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Stara Zagora
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I dont care about that you lie or steal I dont care about what you will do after i get my account back unbanned. I dont care about you or anybody else who lie or steal I care just for my account . And i want it back as soon as possible. I'm sick to discuss any more. So as i told, i wait for Maxtor action. Always Friendly ~ Realek is back!
Защо лъжеш ? ти не си българин смешно малко детенце... опитваш се да ми откраднеш акаунта ама няма да ти се получи ... аз не сам от онези мишки да се отказвам бързо... до последно ще се боря скапан малък ленивецо. Again keep lying keep lying and try to stealing other accounts and continue with bullshits. I wont discuss that useless things with you anymore.Every body know who is real,who is from bulgaria who is professional java dev. Enough for me,i just waiting Maxtor for an action or progress. Thanks. Always Friendly ~ Realtek is back!
Informations : emails passwords sended! thanks for understanding.
Okay ... let me inform you and finish this discuss. Yes i am the real owner of realtek accounts.My name is Петър Джамбазов , you Maxtor you are able to check my ip also i can make you able to see all around. About Vorfin & Romeo they scammed my account since 2010 and some people told me... Thats the right reason to came to take it back. Also be patient... i dont know to speak on greek langue ... holy fuck why some topics Shared topics i mean have Greek letters? also they changed everything email pwd and name of account! my real email was realtekbg@abv.bg Always Friendly Realtek is back!
Bumping Topic untill Maxtor will take an Action to ban this trash guy with named Giwrgos Nexus or what hell his real name im for real dont care
Again i see some bullshits,some useless words and nothing truth... I see that dont have progress,and im so bored. I wont talk anymore with liers and stealers,i can just wait for Maxtor action... if have progress ... also as people remember me i talked Bulgarian Right? if u are the Real Realtek talk me some Bulgarian u cant prove it thats stop the lies please! Always Friendly Realtek is Back! Искам да те информирам крадецо ... писнало ми е от такива деца като теб .. такива , които не разполагат с работни места и се опитват да крадат и лъжат за да са добре ... но при мен това неможе да се случи .. никой не може да бъде като мен. и аз се надявам да не се повтаря." tell me what it means if you really the "Realtek" .. i can laught at you stupid lier "Петър Джамбазов Тоmmy"
There no need to be locked this topic because some kids need to prove the lies to Truth .. keep it Open! Also Waiting Maxtors Action for sure! We'll see who laughs last..
Firist of all Hello ! u are so big idiots im member since 2009 in 2010 a guy with named Romeo scammed my account also after that he told me he will give it back to me i created a java code for his server and he scammed me and blocked me on msn after some Months i did new account and payed new VIP Status after some weeks my account banned i dont remember the reason this piece of shit V4n Perise with called name Vorfin had deal with romeo and my account shared in many hands so listen me kids u dont event know to put a line of java and u saying u are Realtek? feel free to track my ip im Bulgarian also someone told me Vorfin said he know bulgarian but i dont see any bulgarian chat from that guy ill get back soon the account and u will take a shit becauze u scammed so many people with my account and u feel good? ofcourse i back to close your fving mouths next time say something Truth and not a lot of lies idiot retards scamming people with my account and u feel famous with that? Always Friendly Realtek is Back! Ban Those scammers they scamming all the time and maxtor u dont taking any kind of Action?
stop lies please u was a piece of shit here man u dont even know to make a line code and u was L2J Developer? let me laught u are just a idiot Greek Guy who scamming 15 years old kids that u like to take money from these kids and play the non real Realtek Idiot learn Firist after talk
Firist of all Hello ! u are so big idiots im member since 2009 in 2010 a guy with named Romeo scammed my account also after that he told me he will give it back to me i created a java code for his server and he scammed me and blocked me on msn after some Months i did new account and payed new VIP Status after some weeks my account banned i dont remember the reason this piece of shit V4n Perise with called name Vorfin had deal with romeo and my account shared in many hands so listen me kids u dont event know to put a line of java and u saying u are Realtek? feel free to track my ip im Bulgarian also someone told me Vorfin said he know bulgarian but i dont see any bulgarian chat from that guy ill get back soon the account and u will take a shit becauze u scammed so many people with my account and u feel good? ofcourse i back to close your fving mouths next time say something Truth and not a lot of lies idiot retards scamming people with my account and u feel famous with that? Always Friendly Realtek is Back!
