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Everything posted by Vampirian

  1. LOL skaraveos the point is not to pay the player ....everyone needs community in his server.with this way you dont have a clear server and in my country this called "adminarismenos". every gamer need a good and fair server.do you think he will spend his time to your server with this way? if he wants to be a gm or to have top items or all items he can create a personal l2j server. we dont need items but fun. Sin i hate donation too but...i will find the way to keep up the server without donates like now.
  2. Hello everyone! ---Lineage ][ Earth Kamael Hellbound Server--- New Website: http://www.l2earth.co.cc And now with auto updater Server rates: XP:x8 SP:x6 Drop:x7 Spoil:x7 adena:x7 Lineage ][ Earth is a new Kamael Lineage 2 server created by an experienced Dev Team. Our recently created community is great and we plan to make it even better with your help. Lineage ][ Earth is a SERIOUS LOW RATE SERVER made for you to enjoy a unique L2 experience. With friendly GMs and no lag,We are here to stay! SERVER MACHINE 1 x Core 2 Duo T5500 Memory: 2 GB HD: 2 x 160GB SATA OS: Linux Switch port: 100Mbps Traffic: Volume 2000GB cPanel / WHM IP Addresses (2) European Data Center For security reasons the accounts are autocreate and if you want to change account passwords send to admins-GMs pm in forum. also dont forget to vote for us.This will help the server to stay without donates. PS: We need new GM to our team please send email to vampirianftw@hotmail.com Thank you edited: We have custom Party area for weapons C and B Grade,armors C and B grade!!! New Custom PvP areas ! New CTF and TvT engines ! RATES REUPDATED
  3. i thing you need more ram(2 giga) isn't the perfect cpu but with 2 giga ram almost 300-350 and maybe more without crash. the problem is when the "event" starts(hero system,raids,place with a lot of people). just use linux and you are perfect.
  4. i thing your head is bugged :) how can you download with 12 posts lol ? Candy 27 posts? nice. i dont have core errors with Eclipse. Spyros yes you can edit it.English configs ;)
  5. Ok here is the link. this patched system is only for english PTS kamael client. you can use interlude Filedit and run it from l2.exe and NOT from CT1Loader http://www.mediafire.com/?cytv1drxgij <=== here is the download link http://www.mediafire.com/?eizuk13umpo <==== filedit open the l2.ini put your ip and then save it to 413 version REUPDATED
  7. Add in your list http://vlins.forumotion.com we have 2 servers low rate x5 a kamael server and interlude server and greek community :)
  8. Lineage ][ Earth Kamael server x5 stats with a big community and Interlude server x5 stats (they go to kamael:P) try it!!! http://Vlins.forumotion.com and without donates for now
  9. hm im new in wow but im playing with 1000 ppl and more at www.wowfusiononline.com/ i think its ok and lag free. allmost 12-14 GM online for community help. Admin Fusion make a custom vendor area today. you can buy T6 from a shoping area ;) and custom Hyjal quests for T7 :P ps:its a PvP server and you can go 70 lvl in 2 days xD
  10. that was better answer from all those . everyone need goodluck from the beggining. so i wish goodluck to Prioni too. noble my tongue was ok like your TONGUE. you was Bad with this m8. i think he dont need anyone. he has all the luck with him. and for the first day he is ok with ppl. if i see something like this again i ll be more bad next time cause you have a site and you must HELP your visitors and not to criticize. and yes you criticize this m8. you have to apologize to him not me. my server is ok. i have 50 mb upload. the site is to my home machine in diffrent conection. so i believe he has the same thing. dont criticize the game-login server with the site. do you know how slowly is yours? not all time but only the night its ok.
  11. Goodmorning prioni!yes your server rocks.im sorry for all those ppl ho tell bad words for your server :( i know its so bad this:( you have good experiance for l2 servers and i know this is not fair for you. im in your town too and i had the same problem with my upload.so i understand you :( you ppl if you dont know "prioni" was a gm to bnb server before 1.5 year. if you remember the name =GM=Vampire was prioni :( so he has more xperiance from us. i dont understand where is the negative to make a server with rules from another servers? i cant understand you ppl, why you don't support him?YOU have PVP servers you know how is it this. HE have a low rate servers with staffs and work from all of YOU.HE SUPPORT YOU AND MAXBASTARDS COMMUNITY why you don't support HIM??? WHY????? WHY ARE YOU SO BAD PPL? HE DONT LOOSE ANYTHING BUT YOU LOOSE!!! Think about it IDIOTS. BYE BYE AND FROM ME TOO
  12. wyvern colar? axaxax akou gia na min pedevese.mesa sta config files tou gameserver exei mia rithmisi pou leei allow rent wyverns-striders. set True kai kane mia rr ;p apo ekei mporoun na nikiazoun wyverns oi aploi users.
