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Posts posted by GodKratos

  1. Το να μείνω inactive εγώ το διάλεξα λόγο διαβάσματος.



    Kai kala ekanes... to melon sou koitas gt prepei na eksigisis ston kathena tous logous... jaha im your friend :P

  2. Πιστευώ πως μετά το ban έγινες ακόμα ποιο butthurt.





    Opws hmoun etsi emina den alakse kati twra ayta ta butthurt einai psixologika tis ilikias sou... den ta kserw ayta ta feelings kai den sto eipa gia na se plhgoso.... min thigese malaka AGAPAME JAHARAHORSE ;D

  3. the only reply i see here from the admin is "topic started... ban ... who is ray" and l2j etc"

    Why you keep trying on this wen your already ignore the facts that your site is a dead land.


    you increase some activity with those post but that's it Google will love you.

    @elFo stop trying ma men there is no chance they are already  transformed to an zombie staff with 0 updates and 0 shares.

  4. MJJPr.gif




    Tora pou o Maxtor zhtaei Staff 3afnika ginane oloi activity den travate ta papargia sas re malakes na kanete Mpratsa ;)



    Kai esy re koutsovlaxe gt mpikes anevazis to activity.... 

  5. I didn't ban you . I don't even care about you . Maxtor ban your accounts .



    I shall believe you on this. Also the " i don't even care about you" is another spectate of your shame maturity. anyway shame on you


    Also you are making all this funny cuz this site is already dead and the lazy Maxtor it just press ban button but were is the Fresh button all the members all this years asked for?


    I've helped a lot in here and what we get in the end? this .i. so there is fun you can keep this alive or even sell it.


    About the suggestion elf did only a new name and fresh start but you nikolaki are to old for that and you need petakia for this but there is nothing for free you need to pay.


    that all i say let the fun begin  

  6. esu tha pethaneis me thn ennoia tou na gineis mod. DEN THA GINEIS.


    Elfo ase na ton kanoun promo... exei gelio min tou xalas ta oneira! :/




    p.s: Me tetoio team nomizo enas universe tous xreiazete na symplirothi to dream team! sovara twra....  

  7. Ε ας πούμε ότι είναι ευκαιρία τώρα για αυτούς που δεν είχαν την ευκαιρία να προσπαθήσουν που είναι το κακό?


    Des re malaka finito.... exeis pari tetoia orimi apantisi pote sou apo member tou mxc? 

  8. btw δεν καταλαβαινω το κολημα σας να γινετε stuffers.


    Δεν εχει καν αρκετο activity και βλαμενους οσο παλια για να βγαλετε τα κομπλεξ σας :)


    finito la musica exei gelio edw katse kai parakoloutha apla. 

  9. δεν με ενδιαφέρει πλέον ρε ας γίνουν άλλοι που δεν είχαν την ευκαιρία.

    Μαλάκα δεν έχω mic να γελούσαμε λίγο skype.



    To eidaa to oneiro... pas gia psila esy goustaris mple xromataki mori... leraaaaaaaaaaaaaa 


    Siga edw eimaste exoume na riskoume gelio 

  10. σπαμμαρε ο τρελος στο σπαμ εδω αλλα δεν τον ακουγε κανεις και πηγε και το συνεχεισε στο suggest topic για τους new staffer


    χεχεχε :happyforever:



    Re tsap tsa rap den to eixa dei to topic alla esvise ta reply i jenifer lopez gia na katalaveis. 

  11. Τι έπαθε ο άλλος και σε bannarei?



    den einai tpt exei apla universe syndromo xaxaxaxaxaxaxax 


    Sta @@dia sou re malaka pios paristani ton andra me gomena avatar O.o



  12. Just to let you know. I didnt say anything to Nick but I am happy with your ban. You deserve it.


    Ps: I am gonna clean this topic(again). Including this reply.



    So why you still ban my acc and then reply to me? Is that normal behavior.


    i will concentrate this decision as stupidness one. But also i will take no hand at this moment of time cuz  u will fall by your self. ill be the last man who will take an hand to make you down  >:D and the end of this site.


    Have fun and happy new year. 



    p.s: let the reply on the people could see what you've done but only "stupids" left here is an appropriate fact that no one cares about you and this site anymore. 

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