GRAND OPENING URISE X50 [LIVE] 10.04 2014 at 21:00 GMT+2 http://l2urise.net We've worked hard for almost 5 years to gather all the information for your preferred type of game server - we've put together your ideas, your suggestions, information and researches from different knowledge bases and we've made a lot of tests to make the project as good as you love it. Our goal is to create a masterpiece that everyone can enjoy. We've been one of the best, and we will be again. There are many things we did damn right in the past, and because of that - you're going to see many things you've already seen, along with features you will never see on another server. Plenty is changing - but plenty remains. Our team knows what you want. You value quality and technical excellence? You need safety and exceptional security? You seek true adventures, unique game world, exquisite and eventful game? Then we are waiting for you in our brand new x50 INTERLUDE Server Join to the fastest growing Lineage2 gaming community: make friends, form clans and alliances, battle versus thousands of opponents from countries across the globe, try strategies on Sieges, Territory Wars and share your experience in Forum, YouTube Facebook and beyond. Enjoy Yourself, but not at Anyone Else's Expense We took Massively Multi-player On-line Role Play Game(MMORPG) to a whole new level! The only thing missing is YOU. Don't hesitate. Join with us and share in the adventure. The server will open on 10.04.2014 21:00 GMT+2, after a weeks of private x35 rate tests. Lineage 2 World Team ? Since 2009 Some of you already know what we do and how we do it. For those who don't - here is a brief list of what we've prepared for you: We don't tolerate racial, cultural or religious discrimination. We don't tolerate abuse of any kind. We don't tolerate advertisements. Competition is competition, but we don't go spam on other server's forums. We respect our players even if they don't respect us and our work. We welcome our player's suggestions about improving the server, and we are open to constructive criticism. AUTOMATIC VOTE REWARD FOR TOPZONE&HOPZONE. -Buffsell system implemented [You can sit with selling your buffshop] -Event engine system [vote for 1of18 autoevents every2hours] -Achievemens system [You can get reward for improving your char] -Retailed - Ant Queen & other Grand boses -Grandboss protection -Skill delevel [decreasing skill lvls or deleting them] -Necro pets [protected from buffs via buffer] -Higher quest drop from champ -.buffmenu [where You can delete unwanted buff by yourself] -Binding char to Your HWID -Armor sets macro work -ANTI 3RD apps & bots [ANTI DDoS,l2tower,walker,phx] New Pets are added, all of them has special buff for their master. -Phoenix gives Malaria to his master. -Eagle gives Cholera to his master. -Bat gives Rheuma to his master. -PvP Rank system. -NO MORE backstabs from front -Display skill chances via .menu settings Rates & Enchant Exp: 50x SP: 50x Drop: 15x Adena: 28x Spoil: 18x Quest drop: 6x Quest reward: 6x Quest Exp/SP: 30x Quest Adena Reward: 28x RaidBoss Drop: 5x GrandBoss Drop: 2x Manor Drop: 5x Extract Fish: 8x Party Bonus rate: 1.50 FEATURES NGrade to BGrade A/SGrade craftable Mats/Recipes in shop Crafter in shop[*expensive*] VoteShop[basic things] VipBuffer Scheme buffer Bufftime 3hours[pet buffs 5minutes] 28+4 slots There are NO Custom Items that can affect the Gameplay. Delevel[deleting skills that are not propriete for current lvl] Password changer inGame Skills:Tested and fully working. Working Fortress,Clan Hall and Castle Sieges. Tittle color manager Clan reputation manager Champion