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Everything posted by Dagoth616

  1. trusted! sold him an account and he paid me few hours later, but he did. Kind guy +1.
  2. Hi, WTS Tank Siegel Evas Templar 98 (human look), with dual ISS BD 96 lvl. EQ: Seraph hvy set, Apo Cutter with Health, tali anihilation, frintezza neck +6, some adena and lot of trash in wh, and lot of ssr :P Pay by PayPal.
  3. Hi, As title say. ISS 95-99- prefer d.elf and orc, but if u have other class offer me :) Pm with offers, and some infos about char (stuff, subs, skill enchant etc.) Plz also send some screens.
  4. trusted seller, everything ok, fast and easy :D
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