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About bey0nnd

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  1. so gms got alt chars that play in normal clans? coool :not bad: :forever alone like a boss:
  2. scarlet u are just an alt gm account so stfu and go back to ur cave
  3. maybe cuz every admin cares for $$$ only and they dont give a shit about the players.
  4. maybe they play cuz no other good servers to play on? as soon as new server will open they`ll all leave like happend to l22silver - then move to l2bfp then move to l2world now everyone will move to a new server
  5. cuz u are a stupid cow and u lick admins in the ass for free itemz, thats why u never saw such things. l2world = most corrupted server ever and everyone knows it :troll:
  6. believe whatever u want me and my clan quit already this corrupted server
  7. and what the fak is fake in the screen? omfg u guys so stupid rly, check the screen better
  8. nice after u deleted the items you show us the db.. gj fail more kameran with ur epic donations
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