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Posts posted by Beliefer

  1. nothings new.. and u don't have any protect for special phx auto augment.. and u have very low rates % for take augm, 



    You haven't even see the server, how do you know, that we don't have protections, and there is nothing new. Strange thoughts without arguments out here. ^^

  2. what does that even mean? LOL 

    when i mount the new npc why is it not a strider if thats the case?

    that video proves that the retard you communicate with is full of shit and my method works as expected

    i don't sell l2 stuff because i don't feel like packaging it for people also i don't care about pocket change but if people want to buy the utx/ukx or whatever only i will sell it

    No, I mean I can mount whatever I want, but have only one mount. For example if u mount wolf, u can't mount strider with striders texture. Anyway if u don't sell it, I won't believe in u, whatever u show here, u just talking trash, and I'm not into it anymore,  it's just wasting of time.

  3. so why does it work perfectly when i did it LOL

    If u change class strider textures it works, but u can't mount strider correctly. U can have only one ride mount in c6, that's what textures editor said, I'm not texture editor, but he explained everything. ^^  So that video doesn't prove anything. Why u just don't sell it if u can? Strange.

  4. and that means replacing lineageMonster(+tex).............



    its not a assumption that editing dll is straight up retarded


    -get ucc

    -get umodel

    -get patched unreal

    -export lineage monster 4(+tex) for great wolf texture/mesh

    -import great wolf stuff

    -get whatever that things called which can export/read unreal script (forgot its name)

    -export lineage monster u from system

    - find strider script

    - see how its done

    - create new script

    - add stuff which makes sets the mesh of strider

    - compile

    -change npcgrp

    -adjust great wolf accordingly



    maybe i missed something but I'm on my big journey away from the junkyard aka maxcheaters


    Just test it yourself, whatever u write in that new script it won't work on mounting. Textures for wolf are good, but when u try to mount him it always uses lineagemonster.stride , because there are just 2 types of riding in interlude, 1-strider, 2-wyvern, it's written in engine.u and engine.dll has a mesh for mounting. So u can do whatever u want with other files it always reads lineagemonster.strider. Alwayyyys. It means u can use only 1 texture for all mountings. h5 has different system. So please try first, before saying it's easy.


    Textures is easy, mounting is easy if u can edit engine.u and engine.dll , that's it and try it if u just don't believe.


    This one works on textures, doesn't on mounting, it always uses strider for mounting. http://prnt.sc/b9emrg

  5. i'd help but only if theres no greeks in staff

    There isn't, so far. ^^ but website gonna have greek language too. I don't really care about nationalities, I respect all of em, also greeks usually play L2 a lot, I don't see any minuses of having greek in believers team. But anyway, you can add me to skype to talk about team stuff.


    so hate for Greeks-.-, good luck Believe.

    Thanks. ;]

  6. Hello MxC users. I'm glad to represent you my new project. Few words about me:

    I'm a hard working person, who just trying to involve into L2 private servers industry. 


    What's new on this server? Why you should note it?

    Server gonna be stable and pretty different than other PvP servers, I want to attract players with some not usual gameplay server.

    I'm trying to make server, which could attract players not for 1-2 weeks. Server will be improving week by week. I'm willing to take it with responsibilities like a regural job.


    So just simple server information/features here:


    -Instant 80 Level- 
    Enchant Rates
    -Safe: +4- 
    -Simple/Blessed: 5-7:95% 8-10:90% 11-12:80% 13:75% 14:70% 15:65% 16:60% 17:55% 18:50% 19:40% 20-25:30% </font>- 
    -Augmentation rate no gr:1%, low gr: 2%, mid gr:3%, high gr:5%, top gr:7%- 
    -Max Weapon: 20
    -Max Armor/Jewel: 25
    Server Npc's 
    -Npc Buffer- 
    -Scheme Buffer- 
    -Gm Shop- 
    -Special Shop- 
    -Olympiad Manager- 
    -AIO Sub Manager- 
    -Class Changer- 
    -Dyes Maker- 
    Server Commands 
    Server Specials 
    -Your equipment is auto enchanting, while killing mobs (3% chance)- 
    -Your equipment is auto enchanting, while PvPing (25pvp/1+) - 
    -PvP Boxes with random rewards - 
    -Custom shift-click function with exact drop and rates -
    -Crafting system for L2 Believers armor,weapons- 
    -Custom crafting percenteges, unique for every character, you can raise it, craft weapons yourselve or open store and sell for others!- 
    -When you enchanting weapon with blessed scrolls if it fails, your item goes -2plusses, for example if it fails on +16, your item stays at +14 - 
    -Random daily events (Kill more mobs per hour, collect more items per hour...) - 
    -Improved hero weapons - 
    -Any augments increases 10% of stats, for example might increases 10% P atk... - 
    -Oath/Apella/Believers items, without cosmic stats - 
    -Improvable Unlocker skill to unlock chest and get reward - 
    Info will be updated. Screenshots are coming soon too.
    That's just a basic's to start advertising and my intentions, anyway you can see server idea right now.
    I accept any criticism, suggessions, comments here. 
    By the way, I'm searching for designer and server supporter. Feel free to contact me.
    Server Website: http://l2believers.eu
    Skype: LineageBeliefer
    What's new?
    1. Many small fixes  with names and npc's on server have been made.
    2. Invitation system has arrived. Check it out: http://l2believers.eu/invite/index.php
    3. Design for all npcs windows has been made, using new design made by me.
    +4. Unnecessary stuff on EnterWorld deleted, so it loads character faster, also removed cuttings of unused scripts for pvp server bot, system, unlocker skill optimized, few clan level fixes made.
    What's next?
    1. Scheme buffer finishing. ++
    2. Craft system developing. ++
    3. Website for smartphones.
    4. Design for client stuff.
    5. Advertising.
    • Upvote 1
  7. So you don't know whats up with l2 but you wanna open a server.