SYSTEM: Weight limit Increased Special NOTTrade zones[no1 is able to trade near Gkeeper] Special PVP RANK SYSTEM[you will get rank&reward beating enemys] Auto Events[CFG/TVT/DM/QUIZ also GM Events[rullete,dice championship..] Subclass-Free[without quests] Nobless-Caradine letter lvl65[300kk&500MSS/barakiel] Enchants: Safe +4 Max +16 Chance normal 55% Chance blessed 65% Other info: Zero Hour reward 3x Toi Quest rates[papers dropped by 15x amount] Giants cave quest[papers dropped by15] Every 5 VOTES =[5 special reward chest-random reward] Champion medals can be traded for special reward chests Lifestones[Dropable/Tyrannos] 1+1augments [1active+1passive/1chance] Nuker augments[3sec reuse] Chances: NoGrade 3% Mid 5% High 10% Top 15% BOSSES: Classic respawn 20-24hrs Barakiel respawn 5-6hrs[75lvl] GRAND BOSSES: Core 20+1 Queen ANT 22+2[character 49+lvl cant across river] Orfen 26+2[character 59+lvl cant enter to lair Zaken 40+4[character 69+lvl cant enter to lair Frintezza 48+6 Baium 72+3 Antharas 96+3 Valakas 108+3 Commands: .menu[displays all settings] .expon[turn ON your EXP&SP gain] .expoff[turn OFF your EXP&SP gain] .bindhwid[bind your character to HWID gain] .buffdelete[remove one of active buffs]
GRAND OPENING URISE X50 [LIVE] 10.04 2014 at 21:00 GMT+2 http://l2urise.net We've worked hard for almost 5 years to gather all the information for your preferred type of game server - we've put together your ideas, your suggestions, information and researches from different knowledge bases and we've made a lot of tests to make the project as good as you love it. Our goal is to create a masterpiece that everyone can enjoy. We've been one of the best, and we will be again. There are many things we did damn right in the past, and because of that - you're going to see many things you've already seen, along with features you will never see on another server. Plenty is changing - but plenty remains. Our team knows what you want. You value quality and technical excellence? You need safety and exceptional security? You seek true adventures, unique game world, exquisite and eventful game? Then we are waiting for you in our brand new x50 INTERLUDE Server Join to the fastest growing Lineage2 gaming community: make friends, form clans and alliances, battle versus thousands of opponents from countries across the globe, try strategies on Sieges, Territory Wars and share your experience in Forum, YouTube Facebook and beyond. Enjoy Yourself, but not at Anyone Else's Expense We took Massively Multi-player On-line Role Play Game(MMORPG) to a whole new level! The only thing missing is YOU. Don't hesitate. Join with us and share in the adventure. The server will open on 10.04.2014 21:00 GMT+2, after a weeks of private x35 rate tests. Lineage 2 World Team ? Since 2009 Some of you already know what we do and how we do it. For those who don't - here is a brief list of what we've prepared for you: We don't tolerate racial, cultural or religious discrimination. We don't tolerate abuse of any kind. We don't tolerate advertisements. Competition is competition, but we don't go spam on other server's forums. We respect our players even if they don't respect us and our work. We welcome our player's suggestions about improving the server, and we are open to constructive criticism. AUTOMATIC VOTE REWARD FOR TOPZONE&HOPZONE. -Buffsell system implemented [You can sit with selling your buffshop] -Event engine system [vote for 1of18 autoevents every2hours] -Achievemens system [You can get reward for improving your char] -Retailed - Ant Queen & other Grand boses -Grandboss protection -Skill delevel [decreasing skill lvls or