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Everything posted by L2LWG

  1. Was offline not for too long, now its online.
  2. bump
  3. Nodes might be in ovh, i dont know. But my server is not in ovh for sure.
  4. Thank you. Easier farming & Epic Jewels reachable for everybody, even newbies! Good luck and have fun in Lost World :)
  5. Huge changes after maintenance. Easier farming and Epic jewels for everyone! www.L2LWG.com
  6. My server is not hosted at ovh at the momment. I thought that ovh would protect me from ddos, but it failed. When I was under attack, server was laggy as hell, disconnects every 1 minute, even SSH console was offline.
  7. Hello, I'm an admin of Lost World project (www.l2lwg.com) and my server was attacked heavily by Stalone (l2tales, l2vadc) it was going down, a lot of dc and shit like that. Finally, I've found a solution, which costs: 150 Euro / month 50 Euro / 10 days I forgot to mention, that you can get 24 hours free trial, and free configuration on your LINUX. Now mostly I'm under attack with 120gbps - 170gbps UDP flood :ooo But server works perfectly, no delays, no disconnects. Provider gives 2 IP's, one for login, one for gameserver. It's a tunnel protection, so all players gonna have different IP's :) If you are interested in this kind of protection, contact to skype: L2LWG.com I'm not selling this protection, I'll just give you a person, who does that, and I will get a discount.
  8. bump
  9. We are back on track, server is online.
  10. 5 minutes left ;)
  11. 40 minutes :)
  12. 4 hours exactly untill grand opening.
  13. Its not wrong, it's working to GMT+2
  14. Starting in 4 hours and 53 minutes :)
  15. Dont worry, I hate adverts in my forum too. read:
  16. 24 hours exactly until grand opening.
  17. bump
  18. Grand opening in 3 days :)
  19. Thank you for good words ;)
  21. Grand Opening announced.
  23. Not yet online. Grand opening will be this month.
  24. This is only a preview.
  25. Welcome! I would like to introduce you to Lost World Gaming project. We have started a PvP Mode. It is an easy and relaxing server, where you get Free S84 gear. Enchants and attributes are 100%. Main Goal: Achieve maximum from PvP. We have started: 2013.08.28 www.L2LWG.com Features: Chronicle: High-Five Mod: Easy-Farm PvP All rates: 5000x ENCHANT * Enchant Succes: 100% * Element Success: 100% * Max Enchant: +12 * Safe Enchant: +12 * Attribute max: 7 Level BUFFER * All buffs available (except kamael and class specific). * Npc Buffs enchanted +30/+15, 4 hour duration. * 32+4 buff slots, 16 dances. * Mana potions available. ITEMS * Free Elegia/Vorpal/Vesper/Icarus/Dynasty items. * Epic Jewels only from Raid Bosses (Custom Respawn). ZONES * Level Up Zone. * Farm Zones. * Raid Zones. PvP OPTIONS * PvP Zone with rewards. * PvP/Pk Title/Name color system. WEEKLY * Heroes selected every week (Sunday). * Castle Siege every week. * Territory Wars every week. SERVER EVENTS * Team vs Team * Capture the Flag * Domination * Mass Domination * Last Man Standing * Deathmatch * Hunting Grounds * Treasure Hunt * Mutant SECURITY SYSTEM * Highly secured antibot system for farm and enchant. * Improved Security system. * Anti-DDoS system. SERVER COMMANDS * .repair * .Expon .Expoff .Xpon .Xpoff * .user (many functions there) * .changepassword * .zone/.enter/.leave (for pvp zone) * .votepanel * .divorce/.engage/.gotolove
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