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Posts posted by Phobiaa

  1. Any news? About Sublimity??? Open IN 15-20-40 -80 days? 

     He's still working on the classic client,he said that closed/open Alpha is not too far away from happening.My estimation is that the Server Opening will be ~15th August when most people return from their vacations or ~September..

  2. So Opal recently made a topic on Sublimity forums saying that they'll be putting the server back up on Spring 2015.The client might be the Classic that koreans/russians have been using as official one and the rates will be x35..Ill update/edit this topic as soon as he gives out more info on what he's doing.Pretty much everyone has been waiting for this!

    Site: www.l2sublimity.com
    Forums: http://www.l2sublimity.com/forum/




    We're proud to present to you the name of our upcoming server: Diamond




    L2Sublimity's Diamond


    Why did we choose for this name?

    We've always been a big favour of rather small words with a strong definition, a name strongly connected to our vision and a name that carries pride. We chose for "Diamond" because we want the new server to be as strongvaluable, rare and most importantly loved as diamonds.


    What will the rates be like?

    The experience will be around what we're used to seeing on L2Sublimity: Global 35x excluding the bonus experience at boosted hunting areas and experience bonuses obtained through out-of-game features when helping us promote L2Sublimity on Facebook.


    Launch date?

    To be decided. Development-stage is still at a rather early phase to make a proper estimation. I'll be updating you guys in about 1.5 weeks regarding this.


    PvP or PvE server?

    Both. Expect to invest time into your journey on Diamond because we want the server to last long.


    How frequent will Gameplay Updates occurre?

    Patching bugs and 3rd party programs / bots will have the highest priority. When that is all in place, I will actively work on gameplay updates 98% of the time and 2% on more difficult support-issues or management-related aspects of L2Sublimity. We're heavily updating our solutions like the website, updater, authentication server and game server to allow us to efficiently update your client. It will be unique and unseen from anything the private scene offers or ever had to offer. Oh and the problem with the updater overwriting your custom systemmsg-e.dat? We'll make sure to neatly keep your changes as they were and add our own changes to it so you can enjoy having your own custom systemmsg-e.dat without it being out of date. This is a small example to give you an idea on how efficiently and frequent we want to update your clients.


    No more manual patches and 3GB zip files. The only way we provide the client is through the installer/updater that players are able to get through our website.


    What about the staff's activity?

    In the past we had problems with time-management. The amount of GMs but mostly the tools given to them were a huge bottleneck. I was loaded with too much work since GMs were not independant enough. The limited time I had because of all the work on my plate gave me no time to create one for them. This was totaly a mistake on my side. Now I made sure that they have a all the tools they need before launching.


    We are set to tackle most of the issues we've had in the past with some new solutions we've created:

    a. GMs are able to give in and out of game support on their mobile devices allowing them to be more flexible and active.

    b. A brand new game-management panel allows them to work more better, efficient, unified, consistent, way more independant of me and allows them to obtain certain information that could normally have taken days to get.

    c. With the new PIN system, there will be no hack/scam issues to solve. This was probably the biggest problem on the previous servers. With that being out of the way, we have more time to focus on events, support and development.


    Will nWatch be available?

    Yes. But we're most likely removing the clan's online list / class breakdown unless your main character is a part of that clan.




    We're really excited about this feature. We've created a module that allows you to chat with your friends ingame. We call it... Unity.


    What is Unity?

    Unity is a chat module that can be accessed on the website (including forum). Unity allows you to send/receive private messages while being out of game. Your friendlist will always be synchronized with your main character's: clan membersalliance members and /friendinvite list.




    Our goal is to always keep L2Sublimity on the radar. We're aware that every game has a hype-phase and that phase slowly degrades to the settlement-phase resulting into a decrease of population. That's fine, we are alright with that. But lets think about it for a second - there are thousands of potential community members out there who haven't tried our server or ever tried L2Sublimity. Our goal is to have a solid and healthy community all playing together with a single goal - to have fun. But we have to work together as a community to reach that goal. We will provide the tools to be able to promote - but the strength of the community is what makes these tools function.


    We have two promotional tools in mind:

    a. Welcome Rewards. When creating an account you can opt for Welcome Rewards (2-4 hour Exp+Adena boost). When doing so you give us permission to share a link on your timeline stating that you've just created an account on L2Sublimity's Diamond. People can click on the link leading them directly to the "Play Now" page allowing them to create an account and download the installer. With this we can easily reach tens of thousands of people.

    b. Achievements. When linking your Facebook account to your forum account - we're able to post certain achievements on your timeline. We'll create a settings page allowing you to specify which achievements (related to your Main Character) you would like to have posted and which ones you would like to exclude. Think of achievements like: I have just claimed Phoenix Knight hero on L2Sublimity's DiamondWe have just been victorious over the Rune Castle siege on L2Sublimity's Diamond. I have just become a Noblesse on L2Sublimity's Diamond. We will never spam your Facebook timeline. We will only post rare achievements.




    Right now I am still working on making the chronicle work. Because of limitations in the current server files - some things have to be coded from scratch delaying me in the development process. I hope to be finally in-game on the new client in about 1 to 2 weeks.


    I'll keep you guys updated on the progression and be sure to send out some teasers when I have some.


    TL;DR: http://www.l2sublimi...66-diamond-35x/

  3. lel who would even compare a high rate javaish server to Sublimity.

    Sublimity might have customs and all of this stuff but they're applied as frequent updates to keep the community alive(Note:Opal is one of the best developers around and knows the ways around.He made customs similar to S grades' stats.).Sublimity was/is and will always be better than any of these java copy-cats.Sublimity's population might have decreased but that's just randoms/java players that only joined for a week and those BRs/Russians that couldnt handle the competition..There's still people joining and sides are being created.There were ~250 yesterday at AQ & Zaken.You're wrong if you think that server's dying.Server's more alive than ever.You can stay on the forums preeching for a java server that will open instead of joining the BIG fight.

  4. The asslicking keeps on going.

    v4 already

    its called reliability.They need a stable community and not a whining one.Server's relaunching today at 17:00 GMT +0.

    noone's licking anyone.Sublimity has been one of the best interlude servers ever existed.

  5. Will there be an NPC to buy items with elven scrolls? Like donation items for a lot of ES.

    You will be able to buy misc stuff From scrolls to potions with those Elven Scrolls(even materials needed for the custom armor,recipes,SA for the weapon) and so on.You won't be able to buy donate coins with ES.

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