deleting them] -Necro pets [protected from buffs via buffer] -Higher quest drop from champ -.buffmenu [where You can delete unwanted buff by yourself] -Binding char to Your HWID -Armor sets macro work -ANTI 3RD apps & bots [ANTI DDoS,l2tower,walker,phx] New Pets are added, all of them has special buff for their master. -Phoenix gives Malaria to his master. -Eagle gives Cholera to his master. -Bat gives Rheuma to his master. -PvP Rank system. -NO MORE backstabs from front -Display skill chances via .menu settings Rates & Enchant Exp: 50x SP: 50x Drop: 15x Adena: 28x Spoil: 18x Quest drop: 6x Quest reward: 6x Quest Exp/SP: 30x Quest Adena Reward: 28x RaidBoss Drop: 5x GrandBoss Drop: 2x Manor Drop: 5x Extract Fish: 8x Party Bonus rate: 1.50 FEATURES NGrade to BGrade A/SGrade craftable Mats/Recipes in shop Crafter in shop[*expensive*] VoteShop[basic things] VipBuffer Scheme buffer Bufftime 3hours[pet buffs 5minutes] 28+4 slots There are NO Custom Items that can affect the Gameplay. Delevel[deleting skills that are not propriete for current lvl] Password changer inGame Skills:Tested and fully working. Working Fortress,Clan Hall and Castle Sieges. Tittle color manager Clan reputation manager Champion SYSTEM: Weight limit Increased Special NOTTrade zones[no1 is able to trade near Gkeeper] Special PVP RANK SYSTEM[you will get rank&reward beating enemys] Auto Events[CFG/TVT/DM/QUIZ also GM Events[rullete,dice championship..] Subclass-Free[without quests] Nobless-Caradine letter lvl65[300kk&500MSS/barakiel] Enchants: Safe +4 Max +16 Chance normal 55% Chance blessed 65% Other info: Zero Hour reward 3x Toi Quest rates[papers dropped by 15x amount] Giants cave quest[papers dropped by15] Every 5 VOTES =[5 special reward chest-random reward] Champion medals can be traded for special reward chests Lifestones[Dropable/Tyrannos] 1+1augments [1active+1passive/1chance] Nuker augments[3sec reuse] Chances: NoGrade 3% Mid 5% High 10% Top 15% BOSSES: Classic respawn 20-24hrs Barakiel respawn 5-6hrs[75lvl] GRAND BOSSES: Core 20+1 Queen ANT 22+2[character 49+lvl cant across river] Orfen 26+2[character 59+lvl cant enter to lair Zaken 40+4[character 69+lvl cant enter to lair Frintezza 48+6 Baium 72+3 Antharas 96+3 Valakas 108+3 Commands: .menu[displays all settings] .expon[turn ON your EXP&SP gain] .expoff[turn OFF your EXP&SP gain] .bindhwid[bind your character to HWID gain] .buffdelete[remove one of active buffs]
GRAND OPENING URISE X50 [LIVE] 10.04 2014 at 21:00 GMT+2 http://l2urise.net We've worked hard for almost 5 years to gather all the information for your preferred type of game server - we've put together your ideas, your suggestions, information and researches from different knowledge bases and we've made a lot of tests to make the project as good as you love it. Our goal is to create a masterpiece that everyone can enjoy. We've been one of the best, and we will be again. There are many things we did damn right in the past, and because of that - you're going to see many things you've already seen, along with features you will never see on another server. Plenty is changing - but plenty remains. Our team knows what you want. You value quality and technical excellence? You need safety and exceptional security? You seek true adventures, unique game world, exquisite and eventful game? Then we are waiting for you in our brand new x50 INTERLUDE Server Join to the fastest growing Lineage2 gaming community: make friends, form clans and alliances, battle versus thousands of opponents from countries across the globe, try strategies on Sieges, Territory Wars and share your experience in Forum, YouTube Facebook