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Posts posted by matyu

  1. Yes the server got hacked.

    I checked the website (l2gang.com) the day that the server went down, and there was written something like "f**k you retard, racist motherf***r" in spanish.



    So.................. ::) ::)

  2. only detectable with client side application detection. And not many servers use this method. Apart from that, should be pretty stealthy. Way safer then walker anyways.

    Nice method!! ;) THANKS mate!!!!

    It works great for me! I dont receive any error and bot works ok.

    The server wich i use to play on use a "customized" launcher to open the client, it need to insert ID & PW and click "play" to open the L2 client and repeat the log-in inside the L2 client. (hope you understand)

    Do u think that this "customized launcher" detect something?

  3. Nice bot! It works on my server! But i have some problems with the pick-up command, i post my config script here, please help me if i wrote something wrong.


      //Keyboard targeting
      useKeyboardTargeting = true;
      keyboardTargetMaxWait= 800;   //in ms 
      keyboardTargetCommand= 'F2';                                            //can i use also /nexttarget command?
      //Mouse targeting
      useMouseTargeting      = false;
      mouseTargetMode        = 2;   // 0 - center, 1 - up, 2 - down
      mouseTargetUseShift    = true;
      mouseTargetUseCtrl     = false;
      mouseTargetDoubleClick = false;
      mouseTargetAllowMix    = true;
      mouseTargetMaxWait     = 800; //ms
      mouseTargetMinRange    = 200; //px
      //Camera rotation
      useRotation            = false;
      rotationMode           = 0;   //0 - left, 1 - right
      rotationTime           = 1200; //ms
      useRest                = true;
      restMinHp              = 50;   //%
      restMinCp              = 0;    //%
      restMinMp              = 20;   //%
      restSitCommand         = '/sit';
      restStandCommand       = '/stand';
      //Mob killing
      firstAttackCommand                 = 'F1';
      firstAttackCommandBlockTime        = 600; //ms
      repeatAttackCommand                = 'F1';
      repeatAttackCommandBlockTime       = 500; //ms
      repeatAttackCommandEvery           = 5000; //ms
      hp60PrecentAttackCommand           = 'F3';
      hp60PrecentAttackCommandBlockTime  = 0; //ms
      hp30PrecentAttackCommand           = '';
      hp30PrecentAttackCommandBlockTime  = 0; //ms
      mobDeathCommand                    = '';                                         //i tried also to put here the F4 command assigned to the pickup but didnt works
      mobDeathCommandBlockTime           = 0; //ms
      pickupCommand  = 'F4';                                                              //pickup dont works
      pickupCount    = 0;   // 0 - disabled
      pickupBlockTime= 400; // ms
      //KS Protection                                                                                         //i dont know what is that, i disable it
      enableKSProtection = false; //You wont attack mob 
      //Stuck Protection
      enableStuckProtection = false;
      stuckProtectionTimer  = 30000; //ms
      enableClickProtection = false;
      clickProtectionRange  = 20; //px
      //List of Mobs to kill
      var  mouseTargetTargetsList:TStringList;                                                   //bot seems dont take care about this command
      procedure setMouseTargetsNames;
        mouseTargetTargetsList.Add('Spelunking Ant');


    I repeat that bot attack mobs, but leave drop on the floor :| please help me with the code, or post your code :p

  4. Hi guys, im looking for a bot working with macros..does exist?

    The server wich I use to play on have a custom launcher wich make impossible to log-in directly with l2.exe file, and you know that is impossible to use l2walker without logging directly from l2.exe file.

    Can u give me some help please? Do u know a bot wich works with macros only?? :D


  5. Heya guys, can u help me to fing a software to bind all skill keys (f1-f2-f3...) to another key? (better if numeric keys)

    For example:



    and so on..i looked for it around the forum but i found only a post of 2007 talking about "l2 pilot"..but the post was written 3 years ago.


    Thanks in advance for help :D

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