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Posts posted by emuzon

  1. lol? u think this will load win faster!?


    try this if u don't know (i'm sure i've heard it before)


    start->run->msconfig->startup tab and take off all prog that'll slow ur startup speed, also defargment will boost ur performance while using windows and ccleaner'll boost ur int surfing speed and finally some registry cleaner for errors and some unneeded paths will make a big diffrance.

  2. lol that is what i was talking about.


    in that sticky you first need 30 or 25 posts to see this 2 lines and after u reach the post cound u reallize that only platinium and donator members allow to see it >_< lol but it's cool maybe i'll change to platinium, still dunno :|

  3. there is simple way for static ip users:

    1)right click anywhere then new then new Text Document (".txt")

    2) paste this lines onto the new txt document and modify your own settings:

    @echo off
    @created by Les Paul Man (c) 2007
    rasdial "YourConnectionName" /disconnect
    echo ipconfig /flushdns
    ipconfig /flushdns
    echo ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /release
    echo ipconfig /renew
    ipconfig /renew
    rasdial "YourConnectionName" "YourUserName" "YourUserPassword"

    3)now press file and "save as"

    4)save it like "reconnect.bat" without quote ofcourse (before saving make sure u change the save as type to "All Files" - just change it from text file to all files and save it)

    5)whenever your static ip is ban for some reason from any site or game double click it and it'll disconnect->flash dns->release your ip->renew your ip->connect using your dialer to the net.


    note:there is some sites or sharewares or leechsite or games or whatever on the net that ban ip range so if your ip is from swis starting for example 74. the baner will choose to ban all connections from 74. -->static users can change their ip address but not the first ip address num (depends your int provider).


    PS - everything in the code that is inside a quote should stay WITH quote,just change what inside the quote to your settings

  4. th -5str +5dex in any pvp pve style


    pp - +5int -5men pve and i don't see anypoint pvp with this char (max u'll not die but u never win expert player)


    bh - i guess u're going on pve because the spoiling so +5con -5dex is good


    just remember each pvp style is dif for the dyes type i mean if th duel a pala u need better con to not get stun and if th duel an he u need festest hit speed to get him down before he shoot u more than 2 times or u'll be dead.

  5. hmm... what is the exact error? 601 or smt like that?

    if so i think it's phx that ruin your game launching and i don't see a prob why reinstalling and updating will not work, maybe u're trying to to load the phx with l2.exe? ahhhhh i can't think of anything else.


    maybe the c:\server folder is not modified correctlly?

  6. if without the packets u can't ether connect i think the only way is to reinstall the game and then update it and after everything is done just take the folders "system", "texture" and "systexture" and copy them to another place and if u'll get some error after using the packethack just overpaste this 3 (i suggest to copy tha whole lineage II folder to somewhere else because it's sometimes not about these 3)

  7. man it'll not give you platinium or donator mamber i can have 1000 posts but there is some infos that only donators and platinium mambers can see so i can have also 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posts but i'll have to purchase platinium or donator members, and btw maxtor if u need 40usd for lifetime platinium mamber i think an ad is 0.05$ so 0.05$x100 is 5 bux so i can do it easilly so that less than q year i'll have your 40usd and i'll not have to click tha whole f day, if u want i'll have to click and earn my 40usd with how much clicks it'll take befor i'll get my platinium account


    think about it it's much more money 10000 users x 0.05$ per day (just one click from 10000 users) it's 500bux per day now u calculate :O

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