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Posts posted by tk422

  1. Greetings!

    Some years ago, I contracted a C# developer to create an all-in-one tool for managing L2OFF Interlude scripts.

    For various reasons ( mostly having to do with lack of free time being an "adult" now :( ) it was never finished.

    Hopefully someone can take whats here and make it great again.

    // Semi-Completed-ish Features:
    - GUI Based Editing of NPC Attributes with Advanced Drop Group Management
    - Global Adena / EXP / SP Rates
    - IDE for editing NPC AI files
        * Requires Depmax64 AI Compiler (Not Included)
    - GeoData Viewer


    Please Note:
    - The project does not currently compile and i dont know enough about dotSHIT to figure it out :P
    - The EXE in the bin folder didn't launch on my W10 VM. It think it's due to my not having XNA Framework installed which is used for the GeoData viewer.
    - If you have a nasty comment, please fuck right off :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. This is a great post. Thanks for taking the time to write it!


    I would like to offer a few improvements as outlined below. This system i propose borrows heavily from my career life and experience. I've deployed and operate several of these systems and use one of my own to host professional business applications.




    I intentionally did not provide step by step instructions on how to set this up. It is important that you actually spend the time to understand how the system works rather than blindly follow instructions. Nothing presented here is overly complex but it will likely require you to learn something new.


    /// Resources

    Online Diagram: L2 Server Hosting Environment


    OVH Virtual Mac (Other providers offer this too!)


    MikroTik CHR




  3. - Ensure that you have manually ENABLED remote connections to the SQL server in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Please change the port to something non standard!!!

    - Ensure that your connection string in the webshit specifies the correct database name. Some libraries will afix the default one while others will not. If you need help google <programming-language> mssql connection string example

    - Forward the remote connection port in your firewall. Both on the server and on your network.

    - Ensure that the port is open and something on the other end is listening using this online tool: http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/

  4. Remember, with AWS you are billed for IOPS, not just bandwidth used. This is probably what scrubs meant when he said you will burn through your cash before even getting started. An application like an L2 server needs dedicated hardware, or at least to be running on a VM that has very minimal usage restrictions.


    Also, Since (and i'm assuming you use one of these) both Vang and AdvExt's extenders are hardware locked. When (not if) AWS decides to move your instance to another physical server the hardware fingerprint will be change, thus killing your activation.


    If you do plan to mount a long term project i'd say you were better off buying your own hardware and colocating it to run the world then using AWS to run your web services.

  5. NPC's which have drops have them listed in drop groups.


    - Each drop group has a chance to be selected as the one that drops.

    - Each item within the drop group also has an associated chance of dropping.


    So in your example:





    There are three rules i follow:

    - All items within a group must have a total of 100% chance.

    - Group selection chances may be less (but never more) than 100%.

    - The total chance for all drop groups does not need to balance / add up to 100%.


    Note: (In my personal experience and without criticizing anyone else's work)

    Every "public" drop editor i have ever used does NOT handle drop chance correctly.

    Each tool simply multiples the drop chance for all items in a group by some value.

    This does absolutely nothing as it preserves the ratio for all item drops within a group.


    I recommend instead of messing with drop chance, simply increase the quantity of items that are dropped.

    Remember that if you do this blindly any NPC that drops big things (like whole A grade) will start dropping multiple of those big items.

    To me that's bad but your server may be different.

    Either way make sure to decide which items specifically should have their quantities multiplied.

  6. While that is true with hosting websites etc from massive cluster providers. 

    I'm talking more about renting a dedicated server which gives you your own hardware/rack space, deploying esxi on it which gives you full control over your VMs and their hardware resources. I don't see any downsides to this.

    Basically it gives you more options, full control, ability to run effectively multiple servers on one dedicated server and none the less easiest migration options if you ever decide to change host provider. 


    Have you had any experience with Hyper-V 2012 R2?

    I used to use VMWare exclusively for myself and clients but more recently been using Hyper-V for new deployments.

    Performance feels better and there seems to be less resource usage all around.

    Not to mention management is 100x easier :P.

