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Everything posted by ernis12345

  1. http://l2oblivion.net L2Oblivion.NET Empire MiD Rate x100 Starting this Saturday 07/01/2017 19:00 GMT+2 Time! Join us ! Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with SmartGuard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Server Rates XP - 100x Party XP - 2x SP - 100x Drop - 20x Adena - 120x Spoil - 50x Quest Reward - 3x Quest Drop - 10x RaidBoss Drop - 15x Zero Hour Reward - 2x Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 Safe Enchant - +4 Simple Scroll - 58% Blessed Scroll - 64% Crystal Scroll - 64% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+0). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+0). Hero changes every - Sunday 24.00 (GMT+0). Hero can be retreived from Monument of Heroes. Olympiad Points have to be exchanged on Sunday's. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - 2 hours 22 Buff Slots + 4 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine (full armor equip). Fully working Augmentation. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Scheme buffer Ideally balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands .menu (Server statistics, Premium activation, etc..). ALT+B (Server Forum, Item Search Database) Vote system inside game (Vote every 12 hours) Grand Boss Respawn Antharas: Respawn= 144 hours +/- 2 Hours Valakas: Respawn= 192 hours +/- 4 Hours Baium: Respawn= 96 hours +/- 2 Hours Zaken: Respawn= 40 hours +/- 2 Hours Frintezza: Respawn= 48 hours +/- 2 Hours Core: Respawn= 24 hours +/- 2 Hours Orfen: Respawn= 18 hours +/- 2 Hours Queen Ant: Respawn= 32 hours +/- 2 Hours Barakiel: Respawn= 5 hours +/- 1Hours NPC's/Shops GM Shop up to B-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc) Event Shop (Can be found at GMSHOP npc) Donation Shop (Can be found in Giran city center) Wedding manager Buffer + Buff Profiles/Schemes Merchant of Mammon (Can be found in Giran city center) Blacksmith of Mammon (Can be found in Giran city center) Changer (Seperate NPC). L2Oblivion.NET Empire MiD Rate x100 Starting this Saturday 07/01/2017 19:00 GMT+2 Time! Join us ! http://l2oblivion.net
  2. www.L2Oblivion.NET ERABORN X5000 No Custom PvP SERVER LIVE START DATE is 19:00 16/12/2016 (Friday) server time (GMT +2). Make sure to let your friends and fellow players know. We hope to see you all on Friday! You have great chance be a server leader, so get ready and be the one of the first clans since first moment! Be patient and use this time to advertise server Start Date! ACCOUNT REGISTRATION IS AUTO! Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with SmartGuard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Server Rates XP - 5000x Party XP - 2x SP - 5000x Drop - 20x Adena - 100x Spoil - 1x RaidBoss Drop - 10x No Custom Item's! Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 (With Crystal Scroll max +21) Safe Enchant - +4 Simple Scroll - 75% Blessed Scroll - 95% Crystal Scroll - 100% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every - Sunday 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero can be retreived from Monument of Heroes. Olympiad Points have to be exchanged on Sundays. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Starting with - 80lvl Buff time - 2 hours 49 Buff Slots + 6 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine (full armor equip). Fully working Augmentation. Fully working Augmentation skills. Max Augmentation skills 1 Passive 1 Active (Chance 9%). PvP Zone (Zone Change every 30 min) Global Olympiad. Scheme buffer Ideally balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands .menu (Server statistics, Premium activation, etc..). ALT+B (Server Forum, Vote Panel, Item Search Database) Vote system inside game (Vote every 12 hours (ALT+ B) {C} Event's TvT - Event's DM - Event's CTF - Event's GameMaster's - Event's Grand Boss Respawn Antharas: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours Valakas: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours Baium: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours Zaken: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours Frintezza: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours Queen Ant: Respawn= 3-4 hours +/- 2 Hours NPC's/Shops GM Shop up to B-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc) Noblesse Manager NPC (Can be found in Giran city center) Party Teleporter ( Can teleport to special room) Clan Manager (possible easy up clan Level's) Ranking Npc (Server Top's PvP/Pk etc...) Event Shop (Can be found at GMSHOP npc) Donation Shop (Can be found in Giran city center) Wedding manager Buffer + Buff Profiles/Schemes Changer (Seperate NPC). www.L2Oblivion.Net
