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Posts posted by t0p

  1. make me gm and i will bring u 10k                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              :lied:

    i think im in love with u.

  2. Best ADC = Ezreal




    Items? depends on situationz but for sure get BT + Sheen and go to TriForce or The Blue Gauntlet i forgot name


    ps : chyba is nub Ezreal , mathew low Nuni , Bmth suck at nid ;********************

  3. The problem here is that you shouldnt poke the enemy.Your support should poke him so u can farm easily,if not,your support has the problem not you.


    From the time that enemy taric used stun on you and the enemy adc isnt on range just let taric do his combo,dont waste your cleanse.


    DONT PUSH so your jungler will help u win the lane. But i said its support's problem if u cant farm.

    me on nuni is > ju :*************

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