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Posts posted by NCiad

  1. I am selling items/chars on L2Tales H5 x20 server. ALL PRICES LOWERED TO SELL QUICK!

    Vesper Noble Heavy Foundation set +6 (attributes 60-120).


    1kkk = 0.75e (150kkk+) // You will get free chars with each purchase of 30kkk or more :)

    For more info contact me on skype NailagCiad.


  2. I've deleted some info about me from the conversation and paypal transaction.


    [9/1/2013 11:00:22 AM] Billy: l2tales

    [9/1/2013 11:52:52 AM] *** Nailag Ciad has shared contact details with Billy. ***

    [9/1/2013 12:09:12 PM] Billy: Hello mate

    [9/1/2013 12:09:43 PM] Nailag Ciad: Hey

    [9/1/2013 12:09:50 PM] Billy: Do you sell items on l2 tales?

    [9/1/2013 12:10:00 PM] Nailag Ciad: Yes, still

    [9/1/2013 12:10:07 PM] Billy: could u tell me what u have left?

    [9/1/2013 12:10:08 PM] Billy: ^^

    [9/1/2013 12:10:17 PM] Nailag Ciad: almost everything

    [9/1/2013 12:10:40 PM] Billy: looking for epics, adena

    [9/1/2013 12:10:41 PM] Nailag Ciad: I gave the vesper heavy set for a while to a friend, he might use it permanently

    [9/1/2013 12:10:48 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/1/2013 12:11:06 PM] Nailag Ciad: can we talk about it later when I'm at my home and pc? :)

    [9/1/2013 12:11:11 PM] Billy: No problem mate

    [9/1/2013 12:11:14 PM] Billy: take ur time^^

    [9/1/2013 12:11:41 PM] Nailag Ciad: Allright, I'll be available at around 5pm GMT0

    [9/1/2013 12:11:49 PM] Billy: ok mate

    [9/1/2013 12:11:50 PM] Billy: see u then

    [9/1/2013 7:25:04 PM] Nailag Ciad: So you were asking about info for epics and adena was it?

    [9/1/2013 7:25:17 PM] Billy: yes mate^^

    [9/1/2013 7:25:22 PM] Billy: what items u sell

    [9/1/2013 7:25:44 PM] Nailag Ciad: baium/beleth/antharas/blessed zaken all +6

    [9/1/2013 7:25:50 PM] Nailag Ciad: frintezza +4

    [9/1/2013 7:26:04 PM] Billy: Price for all?

    [9/1/2013 7:26:24 PM] Billy: my offer would be 100 euros max

    [9/1/2013 7:26:26 PM] Billy: for full epic set

    [9/1/2013 7:26:46 PM] Nailag Ciad: bzaken 25e, baium 35, antharas 50, beleth 30, tezza 5

    [9/1/2013 7:27:03 PM] Billy: I dont need tezza

    [9/1/2013 7:27:03 PM] Nailag Ciad: i sell only separate sorry :(

    [9/1/2013 7:27:07 PM] Billy: oh ok

    [9/1/2013 7:27:09 PM] Billy: no poblem

    [9/1/2013 7:27:19 PM] Billy: I would like to buy antharas yes but the problem is

    [9/1/2013 7:27:27 PM] Billy: what safe way do u have for both of us?:/

    [9/1/2013 7:27:37 PM] Billy: I already get scammed once by a random guy called YuTz

    [9/1/2013 7:27:49 PM] Billy: And I wont take any risks anymore... unless u have a safe way for both of us

    [9/1/2013 7:27:59 PM] Nailag Ciad: well i was thinking

    [9/1/2013 7:28:29 PM] Nailag Ciad: i could sell you 10kkk adena for 10e to see that you are serious

    [9/1/2013 7:28:46 PM] Nailag Ciad: where you make the first move

    [9/1/2013 7:29:11 PM] Nailag Ciad: if all checks out i sell you the anthy for 40 and you give back the adena

    [9/1/2013 7:29:16 PM] Nailag Ciad: well something like that

    [9/1/2013 7:29:32 PM] Billy: I have to think about it

    [9/1/2013 7:29:37 PM] Nailag Ciad: and also i would like you to make a post in maxcheaters before we make the trade

    [9/1/2013 7:29:47 PM] Nailag Ciad: in the topic I made

    [9/1/2013 7:29:48 PM] Billy: ofc

    [9/1/2013 7:30:03 PM] Billy: but my problem is, u have 0 recommendations

    [9/1/2013 7:30:11 PM] Billy: so How can I trust u?

