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Posts posted by Feelmyspells

  1. I don't wanna drag this post, I'm actually looking for a person or the team that had previously created/worked on a server called fractionwars. I might be interested in obtaining the server files if he/they still have them. Not sure yet, either way I wanna have chat first. As far as I remember the server owner was called 'Herami' and there was another GM or Admin called 'tReXperT' or 'Trexx'. For more info, there is still an old post at hopzone. I tried to search their nicknames on google with multiple keywords but couldn't find a thing (I guess they weren't really fond of those names and changed to something else).


    If you are the person I'm LF or can help me get in touch with them then please send me a pm here. Thanks a lot for reading my post, I really appreciate it.

  2. You need to fire your team if that took 4 months to put together.

    Hahahah pretty much what I thought about it.


    Also not that it matters greatly but Admins who can't write properly in English or let me rephrase that.. Hmm people who cannot express their thoughts as they would and their grammar sucks is an obvious sign of failure/boredom and pretty much shows that you don't really care that much. Also there are no pictures or anything, no banner. Nothing! Again I might be wrong but at "l2 times" like these, everything matters. So far you have shown zero (0) professionalism.


    On the bright side though, I like some of the modifications mentioned above. I might end up logging in for fun to check for myself.


    Keep in mind that by speaking up about my opinion I basically gave you some pointers on what you should fix to improve your server. With that been said, good luck with your project.

  3. What is the f**king deal with you russian b1tches. Wrongfully claiming things, Jesus Christ. Elixir was indeed a pretty stable and great server overall with a friendly community. If I'm not mistaken it was also a Greek project with a lot of EU players. Also as someone else pointed out the admins knew how to behave themselves and could speak English fluently. You my Good Sir can't do neither. Please man-up and delete this topic ASAP, I don't like to side with people but Krea is 100% right in this matter.


    You created a new acc just 10 days ago while some of the original GMs and Admins of old Elixir have their accounts up to date even now (just saw that one of them for example last logged in just a year ago, I'm pretty sure he still remembers his acc). Also you partner up with Ru people just like fake E-Global did in a time where L2 is pretty much dead for no obvious reason. Furthermore you are unable to name any of the old staff, like what more is there to say on the subject? Go get a job you pathetic fat boy instead of trying to bring shame on old l2 projects.


    You're running out of ideas.

  4. Bump for old times sake. Kinda hyped for this one, must of been my very first server along with TheGame, good-fun-(again)old times with no crazy overpowered SHIT but pure L2 at it's finest. Hopefully we'll gather a proper amount of people for the Grand Opening. Spread the word further ( friends / social network buddies / people who might wanna try it ) if you're interested yourself.

  5. Not the best tutorial I've read over the years but still it seems that you spent sometime and wrote it by your own so gj. However this tutorial is very basic. You could spend like twenty or more minutes of your time and show everyone how to create a tiny macro for example, would look way more impressive than this.


    A good place for someone to ask questions regarding any sort of coding would be stackoverflow.




    Btw just realized how old this topic is, but couldnt delete it so just bare with me..

  6. I know that the Font used on the Logo of Lineage 2 was probably made by NCSoft but I just had to ask if someone maybe tried to recreate it or actually found it in a different L2 Forum. I've looked around and all I found was a stupid replica with just 1-3 letters that kinda look like the original Font.


    I'm about to start a new project for L2 (nothing to do with server development) and it would be really awesome to use the same font as the game has. Anyway the topic is really lame  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-* . However if anyone could help feel free to post!


    Thanks a lot!

  7. Lately I have been really busy and working my ass off on many things at the same time, so I have abandoned L2 a bit for the last 3-4 months.



    But since you all know or at least most of you, this game is really irreplaceable and probably the top MMORPG and most Epic at the same time. That is why I recently started gaming again( a bit dota only ), but I would really like to make a comeback on L2. Thought of playing on Cerberus or Toxic since they are both great servers but then again they are kinda low rate and I do not possess that much time to be equal enough with others on a desirable level, that's why I might start playing on a High-PVP-Mid rate server. Since I have been away from the gaming scene and l2 I havent had much time to check many servers, so I decided to seek for some guidance from you guys, if anyone knows any server like I wrote below then just post it here. Thanks for wasting your precious time for me.


