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Posts posted by jakk

  1. You all know how to protect yourselves against DDoS Attacks, so no need to 'cry' about that.


    Actually if you don't, you can PM-ME and I will tell you what to do once and for all.

    better bella vs stalone in really life to slove the issus

  2. Remind me,whose dog am i supposed to be?

    I don't give a shit about World or Tales.

    Come back again with a brighter insult Mr. DDoSDev joke.  :gusta:


    Edit:Btw do you really want to bring the ''dog'' matter on the table?

    Cuz i don't really think it's the best thing,considering your whole ''contribution'' on Tales and whose bitch you are.

    why was a insult to call a dog,dog  :rage:

  3. WHY??? :y u no?: AHAHAHAHHAAH WHY??!!?? Why you fucking think anyone who have half brain will fall for this 1000 Real on beta server you sir ARE YOU REALLY THAT DUMB?

    Your server never had more then 1500 real online(even tho you constantly saying u have 15.000 online, while u added 9999 phantoms(manualy added bots) in towns and set online count at 1000%) EVERYONE can check votes history section at hopzone when they click on your server. When is Live go and do it for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!

    One suggestion: If you want to have community stop lie to them. 

    Dont join this server, most of these coments here are new accounts with 1 post saying possitive things for Server(accs made by Stalone and his staff)

    Also Very Important!!!! DONT PLAY THIS SERVER...NEVER - Their staff members (moderators, admins, gamemasters, admin) They play and Moderate("Work") at the same time and many people know that, they have friends and help them, even own big CLANS.

    Owner is corrupted, Staff is Corrupted - ive send guy to offer them 1500 euro for epics and they send him to Bank Transfer RIGHTAWAY!!!!(Server havent started yet, imagine Live.)

    More Info: Server owner of this server get your account and password(If you quit Tales) and give it to his Staff(gms) and they log in the server where you started (for instance L2World) they log your acc and TRY scam it.

    More: They enter your forums and spam with advertisments for their server.

    MORE FROM SAME TYPE: They DDOS Other servers and trying shut em down (still can't)


    do you want some cookie now?

  4. 1.for Achylek , u dont know about what i am talking? :) ok antharas + valakas , we deal ? 20 min :*

    2. for  u snshd  ( sunshide ) THERE IS NO BIGGER CORRUPT GM LIKE STALONE !!!!!!!!!!!! 


      All servers have probably some gm friends , but not 500 like stalone :)))) like was on old L2Tales!!!!


       Want 10 screens shots from l2Tales how Stalone trade with items in first day of L2tales ? :) i can post them here and on L2Tales topic , is not a problem :)


      P.S: that screens shots are from some friends of mine , an by mistake are and Stalone friends :)

    post screenshoot i want to see

  5. Ah , one more thing Achylek , don't u thing for a 16 years old girl is sad to sell urself ur body for Lineage2 items ?  But who cares :)) come i give u anty +8 , turn around 20 minute . i promise you ....you will like it !!!

    hahahhaha i want achylek 16year old girl body pleasee 

  6. Because i dont have skype from over 5 months? Hahah whats up,hungry for money?Or you are sitting on the shifter on his new car?  :happyforever:  :happyforever:

    hahahahahahha you acutally funny dude,they should make you global mod on this fourm.

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