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Everything posted by DarkAngel89

  1. always ppl scam...any1 ppl no scam?
  2. I hate pay pal...and credit card...
  3. Where is my money ;(
  4. Qulka? he have 6 post ;p
  5. adena.live is f**** scammer...pls admin baned this guy : adena.live and his IP etc
  6. I search in internet info about PP and i think i haven't chance to recover money ;( and i must pay f**cking PP 6€ lol
  7. I send Pay Pal conversation in Skype and I sent them my version of the story...now must wait ... heh
  8. I hate f**king scammer ;/ I don't know if I have a chance get back money locked in PP ;(
  9. but you have anythink proof for this scamer in forum? i need proof for f*ck pay pal ;(
  10. W ostatnim czasie wpłynęło roszczenie w sprawie nieautoryzowanych transakcji na koncie dotyczące następującej transakcji: Imię i nazwisko kupującego: micheline grieve Adres e-mail kupującego: mbgrieve@shaw.ca Numer identyfikacyjny transakcji kupującego: 6LA22959CL831483H Data transakcji: 21 lut 2013 Kwota transakcji: 105,00 EUR Twój numer identyfikacyjny transakcji: 7PT67597BD496592C Numer sprawy: PP-002-218-575-903
  11. What you told pay pal? I have the same problem...i sent to pay pal conversation in skype
  12. Can you give me link for this scammer? i need it for pay pal, maybe he trust me ;(
  13. What you want? Screen from paypal about block transaction? or what?
  14. Date of scam: 2013.02.21. MSN: mbgrieve@shaw.ca Real name: micheline grieve Scam method:He send money in paypal and after get items he revoke the authorization of a transfer Nick in forum : adena.live Nick in game when was send item: darlene99 Server: Core Item: Istina Neckle
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