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About ExT90

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  1. Current in stock: 1b / 30€
  2. Can some one explain what "sinnocent" ment with the Logitech G710+ since i cant find any info about it nor any replay from him. And for those "Auto clicker macro" I cant find anything that works :S If you have a working one please send link :) Thanks
  3. Hey, thanks for info. But dosnt those razer gaming keypad come with nacro software aswell ? Whats the diffrent bewtween those? And how good are the Logitech macro software ? Can it be done like in the video ?
  4. Bump. Still lookin for info :) Thanks.
  5. I'll look around and see if i can find something that seems decent :) Thanks for the tip
  6. Where can i find programs like that? and are they safe to ues on Innova 4games ?
  7. Could it be done with Razer keypad if i put "macro" "profil" to ues all skills with 0 delay? to keep pressing the skills even on CD Do you know if that would work ?
  8. Still looking for any info! :)
  9. Hey everyone, im looking for some info about Razer gaming keypad ( Razer nostromo i think they are calld ? ) I would like to know how they work and what you can do with them. Can you make "macro" or profiles for PvP to pretty much have your skills spammed in super speed? Such in this video. I also wanna say i dont claim that this person is uesin anything, nor im here to trash talk / point fingers at anyone. If you take a look at his chat, you can see skills are spamming in high speed, and i wanna know if Razer gaming keypad can do the same. Also wanna say that im playing on Innova 4game Ramon EU server if anyone know if this would work over there. Here is the 2 Gaming keypad i been looking at, both are in swedish but i guess you can figure out what im trying to find out :) https://new.webhallen.com/se/product/225712-Razer-Tartarus-Chroma-Expert-RGB-Gaming-Keypad https://new.webhallen.com/se/product/231635-Razer-Orbweaver-Chroma If you have any info about this please let me know, or other Keypad that might do the trick :) youtube video:
  10. Looking to buy Adena / Items on Classic Club 3x Adena | Post ratio. Full plate set +6 Blue Wolf Heavy set +6 / +8 Great Pata +10 / Higher. Emi Bow +10
  11. Looking to buy 2 Accounts with Blade Dancer Lv 58 and Sword Singer Lv 55.Both chars can be naked with no gear / adena.PM with more info and Skype info.
  12. WTB list : Salamander Skin Mail set +6/+8 BW Light +6/+8 BW hevy +6/+8 Doom Light +6/+8 Doom Heavt +6/+8 SLS +10+ D Grade 1Hander (Sword/Mace/Blunt/Magic Weapon) +12+ PM what item / set you got and price. Thanks
  13. Im looking for the followin items : Adena, PM / post your ratio | 1kk = 0.xx ratio. AQ Lv.1 Core Lv.1 Orfe Lv.1 Account : PP Lv.58 Post or PM your price / Ratio.
  14. Selling 140kk adena Ratio 0.4€ - 1kk PM for Skype info
  15. Edit: new price on adena 1b / 10€
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