  3. Hello im lookong for java del for small and fast work. Payments by paypal. please add me at skype: ernestas483
  4. [L2j] L2Oblivion.NET MiD Rate x100 Start Date 10.06.2016! Empire x100 SERVER LIVE START DATE which is 19:00 10/06/2016 (Friday) server time (GMT +2). Make sure to let your friends and fellow players know. We hope to see you all on Friday! You have great chance be a server leader, so get ready and be the one of the first clans since first moment! Be patient and use this time to advertise server Start Date! . www.L2oblivion.NET Join! 10 of June! 10/06/2016 Client and Platform: Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with SmartGuard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Rates: XP - 100x Party XP - 2x SP - 100x Drop - 20x Adena - 120x Spoil - 50x Quest Reward - 3x Quest Drop - 10x RaidBoss Drop - 15x Zero Hour Reward - 2x Enchant Rates: Max Enchant - +16 Safe Enchant - +4 Simple Scroll - 58% Blessed Scroll - 64% Crystal Scroll - 64% Olympiad Information: Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every - Sunday 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero can be retreived from Monument of Heroes. Olympiad Points have to be exchanged on Sundays. Grand Boss Spawn: Valakas 192+4. Antharas 144+2. Baium 96+2.</li> Frintezza 48+2. Zaken 40+2. Ant Queen 32+2. Core 24+2. Orfen 18+2. Barakiel 5+1. Additional Information: Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - 2 hours 28 Buff Slots + 4 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine (full armor equip). Fully working Augmentation. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Scheme buffer. Ideally balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands: .menu (Server statistics, Premium activation, etc..). ALT+B (Server Forum, Vote Panel, Item Search Database) Server NPC's: Shops: GM Shop up to B-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Event Shop (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Donation Shop (Can be found in Giran city center). Wedding manager. Buffer + Buff Profiles/Schemes. Merchant of Mammon (Can be found in Giran city center). Blacksmith of Mammon (Can be found in Giran city center). Changer (Seperate NPC). Gatekeepers: Catacombs/Necropolis Gatekeeper (Seperate NPC). www.L2oblivion.NET Join! 10 of June! 10/06/2016
  5. Hello looking for java dev for some things to do. money will be sended via paypal. Skype: ernestas483
  6. L2Deathland.com PvP No Custom x5000 Start Date 2016.04.22 21:00 GMT+2 Time! Join us! Tomorrow! http://www.L2Deathland.com Information Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with Lameguard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Rates XP - 5000x Party XP - 2x SP - 5000x Drop - 1x Adena - 1x Spoil - 1x RaidBoss Drop - 7x Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 with crystal scroll +20 Safe Enchant - +3 Simple Scroll - 66% Blessed Scroll - 95% Crystal Scroll - 100% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every sunday 24.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Points have to be exchanged . NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! SPECIAL VOTE SYSTEM YOU CAN VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS AND GET SPECIAL REWARD!! SIEGE EVERY 7 DAYS - CLAN WHO TAKE Giran CASTLE CLAN CREST WILL BE ON ALL REGION NPC !! AUGUMENT LIMIT 1 Passive 1 Active CLAN REP COINS FROM RB-OR SHOP !! HERO COINS STILL TO 24h! Anti Pk system! Party teleporter! IN SERVER IS 6 SPECIAL GRAND BOSS!! THIS IS NOT ALL YOU WILL SEE EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR SERVER! Grand Boss Spawn Valakas 7-10h. Antharas 7-10h. Baium 7-10h. Frintezza 7-10h. Zaken 7-10h. Ant Queen 7-10h. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - ~2 hours 26 Buff Slots + 6 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine . Fully working Augmentation Chance to get augument skill is 8%. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands .online .stats .menu ALT+B vote system and forum! Server NPC's Shops GM Shop up to S-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Unique Shop (Vote Shop). Wedding manager. Special buffer Gatekeepers AND MUCH MORE YOU WILL FIND IN OUR SERVER!!!. http://www.L2Deathland.com
  7. Hello! Maybe some one know how to login at server wich use lameguard? Becouse when I change engine.dll file at system it open lineage 2 I write account information and after that when I should choyse server is stuck and at lame guard audit logo file add auto ban for changind client side file.
