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Posts posted by mcbigmac

  1. I got GF Advext extender

    1- i wanna play around with the pet system. How can i manage what skills a pet has? I know the passives and the ones they do automatically through AI, but what about active skills and attacks, how to manage them?

    2- Some pets like the Toy knight always get my level as soon as they update their exp instead of leveling like wolfs do and evolve with each kill. How can i change this configuration to make them level up normally? (as soon as i or the pet kill a mob the pet changes to the same level as the pet owner)




    look before asking, seriously.


    1. you answered yourself + client for display.

    2. sync_level

  2. hnoke forced me to buy his engine for 110e and never pmed me after or came back online, i trusted him...


    i received the engine after 1 month and 4 days+ then never saw him again

    and the engine is not even working properly , so manY bugs... i have to pay maybe over 100 euro only to fix the bugs ,no fu cking way...



    i bet hes watching this under hidden mode and laughing at how dumb we were to even pay him that money for that crappy engine which was started by Rizel and fked by hnoke!



    not to mention, check this...  "you said hnoke is gold digger, more like MONEY MILKER"


    the only reason i accepted dat shets is becuz i had no chooice and i was getting good donations, but when i saw my self with less money, i realised... how much money he got for only few hours of work "total" ,not to mention that he was lieing "he said it took him 6-8 hours to make augment engine ,AND OMG IT WAS ALREADY EXISTING IN REUNION .jar, i bet it didnt even took him 30 min and charged me 40 euro for dat sh1t"



    [30.06.2014 00:07:23] hnoke: awesome
    [30.06.2014 00:07:25] hnoke: 10e ?
    [30.06.2014 00:07:29] ½ Genesis: yes good price finnaly
    [30.06.2014 00:07:33] ½ Genesis: :D
    [30.06.2014 00:07:37] hnoke: or wait
    [30.06.2014 00:07:39] hnoke: it was important
    [30.06.2014 00:07:41] hnoke: so 15 !






    [26.06.2014 00:15:21] hnoke: alright, so
    [26.06.2014 00:15:39] hnoke: I rework it into an event
    [26.06.2014 00:16:12] hnoke: and fix the above two bugs for 40 e total?
    [26.06.2014 00:16:16] hnoke: 10 which I got already
    [26.06.2014 00:16:19] hnoke: plus 40
    [26.06.2014 00:16:27] ½ Genesis: hmm a bit much but ok :(
    [26.06.2014 00:16:34] hnoke: you need it fast
    [26.06.2014 00:16:39] hnoke: I'll give you fast
    [26.06.2014 19:55:53] ½ Genesis: u will make me go 0e soon :D
    [26.06.2014 19:55:55] ½ Genesis: XD
    [26.06.2014 19:56:00] hnoke: lol i won't
    [26.06.2014 19:56:03] hnoke: you have a stable income from the server
    [26.06.2014 19:56:09] ½ Genesis: for now not
    [26.06.2014 19:56:11] hnoke: if not now, you will soon
    [26.06.2014 19:56:12] ½ Genesis: no donations
    [26.06.2014 19:56:13] ½ Genesis: or very low
    [26.06.2014 19:56:17] hnoke: my fixes are important for you :P
    [26.06.2014 19:56:20] ½ Genesis: 10-18 daily
    [26.06.2014 19:56:33] hnoke: trust me, we get hte server fixed
    [26.06.2014 19:56:36] hnoke: you set up good donations
    [26.06.2014 19:56:38] hnoke: and you'll be rich











    [26.06.2014 19:58:28] ½ Genesis: so 15e for this cancellation fikx shit ,i hope its ok yes??? its ok yess?!! tell me yes

    [26.06.2014 19:59:42] hnoke: let's say 20 e for cancelation and the query














    PS: this is far from all skype convs ,is just a part


    ...wait wait wait wait.



    "Hi i'd like to upgrade my computer to be able to video-call other computers".

    "Sure thing - i'll upgrade your skype module here to support video calls - that will be 40e".

    "okay great"


    You are the most perfect example of why L2J has died.

    You should not touch anything that is technicly complex - or try to adminstrate\run anything complex.


    You level of Intelligence\IQ just doesn't merit more.

    Please become a carpenter or plumber or something.


    If all your types did that - hNoke types would cease to exist.

    They'd have no market to buy their supposed "services".


    ...but i geuss L2J people will never learn that.

  3. There is no all package, dumbass.

    It's idiotic to expect anyone to deliver a complete solution for you - for something that can be complex out of the box.


    Work for it - or gtfo.



    L2PHX has been the only known integrated packet sniffer for L2 since what? 6-7 years?!

    (Didn't know about packet samurai, hey ho!).


    Why should i write a specific piece of code\dll for you - when you barely seem to understand the logic of how computers and the internet communicates?

    Server sends Client a full HTML - that's all you need to know.

    Now go find a way to get said HTML out of client - for manual dumping.


    And i already told you - any piece of local stored text can be gathered with RequestLinkHTML. (Local File Inclusion sploit).

    Now put 2 and 2 together and start working - or as said early, pay up and have someone do it for you.

  4. you don't need a client modder - you need a typical reverse engineer to create dlls to add extra functionality to the client.



    ....that being said... "Protection\Catsguard" - pretty much has POC for this by a smart master-render hook that will atleast be applicable to GF to H5 chronicles.



    Although i can imagine for proper icon drawing - we're gonna venture into more Direct3D knowledge required - and a hook before the final/master render ala what catsguard does.

    That or some serious pixel detection skills on the master direct3d canvas.

  5. Stop fucking asking a forum full of developers where 99% has not actively themselves made the key-decisions that has lead to a 500++ people server.



    This goes for everyone.




    NO ONE that knows the specifics of catering to mass crowds - would freely post all their knowledge and secret tricks of the trade - so you also can zip drinks in st.barts.

    You are competitors... get it?!


    Use your small brains people -_-

  6. He said average user, we are not talking about people that do whatever it takes to bot in a server.


    Average people post on bot forums and people give them solutions.


    No to mention newer bots like tower and co - use more than simple tricks to avoid detection thus hGaurd fails right out the bat with those bots.

  7. When you purchase an extender - and you find an extender bug - its common to post in said extenders forum about said bug instead of a random related development forum.


    Obviously something goes wrong in reading the locs - and it goes back to it's standard values.

    At first i'd have geussed on wrong string-key but since it changes back - it's a direct error by Dawid most likely.

  8. The only thing I take offense to is the way you treat the people of this community who are trying to learn. I could care less what you have to say about me. I'm not making this about you and me, you are. This conversation is going nowhere, i'm done.


    You cannot take offence for other people, period dude.

    And it's going nowhere cause you have no argument to your original claim because of the reason above.


    Eric knows me - and how i am and i've even written specific ext stuff just cause he requested it.

    Therefor you don't get to take exception to his supposed feelings.


    and NO ONE wants to learn, period.


    People PM me asking to learn - but in reality want solutions.

    You know why - cause learning this shit is just not weekend adventure like assembling IKEA furniture.


    How do i know this? It's been the pattern for well what 7-8 years now.

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