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Posts posted by GoDofAdeN


    « Reply #3 on: November 02, 2009, 04:55:26 PM »


    Okay we're online.


    You MAY have little lags ,because im downloading 1,7gb firewall lulz.


    Our host company gave us a 350USD license for DDoS blocker and we have a new router..


    and all this for free ;)


    Enjoy playing!


    with a 100mbit connection (at least) you should download it in less than a minute). btw,

    Never seen a 1,7gb firewall (please let me know).

    also, the datacenter should have the router (not you). (you just own a LAN switch :P

    also 2, the datacenter should apply the DDoS protection to their own router, (not into a single pc).


    gl !

  2. no they dont those russian hackers attack only big servers with long time running and they ask for 5000$ to stop it...eminence just get attacked by a simple 10y old "hacker wannabe"


    waow, If a 10 y.o. wannabe hacker can do that, can you Immage what can do a team of wannabe hackers ?


    well, too bad to see those things, also i seen around someone leached your Svn files :s i seen em on ragezone and elitepvp*ers :(

  3. I tought is Usefull =>


    PHP Server Status for all datapack!

    Created by Darkmentor.




    $login_ip = "";

    $login_port = "2106";

    $game_ip = "";

    $game_port = "7777";

    $ventrilo_ip = "";

    $ventrilo_port = "3784";


    $mysql_host = "";

    $mysql_user = "root";

    $mysql_passwd = "root";

    $mysql_db = "l2jdb";



    ////////Login Server///////


    $ls = @fsockopen ($login_ip, $login_port, $errno, $errstr, 1);

    if ( $ls )

       $ls = "<font color=green>Online</font>";


       $ls = "<font color=red>Offline</font>";



    ////////Game Server ///////


    $gs = @fsockopen ($game_ip, $game_port, $errno, $errstr, 1);

    if ( $gs )

       $gs = "<font color=green>Online</font>";


       $gs = "<font color=red>Offline</font>";



    ////////Vent Server ///////


    $ve = @fsockopen ($ventrilo_ip, $ventrilo_port, $errno, $errstr, 1);

    if ( $ve )

       $ve = "<font color=green>Online</font>";


       $ve = "<font color=red>Offline</font>";




    ////MySQL Login Server///////



    mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_passwd) or die ("Nem sikerült csatlakozni a MySQL szerverhez!");

    mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Nincs ilyen adatbázis: ".$mysql_db);


    // All Accounts

    $accounts=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts"));


    // Online Players Num

    $num=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel=0"));


    // Online GMs Num

    $gmnum=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel>0"));


    // All Alliance Num

    $alliance=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_data WHERE ally_name!=\'\'"));


    // All Characters

    $char=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE accesslevel=0"));


    // All GM Characters

    $gmchar=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters Where accesslevel > 0"));


    // All Clan

    $clan=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_data"));


    $gmnamesql = mysql_query("SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE accesslevel>=1 AND online=1 ORDER BY char_name ASC");    

    while ($gmnam = mysql_fetch_object($gmnamesql)) {  

    $gmname .= "<font color=green>$gmnam->char_name</font>, ";  




    print "

    <table width='100%' border='0'>

    <tr><td width='80%'><b>Auth Server:</b></td><td>".$ls."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'><b>Bartz Server:</b></td><td>".$gs."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Accounts:</td><td>".$accounts."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Online Players:</td><td>".$num."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Online GM:</td><td>".$gmnum."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Characters:</td><td>".$char."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>GM Characters:</td><td>".$gmchar."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Clans:</td><td>".$clan."</td></tr>

    <tr><td width='80%'>Alliances:</td><td>".$alliance."</td></tr>

    <tr><td>Online GM: ".$gmname."</td></tr>





    Have Fun.

  4. as the title says

    I like to know how to make a complete refactor with eclipse (like from net.sf.2j to like com.l2jxxxx)


    by complete i mean to include the imports of each file into that directory so files wont look like :


    package net.sf.l2j.gameserver;


    import java.util.logging.Logger;


    import net.sf.l2j.Config;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Clan;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.Castle;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.ItemContainer;


    But like :


    package com.l2jxxxxx.gameserver;


    import java.util.logging.Logger;


    import com.l2jxxxxx.Config;

    import com.l2jxxxxx.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager;

    import com.l2jxxxxx.gameserver.model.L2Clan;

    import com.l2jxxxxx.gameserver.model.entity.Castle;

    import com.l2jxxxxx.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.ItemContainer;




  5. • AMD Athlon Dual Core 2.6GHz@2.6GHz / 5200+ 64bit

    • 250 GB Seagate SATA2

    • 8GB RAM [Double Dual Channel]

    • 50Mbps real network connection [bulgarian Peering]

    • 30Mbps real network connection [internationl Peering]

    • 1Gbps LAN

    • Unix System



    Sorry, it cant be an L2OFF server, the hardware is so poor for both of the servers, also is a Unix OS (l2off servers need a win2k3 64bit to run perfectly).

  6. my awsome download speed is 10kb and my CLEAR speed is 11 mbps


    clearly your connection sux dude, cant even immage to download from my site with 10kb/s. its impossible.

    with a 100mbit connection and unlimited traffic.

    Try to Use different DNS servers (like opendns), and you will see.


    Soon I'll post my proofs.


    1st proof, from my laptop (im at my uncle home right now with laptop, 9mbps max connection speed, as you can see, I can use it all downloading something from my site.)




    Proof n*2

    From my server machine (also with a true 100mbit connection)



    Proof n*3

    From my desktop Pc (other town, connected with TeamViewer)




    Next time consider to dont say bullshits, thank you.

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