    Make sure the server is at least 0-3 months NEW, not looking for some old crap and about the client anything from IL to H5 will do the job.

  8. I got a JB(6.1.2 or 6.1.3 too lazy to check now) Iphone 5 and even though it's just great the way it looks I'm really curious to check IOS 7, the design is kinda simple/flat but most apps will update sooner or later, or even new one's will come that are really "compatible" with the new iOS.. IMO if you haven't jailbroken yours then just go ahead and update it to iOS 7.

    Playing Games For 5 Minutes A Day Is All It Takes To Make Money With Kingdom Craze...But How?
    What is Kingdom Craze?
    Kingdom Craze is the brand new gaming network that actually pays people to play games. And I know you're probably instantly skeptical, but trust me when I say that this is different.
    Kingdom Craze is the real deal. Not only is Kingdom Craze a gaming network, it's a game all of it's own...
    How do you make money playing games?
    The reality is you don't actually make "money" in Kingdom Craze, you earn "Krun", the in-game currency used in Kingdom Craze. 

    1 Krun = $0.01

    100 Krun = $1
    1000 Krun = $10 (cost of 1 Hovel)


    Krun can then be exchanged for cash, rewards or used to purchase in-game items such as armory, enclave and estate (ie Hovels).
    How To Earn Krun


    • Purchasing Krun - You can purchase Krun (with real money)
    • Daily tributes from Hovels - The amount of land you own directly affects how much Krun you receive daily in tributes.
    • Referring More Players - Build your alliance by referring other players and you receive tributes from them as they prosper in building their own kingdoms.
    • Performing Tasks for Associates - You can perform some tasks (like filling out offers) for Kingdom Craze sponsors and partners to receive additional Krun.
    • Fighting Other Players - You can fight other players for Krun in 3 different player vs player game modes.
    Ultimately, the goal in Kingdom Craze is to accumulate as many Hovels as you possibly can. Each Hovel you own generates a certain amount of Krun that you receive as a daily tribute, as long as you have completed the required tasks associated with your status for that particular day. The more estate (Hovels) you have, the more Krun you earn on a daily basis.
    Kingdom Craze Strategies
    Play Games
    Simply logging in to your account and playing games is the easiest way to start earning Krun. You are required to play at least 3 games each day in order to collect your daily tribute. Why? As each game loads you will see a short, paid advertisement, which is how Kingdom Craze generates it's revenue. That revenue is then shared with players through your daily tribute.
    To encourage gameplay, at the end of each month every player with at least one estate will earn additional tribute as well. The monthly "bonus" tribute earned is in direct proportion to the number of games you have played that month. In order for your games to be tracked however, you MUST be logged into your Kingdom Craze account while you play.
    Expand Your Alliance
    If you want to rapidly increase your daily tribute invite others to join in. Just as in a traditional medieval feudal system, "associates" of a lower status that you have initiated will pay you a tribute. You also earn tribute when one of your associates purchases estate, so growing your army is guaranteed to help you earn Krun much faster than when playing alone.
    Additionally, your allies help you defeat opponents in "Wars", helping you solidify your kingdom and earnings even further. The bigger and more prosperous your alliance, the more Krun you earn.
    More Krun = More Estate = More Daily Tribute.
  10. Well good for him, in fact I've been in online marketing some months now and noticed what an income you can get from a forum. Some populated forums almost force you to upgrade like 2-3 times to stay in the game. So it's like +30-50$ from each forum member(and there are a lot of stupid kids who do that). Just wanted to share this thought with this community, one could easily start a forum and spend sometime to advertise it and also make a fair income from it.


    Ofc Maxcheaters and all the lineage 2 forums are one of a kind and cannot be replaced :)  .




    Btw kinda off topic. Haven't played l2 in a really long time and I ll start for sure on Cerberus (maybe with limited hours a day but still I'll have some fun) and I'm hoping to see some familiar faces from this forum as well.

  11. So what do you people think of their daily income ? I did some research for fun on vampirestat.com. In my experience whatever income appears there is usually a +20-30%. So basically both pmfun and maxcheaters make a shitload daily with their forums :) what do you guys think? Shouldn't we all start a forum as soon as possible with something unique or game related to make a fortune ourselves?


