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About AnGer

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  1. LOL xDD dash will work for only 15 sec after die .... cuz tnx of nobless buff nothing from ur buffs line will be not delete
  2. who dont need it xD
  3. who know xD
  4. there is some enchant bug my friend enchanted me in some way my Bloody Orchidea at +10 :) and Angel Slayer on +11 but admin just get information about this bug and fix it
  5. bad this will dont work
  6. On DN dont work too^^
  7. hmm i checked search and didn`t found anything new
  8. yea but every work i thin
  9. i saw something like program(not hlapex but other name of program)what work on interlude and on the C5
  10. time to use the translate power xD
  11. i saw it :( but sux it`s gone fix
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