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About t00nz

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Up. Istina neck already bought
  2. Wtb Istnia earring, necklate or Octavis ring on innova core pm with offer.
  3. You scammed me one by one. You lied and now you are angry? GTFO man
  4. Scammer : Sickboyz Skype: alexiac793 He said he is voted (voted by friends) trustable buyer. He had many trades, i promised him. I traded him istina necklate, he said he pay after trade cause im not trustable and newbie. After trade he come with this story, his paypal is blocked, no money etc. I want to trade back till he not solve the paying, but he doesnt give it back to me. He got one week to solve the problem. In last days he dont answer my messages, if he see im online on skype he varnish. http://kepfeltoltes.hu/130311/hjkhjk1_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg[/img] http://kepfeltoltes.hu/130311/hmm1_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg[/img]
  5. UP! I sell the full char! All items are bound. I dont sell only the adena. Leave me this questions plz.
  6. Cause im new here and nobody trust me too.
  7. Char is w/o istina earring cause Dynamo scammed it.
  8. Account name Dynamo Skyname gianni.boldi3 Innova:Core I trust him and traded istina earring w/o half paying cause im newbie. He got it w/o trade and deleted me from skype. Charname: Zupippu [15:27:42] Gianni Boldi: i done trade already with lol0 i bougt wit hat [15:27:53] Gianni Boldi: and buster from bigmanx
  9. WTS Sigel Knight 99 on innova core! subs: Tyr Warrior 86 / Phantom summor 75 / Threasure Hunter 75 +Active skills: -Justcie Punishment +5 -Shiled Impact +5 -Shield Wave +5 -Superior Agression +5 +Passive: -sword/blunt master +5 -superior heavy armor mastery +5 -Superior Shield mastery +5 +Subskills: -Patak/Matak lvl4 -Pdef/Mdef lvl4 -Critilcal Rate lvl2 +Amaranthine Cutter +4 / health / 300 earth +Eternal heavy armor 3x120 all part +3 (helm,bp +4) +Top grade pvp earring /stun/ +3 +Istina Necklate +3 +Olympiad ring +Eternal ring +3 +Seraph pvp defense belt +Epic Istina braclet +Talisman-Infinity +Immortal heavy set 3x60 +3 (bp +4) +Seraph heavy set not full 120 parts +3 (bp +4) +Apocalypse Stormer +4 /150 earth +Serap jewels +3 +Arround 400kk by char. Skype : xt00nzx for details
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