and beyond. Enjoy Yourself, but not at Anyone Else's Expense We took Massively Multi-player On-line Role Play Game(MMORPG) to a whole new level! The only thing missing is YOU. Don't hesitate. Join with us and share in the adventure. The server will open on 10.04.2014 21:00 GMT+2, after a weeks of private x35 rate tests. Lineage 2 World Team ? Since 2009 Some of you already know what we do and how we do it. For those who don't - here is a brief list of what we've prepared for you: We don't tolerate racial, cultural or religious discrimination. We don't tolerate abuse of any kind. We don't tolerate advertisements. Competition is competition, but we don't go spam on other server's forums. We respect our players even if they don't respect us and our work. We welcome our player's suggestions about improving the server, and we are open to constructive criticism. AUTOMATIC VOTE REWARD FOR TOPZONE&HOPZONE. -Buffsell system implemented [You can sit with selling your buffshop] -Event engine system [vote for 1of18 autoevents every2hours] -Achievemens system [You can get reward for improving your char] -Retailed - Ant Queen & other Grand boses -Grandboss protection -Skill delevel [decreasing skill lvls or deleting them] -Necro pets [protected from buffs via buffer] -Higher quest drop from champ -.buffmenu [where You can delete unwanted buff by yourself] -Binding char to Your HWID -Armor sets macro work -ANTI 3RD apps & bots [ANTI DDoS,l2tower,walker,phx] New Pets are added, all of them has special buff for their master. -Phoenix gives Malaria to his master. -Eagle gives Cholera to his master. -Bat gives Rheuma to his master. -PvP Rank system. -NO MORE backstabs from front -Display skill chances via .menu settings Rates & Enchant Exp: 50x SP: 50x Drop: 15x Adena: 28x Spoil: 18x Quest drop: 6x Quest reward: 6x Quest Exp/SP: 30x Quest Adena Reward: 28x RaidBoss Drop: 5x GrandBoss Drop: 2x Manor Drop: 5x Extract Fish: 8x Party Bonus rate: 1.50 FEATURES NGrade to BGrade A/SGrade craftable Mats/Recipes in shop Crafter in shop[*expensive*] VoteShop[basic things] VipBuffer Scheme buffer Bufftime 3hours[pet buffs 5minutes] 28+4 slots There are NO Custom Items that can affect the Gameplay. Delevel[deleting skills that are not propriete for current lvl] Password changer inGame Skills:Tested and fully working. Working Fortress,Clan Hall and Castle Sieges. Tittle color manager Clan reputation manager Champion SYSTEM: Weight limit Increased Special NOTTrade zones[no1 is able to trade near Gkeeper] Special PVP RANK SYSTEM[you will get rank&reward beating enemys] Auto Events[CFG/TVT/DM/QUIZ also GM Events[rullete,dice championship..] Subclass-Free[without quests] Nobless-Caradine letter lvl65[300kk&500MSS/barakiel] Enchants: Safe +4 Max +16 Chance normal 55% Chance blessed 65% Other info: Zero Hour reward 3x Toi Quest rates[papers dropped by 15x amount] Giants cave quest[papers dropped by15] Every 5 VOTES =[5 special reward chest-random reward] Champion medals can be traded for special reward chests Lifestones[Dropable/Tyrannos] 1+1augments [1active+1passive/1chance] Nuker augments[3sec reuse] Chances: NoGrade 3% Mid 5% High 10% Top 15% BOSSES: Classic respawn 20-24hrs Barakiel respawn 5-6hrs[75lvl] GRAND BOSSES: Core 20+1 Queen ANT 22+2[character 49+lvl cant across river] Orfen 26+2[character 59+lvl cant enter to lair Zaken 40+4[character 69+lvl cant enter to lair Frintezza 48+6 Baium 72+3 Antharas 96+3 Valakas 108+3 Commands: .menu[displays all settings] .expon[turn ON your EXP&SP gain] .expoff[turn OFF your EXP&SP gain] .bindhwid[bind your character to HWID gain] .buffdelete[remove one of active buffs]