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About L2Andariel

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hey every one ! I know there is a lot of topics for this theme but i dont know what to do !! I have made everything i think ! :D check here
  2. Γεια σας ! Ξέρω πως έχουν μπει πολλά θέματα για αυτό το θέμα ! Και εγώ πριν αλλάξω γραμμή μπορούσα τώρα δεν ξέρω τι παίχτηκε !! Δείτε μία ! Νομίζω πως έχω κάνει όλα όσα χρειάζονται για να ανοίξουν τα ports ! Αυτά όμως δεν μου κάνουν την χάρη !!!
  3. We had a small problems at our opening but now we are 100% rdy join us and have fun
  4. Thx Jizz :)
  5. We're w8ing for you :)
  6. Updates : Added Barakel Barakel 6 Hours Respawn / Drop Nob Items Clan Zone / Drop Shields + Clan Rep Items/ Cry Scrolls/Ls Plague Golem / Custom Drop / Hard Boss Crazy Mechanic / Custom Drop / Middle Boss Roaring Skylancer / Custom Drop / Easy Boss Oly Town 3 Farm Zones Custom PvP Zone
  7. Inderlude No Custm PvP Server !!! Grand Opening at 22/10/2014 We're waiting for you http://l2andariel.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/L2-Andariel/849700571740976 http://l2andariel.com/forum/ Rates * Experience: x5000 * Spexperience: x5000 * Adena: x8000 * Drop Item Karma: x50 Enchant Rate * Safe : +4 * Max For Weapon : +14 * Max For Armor : +14 * Max For Jewels : +14 * Max For Weapon With Andariel-Scroll :+ 16 * Max For Armor With Andariel-Scroll : +16 * Max For Jewels With Andariel-Scroll : +16 * Normal Scroll Enchant Rate : 60% * Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate : 95% * Andariel - Scroll Enchant Rate Weapon :+15 65 % , +16(60%) * Andariel - Scroll Enchant Rate Armor : +15 65 % , +16(60%) * Andariel - Scroll Enchant Rate Jewels : +15 65 % , +16(60%) General Features * 70+4 Buff Slots * C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% * Castle Sieges * Noblesses & Heroes System * Max Level 80 * Clan Wars * C5/Interlude Clan System * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights) * Weapon Augmentations * Dueling System * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills * Olympiad 100% Retail like * DualBox Only +1 * 100% Retail like gameplay without any customs * Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes * Active and experienced development/GMteam! * No corruptions! * NO LAG!!! * 100% Uptime * International community * New character start with 1kkk adena * Max Subclasses = 5 * Max Alliances = 3 * All active/passive augments are fully working! (Only 1 Passive and 1 Active) * All flood protections * High Andariel Lifestones Chance : 15% * Top Andariel Lifestones Chance : 22% * Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week *Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 8 Has Color Name * AntiFeed Disconnected As Dualbox (unable to determine ip address) * Top PvP/PK Player * Castle Lord * Curretly Online Players *Anti Buff Shield *.online Command *.Repair Command *.Menu Command *Vote Reward = 5 Vote Items * Clan Zone / Drop Shields + Clan Rep Items/ Cry Scrolls/Ls (Coal Mines) * Oly Town ( Orc Village) * 2 Farm Zones (Elven Ruis / Monastery Of Silence) * Custom PvP Zone ( Elven Forest) NPC * Global Gatekeeper * Gm Shop * Custom Gm Shop * Buffer * Augmenter * Wedding Manager * Server Info * Donation Manager * Siege informer * Clan Hall Manager * Olympiad Manager * Class Manager * Skill Enchanter * Vote Reward NPC * Top Stats Manager * Sub Class Changers * Password Manager * Symbol Manager * Raid Boss Manager * Barakel 6 Hours Respawn / Drop Nob Items * Plague Golem / Custom Drop / Hard Boss * Crazy Mechanic / Custom Drop / Middle Boss * Roaring Skylancer / Custom Drop / Easy Boss
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