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About langaz

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. QFT nice class btw, half mages, half summoners, i love them too, my sub is necro ; )
  2. i have draconic set .. email sexazsz69@one.lt
  3. QFT I know that, but there are others, that don't understand that QFT....
  4. I do too, remember when we tried it and talked on skype at the same time?
  5. You stole l2supreme files? Nice.. I hate that server, when it opened, my server lost many players..
  6. i think, i am going to try this server, many ppl says that it's good, so i'll try
  7. I love java servers, they do rule... I pwn in them every1 i think
  8. Long time no see bro ; )
  9. thanks, was searching for this too ; )
  10. omg, nice, gonna play this game all-day long thanks ; )
  11. What a nerd >.< ; )
  12. Nice, you won't be the worst in our clan then.. i'll get you those items, what will you play for?
  13. Sure , in no time, if you are a pro gamer.. you have to spend about 20/7 ig.. sometimes i play all week without a stop, cool yeah? Pro no-lifer and i'm proud of it.. I don't need a real life.. L2 Rules the world!
  14. Thx, It really helped alot
  15. BeyondC4, believe it, It rullz, i'm 78Gladiator, with DLE*Tallum +10, IC set, full boss jews, noblesse too, cool, believe it !!! I rule there, best pvper in the whole server.. I can defeat anybody on pvp.. I mean 1x1 and etc..
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