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About jamaiko13

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. New and final price 50e for all
  2. Bump, New Price only 70e for all
  3. Time to quite L2 so im selling all out.. WTS Adventurer 81+ sub1- Paladin 75 sub2- Tyrant 75 sub3- sws 75 Skils - 3rd prof +4 2nd prof +12 Equip - Dynasty Light set +4 (all) full atri + dyna esence lvl 2 Dyna jewels AQ ring+4 AS+CD+150 + good augm S CP shirt+4 Oly buff weps - SOES+BB, Hell Knife+mental + good augments on bought Fenri +top equip Adena 1.3+ kkk Full WH with mats enshants A sets talismans for oly and many more Adventurer comes with full email+master acc For real buyer will give bonus for free - SE 78, PP 77, BD 77 (suports are without email just master acc and acc) Selling All for 50e pm me her for details paypal
  4. yes as i said i tried diferent mouse softweres.. they work on destop or word, but soon as i login to game they dont work.. i supose maybe gameguard is blocking this shit. thats why i ask if anybody know somekind of soft that alows you to bind mouse buttons that work for l2
  5. Hi, I would like to know is there any soft that alows me to bind mouse buttons for lineage 2, more specific, for lineage 2 e global gf. For example i would like to bind mouse4 and mous5 to alt+1 and alt+2. Tryed diferent softwares in windows they work but just as i log in game they dont work anymore.. Any sulution? Thx
  6. Trusted! Very fast and smooth transaction, good prices
  7. WTB bot or smthing on l2e-global GF x7. Must run on multiple boxes, also i will need help to set it up. Basic needs is to - my box se would heel me, restore mp, pick up drop and so on.
  8. up, new prices
  9. WTS Vesper noble robe set+1100 atri 30e Vesper noble rob set+900 atri 25e Vesper caster+acumen+300 water 30e Vesper caster+acumen+300 fire 30e prices are not rock seald I dont give items first alrdy got scammed once! Contact here or via skype - m_jamaiko (Latvia) PayPal
  10. scmaer are you! scamed me yestarday for 15euros
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