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Everything posted by Epiquin

  1. I don't mean population dead. The server just wasn't ready. There were meant to be "beta" tests. McNugget mentioned a HD crash and losing quite a few data. Some new things he worked on were lost. He then rushed to open it - no public test periods. As a consequence there were a ton of bugs. The event would kick people back to towns sometimes, a majority of spawns had wrong coords and would spawn people on a different map, sometimes the spawns wouldn't rotate so people would spawn in the same place and get spawnkilled. The warmanager was reported broken a lot of times; I haven't played it so I won't comment. The server was down for about 1-2 hours after launch due to geodata conflicts, so a lot of players just left out of frustration. There was about 150ppl online. Also, there is no point in advertising, there is few people who play L2 now. Population on RvB will always be from same people and their friends. The server was offline for ~2 months, yet it went online so unprepared it made you wonder what the dev team did in those 2 months. Nothing was done for streamlining - new chars still spawned empty, so you had to spend ~30 mins running around picking up FREE stuff like potions, jewels, shots, shirts and belts - all stuff that new chars should have spawned with. TL;DR it was generally bad. InfiniteL2 was made from a public faction mod share by Erb about 3 years ago. I think McNugget copied a majority of it from scratch on his own. Not sure why'd you think those files would be traded though, InfiniteL2 is Erbs legacy. There is a possibility of Erb opening his server again though...
  2. Server was broken, practically dead on arrival. McNugget shut it down. Didn't say anything apart from "closing the game". Sounded like a huge ultimatum. LOL. That being said, a lot of people who are new to this server are totally retarded - we had loads of funny comments. "WTF MP pots cannot use in combat?!" "WTF 16 buffslots?" "I wanna play with my frend not random" "This server is just events 2h and Im boored" L2Dead. Remaining L2 community is just full of wankers that don't know that you need to manage MP, pick your buffs, socialise and work as a team, and that outside of explicitly set up PvP they will never get out of town unless they have a full zerg behind them and will only PvP in Oly.
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