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Everything posted by L2RO-Team

  1. And is not more easy to say stalone stoled SOURCE server ? not a template of SMF that is free on internet and 2 HTMLS of GM SHOP ! ? Be seriously Jay And mouse paid me to not make server with stalone, and to make with him at that time, he told me that stalone will fuck me and is much better to make with him and i was the "bad guy " and after we faild of your ddos on bfp you become friend with mouse and made server with him... what silly you are, don't you see you run in a circle ?
  2. feel marginalized ? you think Maxtor can't put any developer to modify what i gave him, i bet in this MxC there are 1000000 developers! But i see he don't wanna do it because he don't have something to hide :)
  3. https://www.facebook.com/avoukatos.vasilis?fref=ts Vasilis Avoukatos IP: ,, , Emails: l2etf@hotmail.com / lineage2tales@gmail.com / l2psv@hotmail.com / lineage2vadc@gmail.com
  4. remeber what i tell you now... don't worry !
  5. Time for Stalone is comming :) Stalone is that true you know something that i prepare for you because I saw you like me and my family... you won't look like me ever with your ears flights...
  6. You mean about this ? Jay : IP & Email : nikeu15@hotmail.com / nikeu11@hotmail.com
  7. Server grow up... Thank you for reply
  8. Yes is up and you can't put it down any more !
  9. When you invest your time, non sleep nights, money and one kid with bot nets make you problems, what you say?
  11. Rain after this night you will not make more LAG with your DDoS ... Wait for tomorrow !
  12. you cannot put us down stalone now ... tomorrow Revenge !!!
  13. ok you will see, i will ddos first then i will wipe your files :)
  14. check on our forums. www.l2roe.net/forum Hello, dear Rise of Evil members, we have good news! Our server after long headache decided to choose the best DDoS Protections. And we apologize for the downtime, server will reopen soon, all information will be posted on the forum / website. Server will back soon with a BANG!! Follow us on Facebook / Website / Forum to see fresh news! Respectfully, L2RoE team.
  15. All information you will find in our forums. Thank you for understanding and we apologies to our players. WE WILL RE-OPEN Rise of Evil Server. And we will come with a small surprise for all.
  16. Website is up / Forum up.
  17. In this evening will be fine all
  18. Don't worry. We are almost done with the configuration of DDoS attacks, in some hours all will work fine and DDoS cannot touch us again.
  19. Dear players, Please be patient with us we are currently working on getting the server back online. We are currently in the middle of upgrading our DDoS Protection. We thank you for your understanding. We will be up soon. L2 Rise of Evil staff.
  20. ofc no ! stalone ddos us, right now we improve the ddos protection so he will not cause lag again on server :) There is just lag ATM
  21. we move the website now. You will can download the system in some minutes.
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