    [9/1/2013 7:30:19 PM] Nailag Ciad: how can I trust you? :)

    [9/1/2013 7:30:28 PM] Billy: it works in both way ofc^^

    [9/1/2013 7:30:40 PM] Billy: so maybe we should use a middleman like other players

    [9/1/2013 7:30:43 PM] Billy: and pay the fee charges

    [9/1/2013 7:30:55 PM] Billy: atleast, we'll be sure...

    [9/1/2013 7:31:22 PM] Nailag Ciad: I'm not sure I quite follow you?

    [9/1/2013 7:31:44 PM] Billy: A middleman is the guy on maxcheaters where his job is to make deal between players to avoid scammers...

    [9/1/2013 7:31:49 PM] Billy: but he takes 5% fee charges

    [9/1/2013 7:31:53 PM] Billy: of the trade amount

    [9/1/2013 7:32:16 PM] Nailag Ciad: I understand

    [9/1/2013 7:32:29 PM] Billy: But I can pay the fee

    [9/1/2013 7:32:34 PM] Billy: if its necessary

    [9/1/2013 7:32:56 PM] Billy: 5% of 50 euros = 2.5 euros

    [9/1/2013 7:34:03 PM] Nailag Ciad: the thing is

    [9/1/2013 7:34:07 PM] Nailag Ciad: I only trust myself

    [9/1/2013 7:34:16 PM] Billy: I see

    [9/1/2013 7:34:23 PM] Nailag Ciad: would trust this middleman as much as you

    [9/1/2013 7:34:26 PM] Billy: better u find a buyer that will make the first move

    [9/1/2013 7:34:30 PM] Billy: ^^

    [9/1/2013 7:34:33 PM] Nailag Ciad: well

    [9/1/2013 7:34:35 PM] Billy: so, I wish u good luck

    [9/1/2013 7:34:38 PM] Billy: with ur sales:)

    [9/1/2013 7:34:39 PM] Nailag Ciad: im prepared to make the first move

    [9/1/2013 7:34:46 PM] Nailag Ciad: with the final trade of the epic

    [9/1/2013 7:35:03 PM] Nailag Ciad: but before that my idea was to sell you some small amount of adena

    [9/1/2013 7:35:19 PM] Nailag Ciad: where you make the first move, just to show that you at least have a PP account and so on

    [9/1/2013 7:35:26 PM] Nailag Ciad: and that you are able to make the trade

    [9/1/2013 7:35:31 PM] Billy: oh I see

    [9/1/2013 7:35:34 PM] Billy: why 10KKK?

    [9/1/2013 7:35:49 PM] Nailag Ciad: random number

    [9/1/2013 7:35:58 PM] Billy: oh ok^^

    [9/1/2013 7:36:05 PM] Billy: but I understand ur side also yes

    [9/1/2013 7:36:09 PM] Billy: I 'll think about it mate

    [9/1/2013 7:36:12 PM] Billy: And contact u back

    [9/1/2013 7:36:15 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 6:09:03 PM] Billy: I agree for the trade mate

    [9/2/2013 6:09:08 PM] Billy: I can pay first for an amount of adena

    [9/2/2013 6:09:16 PM] Billy: so u can see If im trustworthy or not

    [9/2/2013 6:09:26 PM] Billy: I'll be here tonight, in 2 horus

    [9/2/2013 6:09:30 PM] Billy: 2 hours sorry^^

    [9/2/2013 7:31:54 PM] Billy: here?

    [9/2/2013 7:54:06 PM] Nailag Ciad: I'm here now

    [9/2/2013 7:57:13 PM] Billy: How much adena I have to buy

    [9/2/2013 7:57:16 PM] Billy: first?

    [9/2/2013 7:57:19 PM] Billy: 5B?

    [9/2/2013 7:57:20 PM] Billy: 10B?

    [9/2/2013 7:57:28 PM] Nailag Ciad: 5b is good i think

    [9/2/2013 7:57:49 PM] Billy: so I pay first, u give adena, then u give antharas, then I pay 40 euros

    [9/2/2013 7:57:52 PM] Billy: and about others items

    [9/2/2013 7:57:55 PM] Billy: I pay first too?

