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About smash9le

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  1. well i used to bot a lot with honorbuddy back then in 2012-2016 but since it got discontinued i never botted again, whats popular nowadays? and reliable, and """"undetectable""" ? thanks a lot in advance!!
  2. i have a question about targeting, rightnow my player moves, targets mob, kills it, and then targets itself, moves, and re-targets another random mob, kills / repeat, is it normal that it targets itself after every kill? if it's not, how do i change it?
  3. just bought a sorceror from him, Not even a single problem, i recommend!
  4. Archmage/MM/STS 80+ Moirai or better S80 Weapon +acu+150 at least If it has subs/noble better, paying with paypal. idc about skill enchants, PM i want the mail/char pass
  5. added on skype!
  6. i can't transpass bake ice =p its very diff
  7. does anybody have any walker that works there? thx :$
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