  7. Greetings and welcome to the forum!

    There are two primary developers of "stock" but maintained Interlude packs. (that i know of)
    Vangauth and AdvExt
    The AdvExt guys seem to function like a company who produce and maintain a particular product that anyone can buy. Whereas Vang is selective about who he deals with and their competency to manage and develop a server on their own.
    While (to me) this position is TOTALLY understandable and im sure completely warranted, it would make the initial process of acquiring the files more difficult. Your best bet would be to get an introduction from someone who deals with him and will vouch for you / make the introduction should you decide to go with him.
    AdvExt in my limited experience makes a great product and continue to actively support it. They even have a nifty email ticketing system!
    Responses generally take around 12 hour though, but this probably to do with the time difference.
    What i would recommend FIRST is to figure out what your goals are and also assess your competence level at this... sport. :P
    - Are you new to L2 server administration / development?
    If yes, grab one of the packs shared here and search for answers to the questions you have.
    This forum is a wealth of knowledge and people are generally willing to help you help yourself. (That being the key bit)
    - Are familiar with L2 development and just want to create and test a few specific things? 
    If yes, again, grab one of the packs from here. But remember where it came from and give thanks to both the poster and original maintainer.
    - Are you looking to go production ready with the stock package !!NOW!!?
    If yes... Please dont. Figure out some sort of differentiator for your server and develop that first and get user feedback.
    - Do you already have your "new and unique" component that players want?
    If yes, then you simply need to decide who to go with.
    Unfortunately i can't offer a feature matrix or provide advice on the subject.
    /// Edit ///
    Forgot about this thread:
    No matter what you decide, never let cost be an issue.
    Both teams put in thousands of hours to get where they are now.
    The level of knowledge, technical skill, and patience to do what they've done is staggering.
    Make the decision that best suits your need and pay what they're asking. 
  8. For AutolLearn, this is defined in your servers Scripts/SKillAquire.txt.

    - Find the skill you want then set the auto_get param to true.

    - If you just want to add the correct skills to your test character target them and type //setskillall.

    - I don't think there is an official "Give character all of their skills" AI function or bypass.


    Interesting about levels not sticking...


    Idea: (Not tested!)

    - Set the character to their desired level via IncrementParam and using some maths.

    - Call IncrementParam and increase their exp by one point.

    - Call IncrementParam and increase their exp by negative one point.

    - See if it sticks.


    If this doesn't work then the following absolutely will:

    - Call IncrementParam with negative 2 bil 5 times.

    - Call IncrementParam with the respective EXP amount for their desired level.



    - As far as i know you cannot get a characters current EXP value with AI. THANKS Obama...

    - Since IncrementParam takes a SIGNED INT32 the largest number you can give it is 2.1bil however level 80 in Interlude is 4.2 bil.

       So removing 10 bil total EXP virtually guarantees all exp will be removed for any realistic character who ever uses your NPC.

    - EXP is handled in the server and DB as A UINT64 and there is an overflow check so it can't wrap or go negative.

    - If your goal is to set a character's level to a level that has more than 2.1bil exp you again have to do some simple maths.


    there are some predefined variables to use
    i0, i1, i2.... i9 (last?) for integers
    s0, s1 for strings
    f0, f1 for floats
    you can use even loops
    for(i0 = 1; i0 < 9 ; i0 = ( i0 + 1 )) {
    FHTML_SetStr(fhtml0, "estateID"+MakeFString(10+i0,"","","","",""), MakeFString(estate_ID+i0+40,"","","","",""));
    FHTML_SetStr(fhtml0, "estateOwner"+MakeFString(10+i0,"","","","",""), MakeFString(estate_ID+i0,"","","","",""));
    but really this supported by NCSOF compiler
    what can do  your comercial compilers i do not know



    Exactly right. Read my post again :P

  10. Odd you'd say that, considering how many random things there are in L2 (hit chance, critical chance, skill rate success, enchant success, craft chance, etc)


    Functionally, L2 isn't that much different from WoW.


    Very very true!


    Those sort of things though you kind of expect from any game.


    But if you think about it, if i swing a sword at D Trump's head, there IS a chance im going to miss.

    Likewise there is a chance im going to hit him.

    And even ( hopefully more ) likewise i might get a critical hit.


    My "feeling" is totally not quantifiable and probably not at all logical.


    But at it does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

  11. IMO L2 started to get weird with the mono-wings ( Kamael ) came to town.


    L2 ( in my head ) has always been based on a clearly defined system that makes sense and most importantly isn't pure fantasy like WoW or other MMO's. Success ( on a good server ) is based on the gear, friends, strategy, and skills ( both player and in game ) you have and not just an arbitrary thing that happens because something somewhere says it should. You have to put in the time and effort. There is a hint of logic / honor / moral behind it all that makes L2 different and i can't really explain.


    To me, the Kamael broke all this. The race in general, classes, and skills never really fit in with the world i knew. The colors used in skill animations still look alien and completely out of place. Almost like you are sitting around a table with your family and someone none of you has ever met comes in and sits down then says "Pass the salt!". Just didn't feel right.


    They're like that character in that movie you meet 2 hours in and were supposed to have a known all along but Mr. Plot man never ever mentioned never ever ever.

