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About kamikaze

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  1. Can someone say me the way to bot with an IG walker here? plxxxxx :-*
  2. ty for ur guide, but update ur post plx !
  3. I don't think so :P:D
  4. Now i am the King :D
  5. Geia sas guys... Allo ena prob emfanisthke ! Kano create enan char patao "Start" kai kollaei ekei, pao sto gameserver.bat kai vlepo ena error ... Oriste http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/6350/windowsbitmapyc8.png Help plx? :-*
  6. afto ennoeis? eime kai ligo n00bas s'afta ta 8emata :P http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/3536/windowsbitmap2hk2.png
  7. sry p arghsa na kano reply alla tora eida to answer sou :P Oriste : http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/2457/windowsbitmapps9.png
  8. Geia . Exo ena prob...exo router Siemens CL-110 (an kai dn exei polu shmasia :P) kai kano oti prepei (vazo Internal IP : , External IP: tin ip pou exo :P ) trexo to loginserver.bat meta to gameserver.bat pernao sto l2.ini tin ip tou server mou alla dn kanei login ! patao login kai tpt :S . Kapoia mlkia exo kanei alla dn xero ti :p kapoios na me help PLX? ;D
  9. Old one plx :D
  10. Hello.(this question is "noobish" :P but i don't know how i can do it ... ) I have Siemens CL-110 router and i don't know how i can open the ports to login into the server. Can someone help me plxxxxxx? :P
  11. Hi all. I want a systemsg or something else that it shows the damage of my pet ! I realy need it :-\
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