    [9/2/2013 7:57:57 PM] Billy: after antharas?

    [9/2/2013 7:58:29 PM] Billy: cause I wanna buy more items

    [9/2/2013 7:58:31 PM] Billy: if u are trusted

    [9/2/2013 7:58:33 PM] Nailag Ciad: I thought you wanted just the anthy :)

    [9/2/2013 7:58:39 PM] Billy: if u are trusted

    [9/2/2013 7:58:42 PM] Billy: I'll buy more ofc^^

    [9/2/2013 7:58:45 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 7:58:51 PM] Nailag Ciad: let me log some stuff first

    [9/2/2013 7:59:00 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 7:59:01 PM] Billy: ur paypal?

    [9/2/2013 8:05:39 PM] Nailag Ciad: Merchant account ID ************

    [9/2/2013 8:05:44 PM] Nailag Ciad: I believe that's all you need?

    [9/2/2013 8:05:53 PM] Nailag Ciad: or there is additional info for my account

    [9/2/2013 8:07:46 PM] Nailag Ciad: So anthy 50e, bzaken 25e, baium 35e, beleth 30e, tezza 5e

    [9/2/2013 8:08:06 PM] Nailag Ciad: I've made those according to what GM prices are but lowered of course

    [9/2/2013 8:35:25 PM] Billy: need ur email

    [9/2/2013 8:36:18 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:36:27 PM] Billy: Its ur paypal email needed

    [9/2/2013 8:39:01 PM] Nailag Ciad: allright

    [9/2/2013 8:39:12 PM] Nailag Ciad: ***************

    [9/2/2013 8:44:21 PM] Billy: let me pay

    [9/2/2013 8:44:24 PM] Billy: just a sec

    [9/2/2013 8:44:47 PM] Nailag Ciad: meanwhile my char is ready at floran port

    [9/2/2013 8:44:56 PM] Nailag Ciad: name *******

    [9/2/2013 8:45:07 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:45:16 PM] Billy: better mail no?

    [9/2/2013 8:45:29 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:45:46 PM] Billy: check please

    [9/2/2013 8:45:50 PM] Billy: payment sent

    [9/2/2013 8:46:01 PM] Billy: **********

    [9/2/2013 8:46:07 PM] Nailag Ciad: yes sec

    [9/2/2013 8:47:00 PM] Nailag Ciad: kk

    [9/2/2013 8:47:07 PM] Nailag Ciad: so to who do i mail 5kkk ?

    [9/2/2013 8:47:10 PM] Billy: ju001^^

    [9/2/2013 8:47:33 PM] Nailag Ciad: got?

    [9/2/2013 8:47:38 PM] Billy: yes thanks

    [9/2/2013 8:47:44 PM] Billy: let me get ready for the antharas trade

    [9/2/2013 8:47:48 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:47:51 PM] Billy: need to put money on acc first

    [9/2/2013 8:47:59 PM] Nailag Ciad: btw can you

    [9/2/2013 8:48:02 PM] Nailag Ciad: before the trade

    [9/2/2013 8:48:10 PM] Nailag Ciad: leave a comment with ur skype name on maxcheaters

    [9/2/2013 8:48:14 PM] Nailag Ciad: if thats not too much to ask

    [9/2/2013 8:48:19 PM] Billy: I'll after antharas if everything goes well

    [9/2/2013 8:48:25 PM] Billy: cause I wanted the antharas^^

    [9/2/2013 8:48:26 PM] Nailag Ciad: no i mean

    [9/2/2013 8:48:35 PM] Nailag Ciad: just ur skype name and that u want to trade

    [9/2/2013 8:48:40 PM] Nailag Ciad: and if all goes well

    [9/2/2013 8:48:45 PM] Nailag Ciad: a rec for me, that im trusted

    [9/2/2013 8:48:55 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:48:59 PM] Billy: ur topic?

    [9/2/2013 8:49:07 PM] Nailag Ciad: sec

    [9/2/2013 8:49:24 PM] Nailag Ciad: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=282830.0

    [9/2/2013 8:50:08 PM] Nailag Ciad: something like Skype: Billy

    [9/2/2013 8:50:18 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:50:20 PM] Billy: what else?

