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About l2gemini2014

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. The server is getting bigger everyday. Also im happy to say we have mature players that dont create drama. They actually help us improve the server with their ideas.
  2. The server is live! http://www.l2gemini.com/
  3. 3 hours and 20 mins before server opens.
  4. The server will open on Sunday 26/10/2014 time 18:00 GMT+2
  5. Blessed scroll enchant rate changed from 100% to 60%. Tomorrow i will announce the opening date.
  6. Hello everyone, im here to present you L2 Gemini. Site: http://www.l2gemini.com Server Started: Sunday 26/10/2014 time 18:00 GMT+2 Rates: EXP: X30 SP: X30 DROP: X1 ADENA: X120 Buffs/Debuffs: 20 (+4 with Divine Inspiration) 12 Dances/Song Slots 2 hours buff duration 6 Debuff Slots Canceled/Stolen Buffs Return after 10 seconds. Gameplay MODS: Auto-Loot Auto-Learn Skills (Full) Free Class Transfer 2 minutes teleport spawn protection Global Gatekeeper Option Included in all Town Gatekeepers Top PvP/PK Players NPC Custom Buy options in Giran Shops (With S84 Grade items and more) Magic Flute (Inventory Buffer with Classic, Auto & Scheme options) Unlimited Vitality Anti-Grief Buffing System Vote Reward System No Clan Penalties Killing Spree System TVT & CTF Events every 60 minutes. Offline Trade/Craft Max number of Players from Same IP: 5 Scroll Enchant Rates: Max Enchant: +10 Safe Enchant: +5 Normal Scroll chance: 30% Blessed Scroll chance: 60% Attribute Enchant Rates: Max Attribute Level: 7 Stone Chance: 100% Crystal Chance: 30% Olympiad Games: New Heroes every 14 days (2 weeks) All enchants during matches will count as +4 Sieges: Castle Sieges every 7 days (1 week) GrandBosses: Respawn once every Week: Antharas, Valakas, Baium, Beleth Respawn in less than 3 days: Core, Orfen, Queen Ant Retail Like Drops Custom Commands: .epic (Displays Epic GrandBoss status and respawn time) .info (Displays targeted players information) .buffoff (Enables protection from unwanted buffing aka grief buffing) .buffon (Disables grief buffing protection) .tvtjoin (Registration to the TVT event) .tvtleave (Unregister from the TVT event) .ctfjoin (Registration to the CTF event) .ctfleave (Unregister from the CTF event) Other: Premium Geodata Dedicated Server: Core™ i3 CPU 8GB Ram 100Mbps DDOS Protection Linux Based OS
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