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Posts posted by Invis™

  1. Αυτό που με κάθε refresh έχω 3/4 pms, απαντάω όσα προλαβαίνω και με βρίζουν απο πάνω επειδή μερικά τα ξεχνάω ή δεν τα απαντάω γιατί είναι too obvious; θα αρχίσω να ξεχνάω και αυτά που απαντάω στο τέλος




  2. Αυτό έλεγα και εγώ τις προάλλες που διάβαζα ότι θα κάνει update σε tauti. Μακράν ο καλύτερος ελληνικός server.

    Που είσαι εσύ χαμένος ρε ΓΕΛΟΙΕ?
  3. I trashtalk ? I asked if you got those skins from the gamescom and you raged LOL.

    You see that you are cluess? They were CODES not keys that u had to use them on wooboo or w/e called that site.
  4. I blocked you because of your behaviour. (you raged quitted in that topic for no reason)

    And watch your language.

    I didnt rage quit,i share many skins that i paid for it and you just trashtalk on my pms and block. Not like i care,im just posting this so ppl will see how fake person you are.
  5. Sigh,stop stickin your nose into someones else shit because you're clueless.

    You said that while you were mad and blocking me when i made the Lol giveway. Bitch pls
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