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Everything posted by Icewind99

  1. WTS ADENA NAIA SERVER accepting paypal. Skype adenanaia
  2. Seling yull 99lvl on core sub tank 96lvl armor r99 +3, +4 full atributes, weapon r99 +6 fully atributed Cloaks- Zaken, freja, frintezza, talisman of desire. Frintezza neclase.
  3. S> Yul dark elf 99 with sub 96 99 weapon and armors fully atributed some skills +++ 500euro core server
  4. B>ADENAS CORE more then 2kkk
  5. Trusted selled me adena i sended first
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  8. wtb Adena on core
  9. Trusted mate buyed account i gave first
  10. WTB Yull 97-99 on core server pm with price
  11. wtb yull 99 on core pm with price
  12. Wolverine is fucking scamer
  13. WTB yul 99lvl on core wirte offers
  14. As the topic say, i want to buy yull 99lvl on core pm with price
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