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About darkwolf999

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  1. so the packets for the server are not changed to erthea then. there are no other community's that works on erthea
  2. still nothing luthy ? i don't have that error with the one from the l2jtw svn
  3. your welcome let me know the outcome if you counter the same problems otherweise i did something wrong when loading the database in mysql
  4. here luthy l2.ini to the one i use. but i think the not Original system folder is some new type of security. without mod it you cant login and if you mod it you can login but some effects won't work and npcs don't show up at all system.txt
  5. luthy this client is allready been mod to
  6. so you have npc's ? with the one from the l2jtw svn ?
  7. yes you can't use the same system folder see text file i added with the link. i cannot upload links or something system.txt
  8. your welcome. let me know if the spawns works at yours. npcs and monsters. thanks.
  9. here luthy i changed it. like i said i compiled the server and datapack and got the server running no errors or anything but not all the npcs and monsters spawns ( i have no idea ) build.xml build.xml
  10. i don't understand it i use the latest from l2jtw svn but the npcs are loaded but they don't show up ingame same with monsters only a few spawns
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