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Everything posted by bblastersd

  1. kalispera pedia diavasa se ena topic pos na min exis lag ston server sou kai elege oti prepei na kano katharismo apo java garbage,pos to kano afto?
  2. pedia exo kani kanonika compile to aion opos stis odigies edo: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=96323.0 ta exo kani ola afta exo ksezipari ta arxeia ola se ena fakelo,meta apo afto ti kano?
  3. re pedia tora afou kseziparo ta arxeia pos ta setaro pou vazo to commons? pos ta ftiaxno?
  4. pedia pou mporo na vro kala arxeia gia na stiso aion server?
  5. kalispera exo pack l2j final kai thelo na rithmiso ton server etsi oste na epitrepetai to walker dld to boting, pou to rithmizo afto?
  6. katarxin kalispera,ithela na rotiso kati se thema x32bit arxeia off,ta x32 bit arxeia einai toso kala oso ta x64 i iparxei kapoio metro sigrisis , iparxoun bugs i kati tetoio se x32 off arxeia? enimeroste me
  7. kalispera kai pali,thelo na peraso ston server mou custom opla,exo katevasi kapoia alla exo provlima giati otan pao na anikso to itemname-e.dat mou vgazi sfalma den mporo na to kano edit katholou opos episis kai to weapongpr, xrisimopoio to fileedit gia CT2.3
  8. sorry alla to host pou tha to vro?
  9. orea kai afto pos to diorthono?
  10. exception in thread "main" java.lang.noClassDefFoundError :org/mmocore/network/IclientFactory ... server terminated abnormaly
  11. nai pali error eno ksero oti i database ine sosti
  12. pedia afto to ekana alla kai pali varaei bug
  13. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Team vs. Team Event Engine (by FBIagent) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable/Disable TvTEvent System TvTEventEnabled = True # TvT in instance TvTEventInInstance = True # Name of the instance file for TvT TvTEventInstanceFile = coliseum.xml # Times TvT will occur (24h format). TvTEventInterval = 9:00,15:00,21:00,3:00 # Registration timer from start of event (in minutes). TvTEventParticipationTime = 60 # Event running time (in minutes). TvTEventRunningTime = 20 # TvT Event NPC (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc). TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 70010 # TvT Event Participation Fee (itemId, number). Fee is not returned. # Example: 57,100000 # Default = none TvTEventParticipationFee = 3481,1 # Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn. TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83425,148585,-3406 # Min/Max amount of players allowed in each team. TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 20 # Min/Max level of players that may join the event. TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 85 # Repsawn and exit delay timers (in seconds). TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10 TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10 # First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location. TvTEventTeam1Name = Team1 TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 148695,46725,-3414 # Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location. TvTEventTeam2Name = Team2 TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 149999,46728,-3414 # Reward for winning team. # Example: TvTEventReward = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount TvTEventReward = 57,100000 # TvTEvent Rules TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True TvTEventScrollsAllowed = False TvTEventPotionsAllowed = True TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = True # Door ID's to open/close on start/end. # Not supported in instance, use xml template for defining doors. # Example: TvTDoorsToOpen = 1;2;3;4;5;6 TvTDoorsToOpen = TvTDoorsToClose = # Should both teams get reward if there's a tie? TvTRewardTeamTie = False # Participant's effects handling on teleport/death. # Effects lasting through death never removed. # 0 - always remove all effects. # 1 - remove all effects only during port to event (noblesse blessing can be used) # 2 - never remove any effect # Default: 0 TvTEventEffectsRemoval = 0 # Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn # Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level... # Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1 TvTEventFighterBuffs = 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1 # Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn # Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level... # Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3 TvTEventMageBuffs = 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3 # Voiced command (.tvt) working during TVT event to get information about event status TvTAllowVoicedInfoCommand = true
  14. pedia sas exo to template olo me to ti exo exo ftiaksi l2jdb2 database alla parola afta exi error : exception in thread "main" java.lang.noClassDefFoundError :org/mmocore/network/IclientFactory ... server terminated abnormaly afto vgazi
  15. ekana oti mou eipes,paei giran kanonika alla den einai giran ida to teleport loc alla den iparxei ekei sto parathiro tou dos tou gameserver leei tvt engine is disabled akoma
  16. loipon rithmisa os eksis ton gameserver: # Default: * ExternalHostname = l2classic.no-ip.info # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname. # This can be the internal IP such as or the computer's IP such as 192.168.x.x. # If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: * InternalHostname = # Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to # Default: LoginHost = # TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # Default: * GameserverHostname = * # Default: 7777 GameserverPort = 7778 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using. # Examples: # Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default) # Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver # Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb (default) # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jdb/user = sa/password = URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb2 # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended) Login = root # Database connection password Password = pao12345678 # Default: 100 MaximumDbConnections = 100 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server ID that the Game Server will request. # Example: 1 = Bartz # Default: 1 RequestServerID = 2 # True = The Login Server will give an other ID to the server if the requested ID is already reserved. # Default: True AcceptAlternateID = True # Datapack root directory. # Defaults to current directory from which the server is started unless the below line is uncommented. #DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. # Default: 100 MaximumOnlineUsers = 100 # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # Warning: You must make sure that the minimum revision is always less than or equal to the maximum revision. # Default: 83 MinProtocolRevision = 83 # Default: 87 MaxProtocolRevision = 87 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Player Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Character name template. # Examples: # CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]* # The above setting will allow names with first capital letter, next three small letters, # and any letter (case insensitive) or number, like OmfgWTF1 # CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]* # The above setting will allow names only of letters with first one capital, like Omfgwtf # Default .* (allows any symbol) CnameTemplate = .* # This setting restricts names players can give to their pets. # See CnameTemplate for details PetNameTemplate = .* # Maximum number of characters per account. # Default: 7 (client limit) CharMaxNumber = 7 kai kani disconect abnormaly, exo vali kai database opou tin exo onomasi l2jdb2 ti mpori na fteei,to hexid to exo dilosi
  17. loipon ekana spawn ton npc 70010 meta sta config to energopoihsa dld true kai kapoies psiloalages asimantes dld ti reward na dini klp ti allo mpori na leipi?
  18. pedia exo l2j final pack kai exo rithmisi apo ta config to tvt exo kani kai spawn ton tvt manager alla den litourgi tipota, ti mpori na fteei?
  19. file thanks me voithises, kati teleftaio, mipos kseris pos tha doso kitrino xroma se gm? ksero oti i entoli ine //setcolor alla den mporo na vro ton kodiko tou xromatos gia kitrino gia final to exo psaksi alla tipota, mipos kseris?
  20. gia na me kalipsis akoma mia erotisi sta admin command acess rights exi gia acess level 1 se ola ama thelo px o head gm pou exi 2 acess leve kai thelo na tou doso ekei acess to ftiaxno etsi? 1;2
  21. den exo kan config pou na dini privilages ston server,katholou mono afto to tables pou mou eipes
  22. signomi lathos!! to eida afto to table
  23. vlepo afto p leei ChildAcess kai sto keli meta leei 2;3;4;5;6 tou admin tou general 5;6 px
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