Check out the PTR discussion forum and the PTR Bug Report forum for more.


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  6. The fight against the Blast Furnace, an encounter in the Slagworks wing of the Blackrock Foundry raid instance, should be three phases. Raid members have to handle huge numbers of adds before they meet the actual boss in the final phase. It will be a tough battle, so prepare cheap wow gold in advance.


    Phase one: disable two Heat Regulators


    The two Heat Regulators are located on either side of the Blast Furnace. They cannot be attacked and damaged normally, and your raid must instead make use of some bombs to disable them,


    1. Adds and mini boss


    Furnace Engineers cast Electrocution to a target and it jumps to up to 2 other targets within 5 yards in the initial target. Besides, he can repair a Heat Regulator, healing it for 3% of its maximum health. And Bomb can be applied with 10-second timer.

    Security Guards mainly protect all their allies to reduce the damage that any mobs take.

    Bellows Operators cast Loading to increase Heart of the Mountain's Heat level by 2.

    Foreman Feldspar uses 3 abilities against your raid, like Pyroclasm, Rupture and Hot Blooded. All these abilities deals a high amount of Fire Damage. It will be a tough battle, so buy the best wow gear to equip up.


    2. Strategy


    First, split up the raid in two equal teams. Each contains a tank, half of your raid's healers, and half of your raid's DPS players.

    Second, destroy both Heat Regulators. Once a player is targeted by Bomb, he should run to the nearest Heat Regulators, but avoid other raid members nearby. Furnace Engineer should be the first to deal with.

    Third, add handling and priority. The general add priority in this phase is Furnace Engineers > Bellows Operators > Security Guards.


    Phase two: kill 4 Primal Elementalist


    After both Heat Regulators have been disabled, you will enter Phase Two, where The Heart of the Mountain will be attackable and killable only when 4 Primal Elementalists are killed.


    1. 4 types of adds

    Primal Elementalists has a passive ability “Damage Shield”, which can be immune to all damage.

    Slag Elementals always casts Fixate on a random raid member, slowing moving towards them. besides, Burn dela 42,254 Fire damage to the target.

    Firecallers uses Cauterize Wounds to heal the target for 20% of their health. And Lava Burst deals a high amount of Fire damage to a random target.

    Last are Security Guards.


    2. Strategy

    Have the Slag Elemental dieon top of a Primal Elementalist. As soon as a Slag Elemental takes down a Primal Elementalist's Damage Shield, your raid's DPS players must switch to that Elementalist and kill it off. Besides, you need to watch out for when they buff themselves with Reactive Earth Shield, and dispel this before it has a chance to heal them.

    As for the Firecallers, your raid will have to be very careful to interrupt all casts of Cauterize Wounds Icon Cauterize Wounds.


    Phase three: attack and kill Heart of the Mountain


    No other adds are present during this phase, except any from Phase Two that are still alive. The Heart of the Mountain as the final and actual boss use Blast, Superheated, Tempered, Heat and Melt to deal damage against the raid.


    As you enter Phase Three, you must deal with these adds as quickly as possible. Actually, it is not difficult to deal with the final boss. The entire raid only worries about Melt from him. This is essentially a very large void zone that lasts for a long time, so you should position the raid in such a way that you conserve as much room as possible. The room is very large, in any case, so it is unlikely that you will run out of space.

    The tanks will have to handle the Heat and Tempered debuffs. Simply taunting off when the current tank has 3 stacks of Heat worked just fine.


    Ways to take down the Heart of the Mountain needs players to grope. On that way, it will be money-consuming. If you need, you can buy cheapest wow gold at Gold4fans for your adventure.  http://www.gold4fans.com/news/detailed-strategy-guide-to-fight-against-the-blast-furnace-in-wow.html

  7. Who doesn’t like a selfie every now and then? No one, even there is no exception in World of Warcraft. It is time to pick up WOW gold with instant delivery and claim wow mounts to get your S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera in wow 6.1 and record every happy moment in WOW Draenor.

    Selfie camera in wow 6.1

    How to gain a selfie camera?


    Field Photography has been completed on wow 6.1 PTR, and players need to take a Follower Mission with a 100% chance and four hours to complete. After finishing that, you will be rewarded a basic S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera. To upgrade this camera, you need more wow gold cheap to get through Lens Some Hands mission.


    How to use the camera?


    By clicking on the camera, it opens up a special mode and your character will make faces at the camera, just like in real life, with the arm extending off the screen.

    Besides, you also should learn two main buttons in the special interface. One is Take a Selfie which captures your screen--perfect to send to Twitter once that's integrated into WoW in 6.1. Another is Cancel Selfie Camera which exits the Selfie mode.


    How to upgrade your Selfie Camera


    You can upgrade your standard selfie camera to S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MKII and receive three filter options by getting the Lens Some Hands mission.

    Sketch Filter: Enables a sketch filter for your S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera.

    Black and White Filter: Enables a black & white filter for your S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera.

    Death Filter: Enables a death filter for your S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera.


    Now, you can record every moment in WOW 6.1 with the selfie camera and upload it directly to your Twitter feed. So take time to buy WOW gold us and complete missions for Selfie Camera.

     More details at: http://www.gold4fans.com/news/how-to-obtain-fast-and-operate-selfie-camera-in-wow-6-1.html


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