  8. L2Deathland.com PvP No Custom x5000 Start Date 2015.07.31 19:00 GMT+2 Time! Join us! http://www.L2Deathland.com Information Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with Lameguard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Rates XP - 5000x Party XP - 2x SP - 5000x Drop - 1x Adena - 1x Spoil - 1x RaidBoss Drop - 7x Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 with crystal scroll +20 Safe Enchant - +3 Simple Scroll - 66% Blessed Scroll - 95% Crystal Scroll - 100% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every sunday 24.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Points have to be exchanged . NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! SPECIAL VOTE SYSTEM YOU CAN VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS AND GET SPECIAL REWARD!! SIEGE EVERY 7 DAYS - CLAN WHO TAKE Giran CASTLE CLAN CREST WILL BE ON ALL REGION NPC !! AUGUMENT LIMIT 1 Passive 1 Active CLAN REP COINS FROM RB-OR SHOP !! HERO COINS STILL TO 24h! Anti Pk system! Party teleporter! Tattoo lvl 1-2-3-4 for every 200 pvp! Special public killer!! IN SERVER IS 6 SPECIAL GRAND BOSS!! THIS IS NOT ALL YOU WILL SEE EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR SERVER! Grand Boss Spawn Valakas 7-10h. Antharas 7-10h. Baium 7-10h. Frintezza 7-10h. Zaken 7-10h. Ant Queen 7-10h. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - ~2 hours 26 Buff Slots + 6 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine . Fully working Augmentation Chance to get augument skill is 8%. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands .online .stats .menu Server NPC's Shops GM Shop up to S-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Unique Shop (Vote Shop). Wedding manager. Special buffer Gatekeepers AND MUCH MORE YOU WILL FIND IN OUR SERVER!!!. http://www.L2Deathland.com
  9. Hello! im looking for java dev. i need to add vote system at my pack. or fix my old one im using L2topzone.com vote system but now i get error from this system. i will pay via paypal. add me at skype: ernestas483 old system error is maybe some one will know. Jun 05, 2015 8:58:17 PM scripts.handlers.voiced.VotingReward isVotter WARNING: VotingReward: l2topzone.com java.net.UnknownHostException: l2topzone.com at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Sour ce) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown So urce) at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(Unknown Source) at scripts.handlers.voiced.VotingReward.isVotter(VotingReward.java:234) at scripts.handlers.voiced.VotingReward.useVoicedCommand(VotingReward.ja va:100) at scripts.handlers.chat.ChatAll.handleChat(ChatAll.java:63) at silentium.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2.runImpl(Say2.java:216 ) at silentium.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2G ameClientPacket.java:69) at silentium.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.run(L2GameClient.java:862) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  10. Interlude Silentium P.S i know this pack is old but i still use it :D
  11. Yes i know this one but is still dosint work maybe i do something wrong.
  12. Hello! im looking for java dev. Have some problems with clan war and karma player system. I need 2 things 1. Clan war system (Problem is if player kill other player from Clan war he get Karma) I need to fix this. 2. Karma system (Problem is when player have karma and if some one kill him so the player with karma never drop items) I need to fix this to. Add me at skype: ernestas483 The work should be via teamviewer and money will be payd on each work ( you will make one thing i will pay you, you will make second thing i will pay you) I can do payments just with Paypal. P.s. if some one thinking im scamner or something like that i can trust you i never do it like that cuz im not a kid. Thank you!
