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  1. Ty, i simply thought there is more commands, i.e - I wanted to control some walker features by script comands, but I see there is no such posibility.
  2. Huh... 270 posts for workin OOG... Check this one it's easier to reach this lvl :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10965.0
  3. Like in topic... I'm not asking about this tutorial-a-like scripting basics which is avilable on almost any forum, but full documentation or almost full. Ps. Comands like: Set(L2Walker,Disable) Set(L2Walker,Enable) Set(RangeType,Defpath) Set(RangeType,DefPos,x,y,z,radii) Set(Mon,Attack,NAME [iD=#])
  4. It's working thx for sharing your knowledge.
  5. Mayby someone can edit Walkers L2info.dat to include names of Harbs and Furs in Items List. Or mayby someone know how to force Walker to pikce 'em up. Thanks in advance.
  6. Nice idea... Btw it can be done in all versions of Walker :)
  7. Yup its true but u can't but u can do smart scripts which can handle multitasking :) Btw. U can turn on and off almost all walker fetures - by using scripts.
  8. Good script... I wrote almost identic by myself, but this one is better i think.
  9. A simple Mana Drinker LABEL(Check) ITEMCOUNT(Blessed Spiritshot: C Grade[iD=3949],<,5) { SET(FIGHTSTOP) USEITEM(Scroll of Escape[iD=736]) } ITEMCOUNT(Enchanced Mana Potion,>,0) { CharStatus(MP,<,20) { USEITEM(Enchanced Mana Potion) DELAY(28000) JMP(Check) } } ITEMCOUNT(Mana Potion,>,0) { CharStatus(MP,<,40) { USEITEM(Mana Potion) DELAY(28000) JMP(Check) } } ITEMCOUNT(Mana Drug,>,0) { CharStatus(MP,<,70) { USEITEM(Mana Drug) DELAY(28000) JMP(Check) } } DELAY(1000) JMP(Check) But it works perfectly... :)
  10. Really impresive... GJ
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