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Posts posted by iFreakQuency

  1. * NameRemington XM2010 ESR

    Author (optional): Not Specified.

    Download: Clic Here!








    * Install:

    1. Copy the files that are in the models folder and paste them in Cstrike/Models.

    2. Copy the files that are in the sound folder and paste them to Cstrike/Sound.

    3. Copy the files that are in the sprites folder and paste them to Cstrike/Sprites.

  2. Descriere: Addons cu modul DeathRun + Knife + Respawn



    AmxModX 1.8.1

    Metamod 1.19

    Dproto 0.9.87




    Autor: eLk 



    DeathrunManager.amxx - pluginul de baza DeathRun

    DRM_trigger_hurt_fix.amxx - plugin optional al modului DeathRun

    respawn.amxx - te invie odata la 3 secunde dupa ce mori

    ad_manager.amxx - reclame in chat , le modificati din advertisements.ini

    knife_mod.amxx - abilitati la cutite , scrieti /knife in chat

    dr_fixround.amxx - cand teroristul se deconecteaza se pune altul in loc automat

    stuck.amxx - cand va bloca?i la vreo capcana pluginu acesta va deblocheaza

    high_ping_kicker.amxx - da kick celor cu ping peste 140 , modificati din amxx.cfg

    bunnyhop.amxx - bhop automat

    team_join.amxx - te adauga automat la CT's



    * Am adaugat un server.cfg configurat cum trebuie pentru acest mod

    * Am adaugate modelele la KnfeMod

    * Nu am inclus alte pluginuri decat cele necesare

    * Nu am lasat .sma-urile de la pluginuri deoarece sunt default si nu au reclama in ele

    * Serverul este testat si folosit pe serverul meu de DeathRun => Nu are erori



    Download: Click!


    Credits:  Javed™


  3. Descriere: Este un plugin folosit contra jucatorilor care campeaze 

    Nume: Anti camping  




    1. Fisierul plugin_milkman_camper.amx il puneti in addons\adminmod\scripts
    2. Intrati in fisierul addons\adminmod\config\plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:
    232 posts
    Info: Este un plugin folosit contra jucatorilor care campeaza.
    Download: Link!
    1. Fisierul plugin_milkman_camper.amx il puneti in addons\adminmod\scripts
    2. Intrati in fisierul addons\adminmod\config\plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:


    Comenzi administrative ( Adminii tasteaza in consola ) :

    admin_campercheck - activeaza/dezactiveaza verificarea pentru camping
    admin_campert - seteaza/afiseaza miscarile pentru campat in unitati
    admin_campertime - setezi timpul pentru campat, in secunde
    admin_camperslap - activezi/dezactivezi optiunea de slap pentru camp
    admin_camperwarn - setezi numarul de avertizmente pe camp.




    Credits:  faustiNN.™

  4. Descriere: Cu acest plugin jucatorii pot reclama un codat cu comanda /report nume


    Nume: amx_report

    Versiune: v1.1



    1. Fisierul amx_report.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
    2. Fisierul amx_report.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
    3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:





    Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
    report_message "1" ~ Sa apara sau nu mesajul "Pentru a reclama un codat foloseste comanda: /report nume codat"


    Comenzi administrative (se tasteaza in consola si trebuie sa fiti administrator):



    Comenzi publice (se tasteaza in joc prin apasarea tastei Y):
    /report nume


    Module necesare ( se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini ) :


    Imagini ( optional ): http://i62.tinypic.com/25pi8ao.jpg





    SMA : http://www.girlshare.ro/33804677.5

    AMXX : http://www.girlshare.ro/33804679.7


    Credits :  # r1ckoz from csblackdevil cs 1,6 community

  5. header_292x136.jpg?t=1402857644


    Rise of Nations is back! Play the updated classic with full Steamworks integration and enhanced features, including Twitch.tv streaming!


    About the Game
    Rise of Nations
    Rise of Nations is a real-time strategy game that spans all history. 
    Start with a single city in the Ancient Age; gather resources; build an infrastructure; research technologies; construct Wonders of the World such as the Pyramids and the Eiffel Tower; and expand your military might across the world, conquering hostile nations with bombers, battleships, and tanks—all over your lunch hour! 
    In Rise of Nations there are: 
    18 Nations—each with special abilities and unique military units. 
    Over a hundred military units operating on the ground, sea, and air— from Hoplites to Frigates to Helicopters
    Over two dozen buildings with upgrades and technologies that will take your nation from a small City to an Information Age society. 
    14 Wonders of the World—the Terra Cotta Army, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower. Each gives your nation special bonuses. 
    More than a dozen map types, ranging from the Amazon Rainforest to the Himalayas to the Nile Delta. 
    Conquer the World campaign—a linked series of dozens of scenarios.
    The Extended Edition includes:
    Rise of Nations 
    Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
    New in the Extended Edition:
    Improved Visuals 
    Improved water 
    Improved textures 
    Full-screen anti-aliasing
    Full Steamworks Integration 
    Multiplayer with ranked matches (ELO) 
    Trading Cards 
    Cloud saves
    Extended Features 
    Twitch Integration
    Screen Shots:
    Game Trailer:
    System Requirements
    OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8.1+ 
    Processor: 1.6 
    Memory: 1 GB RAM 
    Graphics: Direct X 10+ Capable GPU 
    DirectX: Version 10 
    Hard Drive: 3 GB available space 
    Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card 
    Additional Notes: GPU at least (Integrated HD 3000, 8600GT, etc)
    OS: Windows 7, 8.1+ 
    Processor: 2.6 Ghz 
    Memory: 4 GB RAM 
    Graphics: Direct X 11+ 
    DirectX: Version 11 
    Hard Drive: 5 GB available space 
    Additional Notes: GeForce 9800GTX, Radeon 4850+
  6. 2643697-91pvshkpjfl._sl1500_+-+copy.jpg


    An online-only open-world shooter-RPG from Ubisoft Massive, coming to PS4 and Xbone in 2014. A PC version was also mentioned by the game's executive producer Fredrik Rundqvist, but has not been openly confirmed yet by marketing.


    Release Date:


    2015 About Game:




    In a future setting wracked by disease and the downfall of civilization due to man's hubris and inhumanity to man, players work together to shoot people and explore future New York City.




    While console players can play as a variety of humans with guns and explosive devices (some of which roll), tablet players can control drones that rain down fire on the enemy.


    Players can view a holographic map, skill points, loadouts, and mission information from computers worn on their characters' wrists.




    The Division will not have a story-based singleplayer mode, but instead a story will be fully integrated with the game's online experience.


    Game Trailer:






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