  13. Hello guys! im looking good and skilled java dev! for me need to do some things ! and i will pay for that with paypal!! so if you are interested add me at skype ernestas483 P.s. Im looking not expensive java dev. so who take lot of money for easy work do not add me Thank you!! Client interlude pack silentium.
  14. Is good idea trust me ppls like it. And status is not add 2x is other things like hp, p deff, m deff, .... :)
  15. Thank you man !
  16. HELLO L2Deathland.com server players. I want to let you know that in our server will be made wipe. But as always, we make big updates. Launch day 03/04/2015 18:00 GMT+2! all this time we have been doing updates were taking the server errors, and have done a lot of updating! All information is available on the server updates will be provided to the location information. So invite your friends, acquaintances and let the new battles begin! Server System will be uploaded at least 1 day before server start!! www.L2Deathland.com Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with Lameguard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Rates XP - 5000x Party XP - 2x SP - 5000x Drop - 1x Adena - 1x Spoil - 1x RaidBoss Drop - 7x Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 with crystal scroll +20 Safe Enchant - +3 Simple Scroll - 66% Blessed Scroll - 95% Crystal Scroll - 100% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every sunday 24.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Points have to be exchanged . NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! SPECIAL VOTE SYSTEM YOU CAN VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS AND GET SPECIAL REWARD!! SIEGE EVERY 7 DAYS - CLAN WHO TAKE Giran CASTLE CLAN CREST WILL BE ON ALL REGION NPC !! AUGUMENT LIMIT 1 Passive 1 Active CLAN REP COINS FROM RB-OR SHOP !! HERO COINS STILL TO 24h! Anti Pk system! Party teleporter! Tattoo lvl 1-2-3-4 for every 200 pvp! Special public killer!! PvP Point system Server God system Anti pvp system Special zones SERVERYJA YRA 12 SPECIALUS BOSS!! Special Quest Grand Boss teleporter Enchant event system Top PvP system THIS IS NOT ALL YOU WILL SEE EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR SERVER! Grand Boss Spawn Valakas 2-3h. Antharas 2-3h. Baium 2-3h. Frintezza 2-3h. Zaken 2-3h. Ant Queen 2-3h. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - ~2 hours 99 Buff Slots + 6 debuff. Main town Giran. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine . Fully working Augmentation Chance to get augument skill is 8%. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands .online .stats .pvpstatus .mypoints .vote .getreward .menu Server NPC's Shops GM Shop up to S-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Unique Shop (Vote Shop). Wedding manager. Special buffer Gatekeepers AND MUCH MORE YOU WILL FIND IN OUR SERVER!!!. www.L2Deathland.com
  17. I need just fix this thing and nothing more i know this is old rew. but any way i need it . so who can fix it pleas add me in skype ernestas483. i can pay via paypal.
  18. Client: Interlude Project: silentium pack
  19. Hello guys! i have problem with siege and pk guards. When start siege is respawning meany guards but they not attack players who try to take castle. and Simple Pk killer Guard when player get Karma the Guard do nothing not attack the player who have Karma. About errors i didint get any error and i dont know the reason whay this is not working. So if some one know the problem or can fix it pleass add me in skype: ernestas483 I will pay money for fix with paypal. Thank you!
  20. Hello! maybe some one can tell me where i can make the free augumentation? becouse now i remowe the prise but still in server need 480k aden to remove augument from weapon. they need just ammount becouse they not take adena from you inventory.
  21. Hello Guys im looking for java dev to do some things. i need fix vote system , add 2x2 random event system and one more small small thing My skype: ernestas483 i can pay just with paypal!!
