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Dont Worry Pies Happy

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Everything posted by Dont Worry Pies Happy

  1. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: to eixa ftiaksei gia na steilw ene message epeidi eixa ban sto allo dn eixa skopo na to xrisimopoihsw alla o ninj4 ta katafere k me ekane na to xrisimopoihsw :D eine toso swag san ton geka :troll:
  2. mulan eine pexnidi me xartia re ;p (alvaniko paixnidi alla gamaei)
  3. as i say it's just 2 sections who i check yesterday :) i don't take pictures from "Show unread posts since last visit." cauz i will make a photo topic no report topic. anyway noone from staff check this?
  4. ok enough! we make it spam topic here! i stop and i'll wait till someone for stuff make something or say me a good reason for don't do something for this! i'm going to sleep.cheers
  5. it's not so helpfull..it's better moderators to check reports on Modarate Section.. it's the truth and the truth hurt! and you are not my friend or something :) i call all ppl mates,bro,friend or w/e.. i don't say that you don't have the knowledge learn to read before post :) lick them more :) anyway i say what i have to say. i speak for you now and not for moderators! moderators can say me w/e they want for what i say for them!you will speak only for you.
  6. yes i know i make the same think but look at me :) i have chat ban for 1 week.ok i spam sometimes but the most of my post was cauz i log in and i start make posts! but really mate look at his posts.. it's spam! and i'm not the only person who say this..i'm just the person who say this "Official" and not behind of him..
  7. it's ok mate if you want to help help but make it with the right way. and also the most of your posts i see them on L2Private Servers Section..not on l2j,l2off,l2client for helps.. i say you all of this cauz it's true that i was spammer and with this ban i realize that it isn't good.. i see what i did and it's really sux mate! for you it's help or w/e you want to say that is this but it's not.
  8. [gr]egw ta lew alla epeidi eime "to troll tu forum" opws lene akoma merikoi dn eine swsta auta pu lew! Episis an eine na dinume karma se opoion kanei k ena share tha eixame gemisei ena mxc me 50+ karma o kathenas apo ta shares k ta helps[/gr]
  9. yes but you already say to move it on the right section :) i didn't check you think?i test some servers with Exile and some servers alone..so don't say me what i do or not!
  10. hmm..let's see! 1st.i say almost all ppl bro it's like my friend for me.and this happend cauz i think you was (floros nowdays cauz he had name Ninja something) 2nd.yes i spam too but i was never offtopic like some replies who i check now and i'll show you.and also i have 1 week chat ban :) you don't! And 3rd.it's oke if you want make post count but make it looking non spam ;) noone see me as spammer.they say me spammer cauz of my post count but i never spam! here is your replies! if you don't know let staff or someone who now to answer!we don't care about what you think! this is not spam?hmmm you already say on post to move it on the right section if you see that post didn't moved just report this here] "bro"! oh no..this is not spam!you speak about server right?
  11. speak with one moderator to check my reports on specific posts of you and you will see my friend :)
  12. I make this topic cauz i will show you some pictures and if i make a reply here i will make a page of pictures. 1st of all i am SpirakosDafuq and i post here cauz i have chat ban till 22/7. 2nd Staff ban me for one reason and i see some people those days and make me think "what's wrong with you guys?"..really!you give me chat ban for some reasons and you have the spam god Ninj4Styl3 you see him spam and you don't make nothing!Also you give him and karma for what reason?i see him 2 or 3 weeks online and with 1 or 2 shares he take and karma?anyway..let's stick to the topic! 3rd (and this is for Moderators)Forum as all forum users and staffs know have one button with name "Report to Moderator" have you ever check those reports? And now the pictures! P.S.The funny thing is that those pictures are only from some sections who i check cauz i really bored to make reports with the "Report to Moderator" way..Imagine what spam he make this guy! http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/13508612/img/13508612.png[/img] http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/13508613/img/13508613.png[/img] http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/13508614/img/13508614.png[/img] http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/13508615/img/13508615.png[/img]
  13. to exei kapsei hdh prin kan to ferw k to stripseis!
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