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About paulita

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. sorry i edit, i click twice.
  2. it's a joke?
  3. hey, if I pay I can get all of the link post?
  4. spam?+1
  5. omg i scared >:( >:( >:( >:(
  6. i played here and i cant put a bot on work :(
  7. this engine work on l2kamael server?
  8. i think that its a good idea to evade leechers. Im not leecher ey!!
  9. this game suck :/
  10. 24 min. :-*
  11. 1059 lel? :S
  12. it doesnt work :'( :'(
  13. Hello, firstly I'm new at this forum but i want to get a lot of information and learn with you. I heard about this server, this would be l2 Off but its a reborn of other l2 paradise that was closed for a reason that i dont know (I suppose by FBI as l2 extreme). The question is that i want to know about this server, when it open, etc. A lot of thanks :D PD: My english is not very well, so i would like you understand me.
  14. The bad thread is that you must be marquis or count to get some skills clan at lvl 8 clan :'(
  15. nice work!!! I'm newbie but its a great job :P
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