  13. den eimai sigouri an einai provlima tou pack i an exeis piraksei kati esi.. to provlima mporei naeinai i ram tou pc sou.mporei episeis na einai lathos i rithmiseis sta skills tou mana potion. dokimase gia arxi na anevaseis me ctrl+alt+del tis diergasies se oti java einai anixto. an den doulepsei klise ton server, kane rr to pc,ksananikse to diskw kai login-game server kai ksanadokimase. pistevw oti kalo tha itan na apantisei o aristidis se afto(killer007)mias kai kserei kala to pack tou ;)
  14. loipon apantisi sto 1o gia na vgaleis screenshot anigeis to l2.ini me to filedit ok? meta patas apo to pliktrologio sou ena koumpaki pou leei print scrn,anigeis tin zwgrafiki,pas sto edit kai kaneis paste(apikolisi) meta save as....kai tin apothikeveis ;) meta pas edw http://imageshack.us/ kai kaneis upload tin eikona sou. twra sto last post sou gia ta mana potions. ola ma ola einai mesa ston gameserver. psakse ligo mesa sto data---->skills kai tha vreis ta panta an den kanw lathos ekei einai kai oi rithmiseis tou mana potion kai tou healing potion. an pali kanw lathos gt den mporw na to tsekarw twra, as me diorthosei kapios allos. ps: kane ligo kaliteri sintaksi sta post pou grafeis se parakalw gt diskoleftika na vgalw noima :)
  15. sorry i was tired cause im working all day and i don't get it. yeah maybe is a firewall problem.
  16. can you upload me th diskw pls? or is fixed with mysql? if it works with mysql try to reinstall with the right values ;) if it works with diskw pls upload the file i want to check it. thank you
  17. try to use on login and gameserver config files the username:root and pass:root. if you solved this problem with my way,i wil tell you what you can do ;)
  18. einai aplo... ctrl+alt+del-----> diergasies------>oti java deis kane deksi klik kai anevase tin protereotita se ipsili ;) an akoma den kouniete,anevase tes se kanoniko xrono. an kai pali den kouniete petas to pc apo to mpalkoni i alliws kaneis rr ;p kai epidi katalava oti kanete ena megalo lathos.... oi alloi pou tha peksoun ston server sas apo internet tha ta doun na kounionte kanonika. to provlima olo einai oti anigete client apo ton idio ton "server" dld kai server kai client apo to idio pc. e poso na anteksei to kakomoiro?
  19. i don't have a good pc for this work :p(512 ram+celeron)hahaha its an internet caffe behind from this server and we have 120 mb upload ;) so we don't need donate system yet!!! but now we are working on second server pack for low rate server cause it have a lot of bugs. so yeah i need some help here and a good pack :D ps:but not for Ekoice -->We don't need GM's<----
  20. OH Thanks dude but i don't give you anything in my server :D i dont think is the best server:P its a "prototype" of l2j server so we need a lot of job. thank you for your comment anyway ;) i know im the best cause i have a not donate server ;p
  21. this server is based on titancreation with some custom work on c6 skills :) come and try our server :) server rates: Exp: x30 SP: x30 adenaz: x60 drop: x3 spoil: x5 http://l2vampirian.no-ip.org
  22. Just try and Syntax again weapongrp,itemname-e and systextures i think there is something wrong and not on server files.
  23. maybe we can try to make a 3 clicks GvE style :D Killer this is your work ^^ i will help you if you want :D
  24. man sorry i know you are a nQQb but can you tell me something? do you have a dynamic or static dns? sorry admins for my spam!!!
  25. i think you dont need those :p try to make your post on dev help next time :) its only a patcher to decrypt "unlock" a system i know to help you but search the first posts and topics they are so usefull. i think its better to download a decrypted system and use filedit only. ps: i read your last post and you can't decrypt with filedit right? try to find better version of filedit and you will be allright with weapongrp ;) dont forget to leave one blank line at the end.
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