  22. NEW SERVER START 2014/10/17 18:00 GMT+3 As you can see, on the server has disappeared in the case of people, and I will do Server WIPE. Game will start all over again! But not so bad. During this time, the server was turned on, I got a lot of advice, how to make the server more interesting. WE CHANGED IN SERVER: The currency to Special Coins , New Balance, that is no longer a high status. From now on, all custom items is very close to no custom items. In the begining game will start with NO CUSTOM ITEM. Farming and Raidboss (Made Farm-balance for the raid boss). Max Enchant: + 16 [Normal Scroll 84% Blessed-89%] Added Dusk Weapons ! Fixed all errors found by only! Added in server 15 Raid Boss, 5 Epic Boss. Raid Boss jewellery only from Epic boss. And even more to see, when you will come to server SERVER START DATE 17/10/2014 19:00 GMT + 2! Waiting for all of you, x friends, acquaintances, more people, more interesting! AND LET THE NEW FIGHT BEGINS . http://www.L2Deathland.com Information Client and Platform Client - Interlude C6. Server is based on paid for russian L2j platform. Server is secured with Lameguard which guarantess a full protection. Server uses paid for Geodata and Pathnodes. Server is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection. Rates XP - 1000x Party XP - 2x SP - 1000x Drop - 1000x Adena - 1000x Spoil - 1x RaidBoss Drop - 7x Enchant Rates Max Enchant - +16 with crystal scroll +21 Safe Enchant - +4 Simple Scroll - 84% Blessed Scroll - 89% Crystal Scroll - 100% Olympiad Information Olympiad Starts - 18.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Ends - 24.00 (GMT+2). Hero changes every 4 days 24.00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Points have to be exchanged . CUSTOM ITEMA AND MORE!! FIRE WEAPONS! FIRE ARMORS! BLOOD WEAPONS! BLOOD ARMORS! DUSK WEAPONS! APELLA ARMORS! OLYMPIAD JUST WITH NO CUSTOM ITEMS! SPECIAL VOTE SYSTEM YOU CAN VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS AND GET SPECIAL REWARD!! SIEGE EVERY 7 DAYS - CLAN WHO TAKE ADEN CASTLE CLAN CREST WILL BE ON ALL REGION NPC AUGUMENT LIMIT 3 MAX ACTIVE AUGUMENTS!! CLAN REP COINS FROM RB-OR SHOP HERO COINS STILL TO RR!! SPECDIAL CASINO NPC WHERE YOU CAN SCORE A DOUBLE AMOUNT WAGARED OR NOTHING!! SPECIAL CURSED WEAPON SYSTEM HAS FOUND HUMAN WILL BE GIVEN SPECIAL TEAMS AND SPECIAL TELEPORT TO SPECIAL FULL DONATE GRAND BOSS!! THIS IS NOT ALL YOU WILL SEE EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR SERVER!!! Grand Boss Spawn Valakas 5h. Antharas 5h. Baium 5h. Frintezza 24h (Special RB for full donate items.But just with Cursed weapons you can Teleport in special zone and kill RB!!) . Zaken 5h. Ant Queen 5h. Bloody Priest Rudelto 1h. Chebur Galaxia 1h. Additional Information Class change - Free/No quest. Subclass - No quest Buff time - ~2 hours 99 Buff Slots + 6 debuff. Main town Aden. Fully working Raidbosses. Fully working Grandbosses. Fully working Offline shops. Fully working Sieges. Fully working Auto Events. Fully working Macro engine . Fully working Augmentation Chance to get augument skill is 14%. Fully working Augmentation skills. Global Olympiad. Scheme buffer. Balanced classes (done in Olympiad environment). Server Commands Soon. Server NPC's Shops GM Shop up to S-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc). Unique Shop (Custom Shop). Donation Shop (Donate). Wedding manager. Special buffer!! inside him you will find a special Custom buffs for Aden!!!. Gatekeepers Custom Gatekeeper. AND MUCH MORE YOU WILL FIND IN OUR SERVER!!!. http://www.L2Deathland.com http://www.L2Deathland.com/forum
  23. Hello People! i looking for java Developer ! i need vote system in game or in webste wich working 100%. Becouse i have some vote systems but they works like shit ppl dont have to vote, they can just pres and wait and i do not get votes but they get rewards... so i need this and one more thing. Add me in skype: ernestas483 Payment just with paypal!!!!!
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