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Posts posted by underweaver

  1. Well there is no matter what char you will create now on DN because after a month or two the n00b donators will cry about how overpowered is your char (bcuz you pwn3d their OE asses too many times) and dev team will nerf the char because they want to keep the balance (donators) in game ;)

  2. It's not completely against GMs, but it's definitly against leechers. You must deserve what you get. Even if GMs pay to see the hidden posts, it only makes servers better, 'cause only GMs who care about their servers will be able to see, not everyone.

    I like this method. There's no perfect method, there will never be. It's the way they found to protect data. Even allcheatsru is like that, so stop that crap.

    Cant say it better!

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