    [9/2/2013 8:50:22 PM] Nailag Ciad: and after the trades and deals 1 more comment "trusted" or something

    [9/2/2013 8:50:31 PM] Billy: done^^

    [9/2/2013 8:50:41 PM] Nailag Ciad: cool

    [9/2/2013 8:50:53 PM] Nailag Ciad: so now port floran ill trade u the anthy for the 5b i gave u

    [9/2/2013 8:50:56 PM] Billy: when i get item, I send the 50 euros .

    [9/2/2013 8:51:02 PM] Nailag Ciad: and u will send the remaining 45e

    [9/2/2013 8:51:02 PM] Billy: mail isnt easier?

    [9/2/2013 8:51:09 PM] Billy: I mail u first

    [9/2/2013 8:52:05 PM] Billy: mailed

    [9/2/2013 8:52:15 PM] Billy: can u give good price for others items after I bought antharas?

    [9/2/2013 8:52:25 PM] Billy: I'll pay first for the other items if good prices

    [9/2/2013 8:52:31 PM] Billy: the total amount I mean

    [9/2/2013 8:52:34 PM] Billy: since u are trusted

    [9/2/2013 8:52:37 PM] Nailag Ciad: i can give the tezza free

    [9/2/2013 8:52:43 PM] Billy: Ok thanks^^

    [9/2/2013 8:52:44 PM] Nailag Ciad: with the other items

    [9/2/2013 8:52:45 PM] Nailag Ciad: :)

    [9/2/2013 8:53:32 PM] Billy: ok im ready on paypal,tell me when u send mail

    [9/2/2013 8:53:34 PM] Billy: so I can pay

    [9/2/2013 8:53:46 PM] Nailag Ciad: which epic do you want first?

    [9/2/2013 8:53:55 PM] Nailag Ciad: let it be the bzaken for 25

    [9/2/2013 8:53:56 PM] Billy: antharas was our 1st deal

    [9/2/2013 8:54:01 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:54:05 PM] Billy: when I get it, I send 45 euros

    [9/2/2013 8:54:12 PM] Billy: then I pay for AQ or beleth

    [9/2/2013 8:54:13 PM] Billy: I think

    [9/2/2013 8:54:18 PM] Billy: cause b.zaken I have^^

    [9/2/2013 8:54:25 PM] Nailag Ciad: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:54:35 PM] Nailag Ciad: mailed.

    [9/2/2013 8:54:41 PM] Billy: ok

    [9/2/2013 8:54:50 PM] Billy: I have nothing oO

    [9/2/2013 8:55:11 PM] Nailag Ciad: mailed the antharas to ju001

    [9/2/2013 8:55:23 PM] Nailag Ciad: and you accepted it

    [12:54:34 AM] Nailag Ciad: Well?


    Needless to say after this:

    [9/2/2013 8:54:50 PM] Billy: I have nothing oO

    he just blocked me from his skype.


    Details for the 5 euro payment:

    Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID 2D969707GY118732W)


    Sent by:

    Billy Shen (The sender of this payment is Non-US – Verified)

    Buyer email:


    Payment sent to:


    *** My email ***

    Amount received:

    €5.00 EUR

    Fee amount:

    €0.00 EUR

    Net amount:

    €5.00 EUR



    Issue a refund Help


    You have up to 60 days to refund the payment.



    2 Sep 2013


    18:45:44 BST





    Billy Shen has just sent you €5.00 EUR with PayPal

    Payment type:


  3. What do the screenshots need to show?


    I can provide whatever I have from chatting with this guy on skype + the fake transaction we made through paypal + whatever we have written on his and mine topics which you can already see of course.

  4. Equipment list:

    Earring of Antharas +6

    Ring of Baium +4

    AQ +6

    Tezza +8

    Moirai foundation set (BP +7, boots/helm/gauntlets +8, gaiters +10, all with max attributes)

    Vesper Noble Robe Foundation set +6 (Lv7 attributes)

    Vorpal Light Set +6 (Lv7 attributes)

    Vesper Caster +8 - Acumen - 300 dark

    Skull Carnium Bow - Focus - 300 Holy

    --- Will update with more soon ---



    1kkk = 0.5e


    --- For more info (regular items requests) pm here or on skype: NailagCiad (I respond fastest there!)---

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