So, from my side, the solutions that I see right now are AdvExt + SmartGuard or Vanganth with Asmodeus's antibot.
I can't compare the prices because I still don't know how much is the Vanganth extender. :)
From what I see right now, there are no extenders for L2OFF with Hellbound or any stable l2j packs with it. :)
But Hellbound is a good chronicle, not so much farm and the pvp is great if you edit the nuker damage a little.
Why we don't see private server run on Hellbound ?
I haven't seen a Hellbound server in ages...
In my opinion, is the best chronicle at farm and pvp.
/discuss about L2J/L2OFF hellbound
What are some good servers that will open soon ?
Please, don't post here:
server with 0 community
non english servers (only if they are from RU and have EN option)
l2j crappy servers
Please post servers that have a great community and with more than 1k players expected.
I can't understand why ppl are playing on russian server.
I know that they are stable and have allot of players ... but u can't speak with nobody there, if you have a problem ... :)
They want donations because on the donations list u can find first and second class quests. If they will not open them at the start they will loose that.
So if u dont want the server to have other donations u better wait .
The donations will keep the server alive.