    Just don't. Spare us.


    So I just want to know what do they want, which server would attract more players, pool it's just for these purposes. I have some good, new ideas for any of these servers. I have some good bugdet to start with. And I have have knowledge to create it. Why I should give up on it.

  8. Hello MxC users. I want to know these days players opinion about IT servers. So express your opinion, just vote for server which would you like the most. It's gonna be first our team project, I haven't played L2 for a long time and I don't really know tendences of nowadays Lineage world. So I just want to know what do you want. So let's vote guys. Replies/comments with your suggessions are acceptable. Thanks.

  9. Hello, I'm here again. My past projects wasn't so good, because I tried to do everything on my own. So now I'm just looking for a team. I want to be a part of it. Just short info about me and what I can do:

    1. I can develop server (Java, Python, Html, etc.. cpp if necessary).

    2. I can do fixes on websites (Html, php, css, mysql, js).

    3. I usually generate new and nice ideas.

    4. I have a lot of experience on playing Lineage 2.

    5. I have a lot of time right now.

    6. I have pretty good English writing, speaking skills. (2 years translator experience)


    My goals:

    1. Improve my abilities.

    2. Earn some money.

    3. Work with very competitive team, I mean without lazy(whatever)  guys.


    You can contact me here, but I prefer:


    Skype: lineagebeliefer

    E-mail: lineagebeliefer@gmail.com

  10. Point me to a single unique feature.

    Server as an unit is unique. It doesn't have unique features, but just a mix make it unique like I said. I have some unique ideas, but I don't want to open server for trying it, because players usually doesn't like very new things.

  11. I'm glad to represent a fresh new mid-rate unique multicraft server.


    Website: Website is Done, waiting for host

    Forum: Soon

    Grand Opening day: 2015-02-13~

    OBT(beta-test) day: 2015-02-06~


    Server Rates

    -Xp,Sp - x65

    -Party xp,cp - x1,8

    -Adena - x85

    -Items - x50

    -Rb Drop - x30

    -Grandboss drop - x2 (Only 1 Ring, Earring, Necklace)


    Quest Rates

    -Quest Drop - x25

    -Quest Reward - x2

    -Quest Adena - x10


    Enchant Rates

    -Max Weapon - 18++

    -Max Armor - 16++

    -Weapon - 60%

    -Armor - 66%

    -Safe - 4++


    Augment Rates

    -Non gr - 1%

    -Mid gr - 5%

    -High gr - 10%

    -Top gr - 25%



    -3h Duration

    -30 + 4 slots

    -Npc Buffer without resist


    Some Basic Features:

    -250 slot Warehouse

    -1,2,3rd quest freeless(will be voting on 3rd class)

    -Sub-Class free

    -Retail Nobless Quest

    -Auto Learn - Skills

    -Retail Olympiad

    -Offline Shop

    -.online command

    -Totally true online count!

    -Lame-Guard Protection

    -Additional Walker/Bot protection from server side

    -Anti-Doss Filter




    -Shop (All in one)

    -Global Gatekeeper (+Recommended Level up zones, catacombs, towns)

    -Class Master

    -Mammon Blacksmith


    Extra Server Features and Gameplay

    -Ancient adena is useless (still can obtain it with sevensigns q, but only retail shop with potions, pp mask available).

    -Trade zone inside town center at giran collided to lines, for comfortable walking.

    -Grade Boxes for mages and fighters (1,20,40,52,61,76 Levels) it's secret what you can found inside!

    -Every mob drops Believer Coin.

    -Believer Coin and Adena are main currency of the game. Coin -> Adena, Adena - Coin exchanger. (Commands .adena .coin).

    -Unsealing, gemstone, crystal buying, and other mammon features are buyable for Believer Coin.

    -Primeval Isle is chaotic area, no flags, no pk's here. But you still get PVP!

    -Custom gatekeeper with every town online!

    -Custom x100 recipes  for most usable items, now you can make x100 at once!

    -No S grade shots at shop, you need to craft it with your dwarf, or just buy from others.

    -Stack enchant, life stones, all takes only one slot in inventory.

    -Gatekeeper/Shop at every most common zone. 


    What's next in plans? Screenshots, website, forum, server presentation video.

    What's next in features? More commands, making server easier for solo players, adding mobs to retail zones.. 

    More Game Features Soon!


    Have an idea for server? Post it here or just drop a pm for me also let me know, what's your thoughs about server. Thanks in advance!


    Skype: lineagebeliefer

    E-mail: lineagebeliefer@gmail.com

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