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Posts posted by Jeremy™

  1. kk tell me to delete every single character stat and rewrite it from 0(thats the only to way to get stat balance in such a crappy chronicle), and do the same with skills because those skills are made for 1x with next to no buffs. :D

    Or you can't speak proper english because you're drunk or something, or you don't even know how to speak english.

  2. Only 1 thing is different from old l2mxc interlude server. The vote system.

    All others till now...npc's etc...are same.

    So nothing "unique" or "different" there. No matter to upload images.

    Some Ppl dont have played at l2mxc... and i wanna show to ppl that server is coming again online :D


    PS. Server is closed up to 3 years

  3. well we see nothing from these pictures so nothing special so far but we'll see...and please tell me that theres no system patch with this ugly red UI that makes me want to bang my head into a wall for the rest of eternity. :)

    ouu before 2-3-4 months i download a server an change all my client :P yes is fcking ugly this red.. :S anyway :P

  4. ενα δεν μπορω να καταλαβω ποια η διαφορα απο τα ετοιμα packets και απο το να φτιαξεις ενα δικο σου....επειδη το ενα εχει Npcs και λιγα διορθωμενα bugs ή εχει και αλλα?

    πρώτα από όλα προτείνω για έναν Newbie  "Frozen" .Και έχει μεγάλη διαφορά το "Έτοιμο" με το "Δικό σου"

    μπορείς να πάρεις ένα "Frozen" και να κάνεις εκεί τα δικά σου Fix...

    Αυτά από έμενα .....

  5. Hello guys, is there any way to lock a (.txt) file ?


    Καλημερα παιδια , υπαρχει καποιος τροπος για να κλειδωσω ενα (.txt) αρχειο?

    Καλησπέρα πρώτα απ όλα..  γτ δεν ψάχνεις στο Google ? είδα το topic σου και έψαξα 2 λεπτάκια και βρήκα το παρακάτω πρόγραμμα ...

    ορίστε φιλε μου

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