  12. Is there any french dude available to help me with the translation of a single page? It will probably take him/you like 20-15-10 mins to translate.. Would be really helpful tho.


    Thanks a lot and please shoot me a pm if you can otherwise dont reply.

  13. Wow I almost felt like you dropped some tears there "kiddo", you're really saying that this forum has a proper Monetization section? Also I'm registered on like 10 Affiliate Networks including private ones, only a fool would be registered and focused on just one (yeah I have used AWM once but no its't not my main, FI is for newbies anyway).


    Anyway if you're happy making 300$ a month while others make shit load of money is your deal, other people who loose their time and patient are going for at least 1000$+ a month.


    I'm out of this topic for real unless you want to continue a cyber fight girl.

  14. First of all you seem pathetic k4rm4 trying to get ref's from a forum such as maxcheaters. Secondly your Affiliate Network suck..

    Also your earnings suck, one tryes to add ref's because he has the knowledge to pass it to them so he can make some money from their earnings.

    And just because you post so lame images with earnings doesnt mean its really happening for all we know you could just inspect an element and change the value lol, that doesnt proove anything.


    I would love to help others and perhaps give them some tips but right now I'm busy myself setting up new niches and boosting them. However if anyone would like to continue with PPD/CPA methods I could give them a tip or two from where to start and on which forums to make some progress because seriously M&C isn't a real monetization forum.


    (He's earnings if they are real aren't what PPD/CPA can offer you, personally knowing the manager of my network because I was one of the first people to join there I can guarantee that some people make 1000$ a day and about 20k$ a month that way.)

  15. FFS The Aerogaming??? It was like my 2nd server, the memories you just brought back lol. I remember doing the gm shop bug to enchant to max or later using hLapex. Would love to play L2 Ae once again.



    Besides the bugs and the hacks which were on almost every server at the time this was one of the most epic servers.Highly recommended to try it. I will for sure.

  16. Here's my ref link ! : http://vagex.com/?ref=253236

    Please sign up with my ref link (you might want to do the same thing with others so please help me but doing it).


    Vagex, probably the greatest exchange view bot has just opened their registration after almost a year.


    If you have heard of exchange bots, they allow you to add views/subscribers/likes++ on your Ytube and more. There are like 10 more bots of that kind but this one is considered as the best.




  17. Dota 2 isn't as good as Dota 1 in any possible way the only thing that bugs me and I would consider deleting Dota 1 for ever would be the fact that its kinda old and MapHack - MH wont be cured [unfortunately].


    I personally still prefer playing dota 1 in garena with people I know and do not use that kind of software but at times I switch to dota 2.

    My advice would be to focus on Dota 2 more since it is a "hot game"(It's popularity is rising everyday) these days.Although if you like originals and you were used to it you could also play Dota 1.



    Some skills still look graphically better than Dota 2 and it isn't unreal ffs hook on dota 2 is like impossible to miss, plus some heroes look ugly as f**k.

    Dunno tho everyone has his own opinion and perhaps I said too much.


    Now about your problem, dunno about battle.net but I personally spent my days on privates like Eurobattle.net / garena / dotalicious.Pay a visit on their websites and consider installing their software to play dota on their servers (garena and eurobattle are pretty crowded while dotalicious AKA dlc has a really pro community but with far less people and available games).

  18. Hrtha gia na kanw point out poso mpourtzoblaxos eisai mono kai mono p to rwtas auto alla efoson zitises na min se ironeutoume, tote OXI  kati xaza paidakia nomizoun oti einai kati tetio dinato.


    Den einai dinato na afiseis bot (efoson ksereis kai to email tou 8imatos) opou dokimazei automata ekatomiria kwdikous dioti to fb apo mono tou se kanei redirect kai zita verification codes.Mporeis par'ola auta na baleis rat sto 8ima sou afou kaneis undetectable to virus gia kapoio diasthma kai na deis ta messages p ekane type kai etsi isws breis kana account.Kai se parakalw allakse auti tin eikona profile, dn ftanei p kaneis xazes erwthseis exeis kai mia poustoeikona.

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