    Just sort of shoved them in there because change = good and here's something new for you to look at. Fuck it.


    Who knows though.


    I am quite a strange fellow ...

    ... and a sucker for B-Grade.



  12. You should open a ticket with support:



    The AdvExt IL extender uses a few custom tables in the database which might be incompatible with their other extenders.

    Also, there are core "official" (NCSoft made) DB changes between chronicles as well.

    So in general, you can't just plop the new server files in and call it a day.


    You COULD manually compare all the tables in IL vs those in GF but..... that will likely be a ton of work and not much fun.


    The AdvExt team offers all this as a paid service. If you plan to use the DB in production you should really consider letting them handle it.

  13. I'm not familiar with Vang's pack so don't know if there is a bypass or other command that does it.


    You could use the native 

    myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_EXP, 123456789);

    This WILL show the level up animation to the player and everyone around them as it is the normal "give player some exp" command which quest NPC's use for rewards, etc.


    If you are not able to find an EXP table (X Level = Y EXP) you can always log in with the appropriate rights and run "//setparam level X" on yourself.

    Doing this obviously changes your characters level but also stores the new levels EXP value (completely readable) in the database immediately.




    The param value takes a SIGNED INT32 so you can use negative numbers to subtract a params value.



    When you decompile the AI, you'll most likely see an int as the second argument.

    @PARAM_ is a shortcut you can use while compiling. The compiler turns it into the native int.


    Here is a list the params that can be incremented:




    ( Credits: FidoW )

    /// EDIT: ///
    Just noticed you should be able to increment the level directly according to the above list (though i haven't tried it myself).
    So do something like:
    // !!! Disclaimer !!!
    // The below was written on a Mac in SublimeText and is completely
    // not syntactically accurate or tested.
    // :D
    if (talker.level == desiredLevel)
    	if (desiredLevel > talker.level)
    		myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_LEVEL, desiredLevel - talker.level);
    		myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_LEVEL, (talker.level - desiredLevel) * -1);
                                                                 // * -1 to NEGATIVELY "increment" the
    							     // players current level.
    Let me know if it works! :P
  14. Just installed W10 Pro in a VM and verified the issue.


    @Zeeyo, Is this something you're going to work on or release a fix for?


    I will GLADLY donate to the "Fix IL on W10" fund if you give me info. Or OFC anything else i can do to help :P.


    [ My Testings ]

    - It seems like W10 fucks with any EXE / DLL you place on the drive where the OS is running. I copied a known working system folder to W10, ran it, ( failed ofc ) then copied it back to W7 and it no longer works. Get all sorts of entry point errors.

  15. Have a look though this:


    (Also read part 1!)



    In your L2.ini you are telling the client to connect to

    This is the loopback address for the OS that's running the client. This isn't going to work.

    You are running the L2Server inside a VM. Yes it's on the same physical hardware, but it's a different machine.


    Like Zeeyo said, you should use a "Bridged" network adapter.


    This means that the VM / OS that runs the L2Server is BRIDGED to your local network and is connected to it like any other computer or device you have.


    A good way to test if you have it configured correctly:

    On your real computer that runs the client:

    Start > Run > Cmd: Type ipconfig and note your IP Address.

    It's probably something like 192.168.1.XXX


    If bridged networking is working for your L2 Server VM and you do the same thing, you should see a similar address when running the ipconfig command.


    You might need to restart the VM when you make network changes.


    I don't personally use VirtualBox but between what Zeeyo and i have posted you should be able to get it working.


    *** Don't forget to disable or allow L2 though Windows Firewall ***



  16. In the parentheses for each handler you define which registers you plan to use.


    In my code for the delevel NPC i should have removed i0, that was a typo. I don't actually use it as you can see.


    Let me give you an example:



    You can't define local variables within the code like you would in C / C++.

    int mySpecialInt = 56; // Not Allowed! 

    You may only use the NPC's instance variables or the registers.


    I posted a topic asking why the registers worked this way a while back. 


    mcbigmac answered something like this:

    - The VM that runs the compile AI is multi threaded and extremely efficient.

    - By limiting the "freedom" of the code you write it allows it to be executed faster and more reliably.

    - If handlers were allowed to create their own var's every time they run they'd take up an obscene amount of ram.


    Hopefully he or someone else will correct me if i'm wrong. :D


    For your event:

    NPC's movement is defined in the GeoData/SuperPoint.bin file.

    Take a look at Remy (the moron who runs around TI shouting screaming) and you can see how it works.


    Check out this post also:



    It explains how the connections and nodes work.

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