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Posts posted by Zohan

  1. ela file mou pleon mou vgazei


    Error on: G:\diskose\interlude dikos mou\L2JFrozen_GameServer\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\9999_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

    Line: -1 - Column: -1


    Traceback (innermost last):

      File "__init__.py", line 5, in ?

    ImportError: cannot import name L2DatabaseFactory


    ty gia tin voitheia sou

    Auto ine to kanoniko kai pisteuw dn 8a sou bgalei errors


    import sys
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
    from java.util import Iterator
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
    from com.l2jfrozen.util.database import L2DatabaseFactory
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import State
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest

  2. l2jfrozen

    sto l2jfrozen to mana potion einai auto


    <skill id="2005" levels="1" name="Mana Potion">
      <set name="power" val="400"/>
      <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
      <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL"/>
      <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
      <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
      <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
      <set name="buffDuration" val="15000"/>
      <set name="isPotion" val="true"/>

  3. import sys
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
    from java.util import Iterator
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
    from com.l2jfrozen                import L2DatabaseFactory
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import State
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
    from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest


    dokimase to..dn 8imamai pws ta exei akribws to frozen..an sou bgalei pali error..pesto m na sto teleiwsw

  4. Όπως αποκαλύπτει και ο τίτλος , προσπάθησα να βάλω custom armor στον server μου αλλά απέτυχα ....


    Το πρόβλημα είναι το εξής :


    Όταν με το L2 FileEdit προσπαθώ να αλλάξω το armorgrp.dat ή το ItemName-e.dat όταν πατάω "Save and Encrypt " και μετά 413 μου βγάζει error ....


    Έχει κανείς καμία ιδέα τι παίζει ;

    logika kapio miss or kapio EXTRA kai dn mporei na asto diabazei. kalo 8a itane na ta kaneis 1-1 add kai oxi c/p olo to line
  5. auto vgazei to error


    Error on: G:\diskose\interlude dikos mou\L2JFrozen_GameServer\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\9999_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

    Line: -1 - Column: -1


    Traceback (innermost last):

      File "__init__.py", line 2, in ?

    ImportError: no module named l2jarchid

    opws blepw katebases buffer l2jarchid.

    mporeis na mou kaneis c/p to script ths edw?

  6. file otan kapios exi l2j den tou leme na alaksi pack tou linoume to problima aplos an ginete thanks pantos pou apantises ama ksris kana link gia buffer dose psaxno kai ego

    opws blepeis , sou edwse liseis gia to ti na kaneis....

    sto na alla3eis pack sto afisa teleutaio ap'ola.


    kai sou e3igo..oti ama dn doulepsei me ola auta pou sou ipa...tote alla3e pack gt fteei.



  7. The version 1.7 DragonEye CMS is free and its working perfect.

    I dont know anyone would buy it from you since the free shared one is more than enough.

    Gl with sales tho.

    Already 6 servers got it from me. Version 1.7 is a free yea. You're right.

    Versio 1.2 is a premium one and not a free.


    One example of my discussion with michael9ufo (owner of dragoneyecms)


    22/10/2012  3:35:07 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  can i ask for draoneye? 
    22/10/2012  3:35:09 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  dragoneye? :P 
    22/10/2012  3:35:15 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  yes 
    22/10/2012  3:35:21 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  didnt know is premium :/ 
    22/10/2012  3:35:37 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  beta v.1.7 is free 
    22/10/2012  3:35:37 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  wait 
    22/10/2012  3:37:19 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  ok 
    22/10/2012  3:37:20 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  sent you 
    22/10/2012  3:37:23 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  the full version 
    22/10/2012  3:37:25 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  by mail 
    22/10/2012  3:37:36 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  eh? is free or not? 
    22/10/2012  3:37:52 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  i seny you the full version 
    22/10/2012  3:37:58 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  for free;D  
    22/10/2012  3:38:00 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  LOL 
    22/10/2012  3:38:04 μμ  Zohan  Michael9ufo  ty a lot ^^ 
    22/10/2012  3:38:15 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  np 
    22/10/2012  3:38:16 μμ  Michael9ufo  Zohan  :D 

  8. interlude , file aplos  tn server dn 8a tn sikosw egw sto pc mu gia na tn fix 8a tn sikosi enas filos kai sou lew aplos an 8es stile pm na sou pw na kanonisoume na milisis me t paidi !


    Geia sas paides . edo kai kairo prospa8w na kanw compile alla mu vgazi ena error dn mporw na vrw lisi , kapoios as mu stili pm na milisoume ! euxaristw !


    gt mirizomai douleia 8imatos? psaxneis kapion empiro panw se auta na sou kanei pm kai na tou zitiseis kapia pragmata.

    an nomizw la8os...sugnwmh kiolas.


    apla kane post to error edw sto forum kai ta alla asta panw mas.

  9. Hello,

    I've wanted to add the Epic mask to my Server, but i cannot find it anymore.

    Well however, i came on the idea why i dont just edit the Party Mask.

    Well i already made a *.XML file with the following stats:


    Full Image - Click Here


    After that i called the file : 5800-5899.xml since the Party Mask have the id "5805". Then i pasted the XML in stats/Armor folder.

    After restart, i added the mask, put it on and nothing happens? My sats are the same..


    Anything i did wrong?

    Need help asap!

    Add your mask into navicat on armor table too.

    Else edit the retail one which lineage2 has.

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