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Everything posted by rafael

  1. ston l2lava.net uparxei bug me adenas perneis arketa pets kai meta ta poulas kai vgazeis peripou 900 m sinolika
  2. what kind is it? its an war game or adventure?
  3. Elpizw oi apopseis sas na einai ali8eis
  4. 8a exei GMshop p na poulaei to formal wear apokleietai alios dn 8a upirxane kan ta wedding NPC's
  5. Exeis filisei skilo sta xeilei?
  6. analogos to datapack pou exeis an einai kamael exei etoima NPC GMShop
  7. One StuckSub server is L2Eclipse from here u will find some infos www.l2eclipse.ucoz.net and Enjoy the game ^^ P.S.:Server is Interlude :D
  8. Welcome! have nice stay,CP and Replies :D :D
  9. afou exeis L2JFree tote prepei na exeis kai to java! an dn to exeis mpes edw www.java.com kai katevaseto :D
  10. kai pali enchant bugs dn yparxei periptosh na uparxoun einai teleiws adinaton
  11. hmmmm only interlude servers are stacksubs but i can't remember when server it was
  12. nice! i will tested soon but i thing that's best :D
  13. U want to say that u search for server with x15 XP rate? if yes one hellbound server is L2Godz www.l2godz.com go and see :D
  14. Afou einai L2J mallon 8a fteei to java h to mysql. Gia java pas sto google.com kai grafeis java software 8a patiseis to java ver 3,6 kai gia mysql 8a pas pali google kai 8a grapseis mysql 5,0 kai katevaseta einai polu aplo 8a ta katafereis pisteuw ;)
  15. Welcome to all maxcheaters members and have nice day with many posts and replies :)
  16. if we download the updater without install CT1 client will be updated to hellbound?
  17. an exeius conn-x pas stis sindeseis diktiou meta patas de3i click stin topic connection(topikh sundesh) kai s leei ipostiri3h einai trith epilogh apo idiothtes nmz kai s leei gia anoigma portas(open ports) ekei esu grafeis 3306 kai ws name grafeis L2 ki etc anoi3es tis portes :)
  18. if u have books of giants u went on your current class master and then u can enchant your skills with 100% chance
  19. pisteuw pos milas gia to root etc? me auto pos ginetai na hackarei kapoios thn db :S
  20. Wraio DP kai polu xrisimo kalh douleia :)
  21. gia poio pass milas?
  22. Exeis gamisei pote s Gomena? an oxi xaneis diaskedasi xD
  23. pano de3ia sto site s leei search grapse ekei connect for kamael servers kai 8a s vgoun diafores epiloges
  24. NotAbastard maxtor Noble TheMental and Gold Members where vote for this site FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  25. to 65535 einai to maximum enchant alla mono gia tous GM's dn paizoun kapoio Rolo oi players alimono dld an uparxoun players me +65535 pano tous tote dn 8a nio8oun me tpt
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