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  1. You're welcome :)
  2. I am interested in what pack(l2j) ATM has the best implementation of the skills (closest to retail) i don't really care about the chronicle. Thanks.
  3. Well, after speaking with mcbigmac, it is a crap, it's unreliable , and it doesn't work :), FYI it's not some modified cracked dll it's something else but it still doesn't work. I am sorry if the title mislead you.
  4. This is not a share, just wanted to see if i was able to crack the latest vanganth files :). Here's a small video to prove it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtMvXkkQw3g&feature=youtu.be
  5. maybe i will think about lowering the price if more people are interested
  6. Hey guys, I see that there is some kind of integration lack between the servers and the website (things like item donation, item sale, etc). I want to help by building the first Line][age API. What is the API?(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface) How it will work? (It will work for skills, materials, and any other kind of stuff also) you will make a request to l2api.0x4139/items?id=1 and you will receive this { "item": { "id": "1", "type": "Weapon", "name": "Short Sword", "default_action":"equip", "weapon_type": "sword", "bodypart":"rhand", "random_damage": "10", "attack_range": "40", "damage_range": "0;0;40;120", "material": "steel", "weight": "1600", "price": "768", "soulshots": "1", "spiritshots": "1" ], "for": { "set": [ { "order": "0x08", "stat": "pAtk", "val": "8" }, { "order": "0x08", "stat": "mAtk", "val": "6" }, { "order": "0x08", "stat": "rCrit", "val": "8" }, { "order": "0x08", "stat": "pAtkSpd", "val": "379" } ] }, "icon":"http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/weapon_small_sword_i00.png" } } How does that help you? Takes care of the item stats and image for you :) without any kind of headache, and provides easy integration with any kind of website What i need is help with the icons (pmfun has them, and i saw them in the theengo's ACP as well).I need all the item icons from (interlude or any other chronicle), i know that someone here has them :). Pricing: Contributors: Free for life :) The others: 1 USD / month (i would give it for free ofc :), but i want to make a high quality service and host it using an Amazon S3 instance(DDOS and with redundancy) and i want to be able to pay the bill which will be like ~10USD per month ) What do you think? :) Please share your opinion
  7. email me: 0x4139[at]gmail.com
  8. Hey, good luck with the server unfortunately i want to pursue this idea :), but don't get me wrong i love to help people out :), so pm me with the exact area where you need help ! Cheers
  9. Hi there, I am an experienced developer but also i spent allot of my time playing lineage as well. I know there are allot of players who want to bring the old times back. I know that i have the technical knowledge and expertise to make a great server, and don't get me wrong, i want to do it, but my opinion is not the only one that matters, so i am asking for your help as well in order to do this right. I am tired of seeing a continuous flow of servers that die in a moth or so, or servers that are purely donation oriented and things like that. The server that i want to build sounds in big lines like this: - Donations only for accessories (hats mostly). - NO MORE PAY TO WIN DO NOT FORGET, we are in this together !!! How i will cover the costs? I want to empower THE PLAYER, i was thinking about a marketplace where the player can auction his items for real money, and the system will take a small fee (10%) from what he sells. The advantages: - NO MORE ITEMS FROM THIN AIR!!!! everyone will work for the items, this means if there is someone who will play just to make money, might as well do it w/o any constraint or selling on some other forums. - We minimize the risk of paying cp's of reaching the end game to soon and dominate the server. - the server will stay alive w/o greedy donations or corruption for money :). With these being said, i highly value your opinion! Tell me what you think. BTW, we are talking about quality so you need to choose from any of these servers. - C6 VERY STABLE - Hellbound Unfortunately, not so stable(dupe exploits, AI, quests) - GRACIA FINAL VERY STABLE - GRACIA EPILOGUE VERY STABLE - H5 VERY STABLE - GOD VERY STABLE DISCLAIMER: I refuse to create H5/GOD so chose from the others Can you please share your opinion here? http://forum.pmfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=51569
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