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Posts posted by Lotriem

  1. Hello.

    I'm creating a new server, and I'm a bit worried about the server rates.

    I want to make something fast, but at the time, something not as easy as other servers.

    This server will have everything that a mid rates have, for example: buffer, gmshop till S-Grade, global gatekeeper, and many other features.

    So, help me to decide the server rates and I'll post the full information about the server :)

    Remember: this server will be low-mid rates, official and retail.

    You can also post the features you want to see in the server and everything that comes into your mind.


    Thanks for reading.


  2. Hello community.

    I have some free time and I need some extra money, so, I'm offering my skills as a developer to help you guys, with your servers.


    - Things that I can do:

    • Create custom mods: create custom mods as rankings, systems, commands, structures, and many others.
    • Rewrite stuff: I can improve the codes that you alredy have on your servers.
    • Create events: if that's your need, I can create events like TvT, DM, CTF, etc.
    • Fix bugs: every server has its bugs, and I can fix 'em. I have a really extense knowledge on High Five and Interlude chronicles, I know how everything must work.
    • Write official stuff: as every mid/low server, everybody needs missing stuff like quests, instances, zones, etc. I can code them for you.

    - Why I'm selling my services and not creating my own server?

    Simple, because I dont want to get mad or stressed by doing all by myself on my own server.


    - How could you trust me?

    Easy, I'm not that kind of kiddo looking for ruin somebody's work.

    I'm doing this because i need extra help to pay my studies and to improve my codding knowledge.


    - And what about the price?

    I'm not that kind of person who asks 100e for a 5 lines code.

    I've been selling complete mods just by 15-10e.

    So I think the price is not a problem, I'm very flexible. As I said before, i'm looking for some extra help, not becoming rich.


    - Where can we talk?

    My skype is: lotriem or my e-mail is: l2jlotriem@outlook.com

    Add me or send me an e-mail and we can talk.


    Thanks in advice.


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