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Everything posted by styxreborn

  1. All problems fixed :) Have fun!
  2. 5 Hours left for GRAND OPENING!!!!! We wish have fun !
  3. 1 Day left. I want to say a big "thank you" to everyone who helped to make a perfect server. - Styx staff 2014-2015
  4. Don't forget the advertise event!!!
  5. 500+ players.
  6. + Selling buff system added !
  7. We are working hard! Tomorrow the first BETA changelog....
  8. yeah !
  9. Thanks all BETA testers !
  10. If you cant READ - IS BETA!
  11. Hello people , the beta opening will start in 2 hours and 30 minutes from now! Help us to build a pleasant environment! http://l2-styx.com Don't forget the Advertising Event! Skype - styx.support
  12. Hello , you can check here http://l2-styx.com
  13. 3-4 days after beta
  14. Advertising Event
  15. 2-3 days.
  16. In 4 hours we will announce the BETA OPENING!!!!!
  17. I have good news today we will announce the BETA OPENING!!!! Stay tuned ! no without Dynasty . we have some custom quests so the xp is more easy!!
  18. is chance drop not count drop :) is different
  19. Some info about server added !!
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178977-l2j-l2styx/page-2
  21. is not low :)
  22. no no u dont understad :) already have test :D server we will start beta in 5-10 days
  23. Hello Garand , the server rates will be x13 , with some help buffs and item shop till S normal grade the drop rate and chance will be low and about boss will be retail , much thinks in game is retail and we have test 2 months now all quests and instances , skills , etc. About donation, no we will dont have op donate only some service because server need some money to stay alive. We will be stable ofc we have work very hard for this results , we hope people to appreciate this.
  24. The main language is : ENGLISH But we support in game : { English , Russian , Poland } you can change the Html from npc(s) from control personal settings.
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