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Heres another useful forums explaining some codes http://www.mpcforum.com/archive/index.php/t-83737.html
he he i butchered my first attempt ><
nod32 is awesome.
[Guide] How to speed up mozilla firefox 3-30 times More Faster !!
FeedME replied to eKoIce's topic in Guides & Tutorials
looks like its working for me. nice add ty -
Is this like a l2walker or something else? and can it be used on reg l2 servers?
PREFACE Front you begin to read this article, it should I make a statement: I AM NOT HACKER neither I intend to become. Simply I admire the knowledge, because hacking it means knowledge and no styl "I enter - in - - site - - I make - all - mpoyrde'lo - and - I leave - thanked". I watch as long as I can the hacking scene the last 3 years where I deal with the Network (= Internet), I have visited hundreds sites with similar content but do not agree with the attacks that become... simply in order to they become. This statement I wanted crossing of reader in order to you know with who spark I write that I write. The following text constitutes a approach of simply subject, is ypokejmenjki' and personal. Other will agree also other will disagree. In the hand of each one it is him it receives as it believes. And naturally it is not egkw'mjo no one and same devastating hacking. What is hacking Hacking constitutes today a a lot of significance parexigime'ni. Most (relative and not) having or not access in the Network of is opinion that the hacker is a ypohco'njos type that passes the 20 from the 24 hours of day front in his computer, trying it breaks code and spej'rej the destruction. Most also believe that hacking generally they are the art of destruction. In this naturally it is to blaim and little the cinema and the television. The bad information that is to say. The acquisition of so much knowledge (where whoever is irrelevant with the space, cannot thinks what knows and what does not know ha'kers) is used in order to it destroys or it ridicules. The hacker or works alone or in teams, hacking groups. Has become big confusion of hacker with kra'ker (cracker) or the "pirate" that xeklejdw'nej commercial programs and afterwards him sells opposite adra's wage. No relation. In the Network they circulate a lot of opinions. In a HACKER. org we read that "the hacker should ~ejsva'llej~ in server, find ~try'pes~ or bugs and afterwards ejdopojej' system administrator in order to him she corrects". to me you will say, how many him make this? Very few. For this and hacking it has taken bad name. Something as the Police. Because SUBDUE they hit the world, all the Police is ma'tso ka'froj and torturers. Logic that adopted the Ado'lfos Hj'tler from 1936 and him paid the Jews because "these are guilty for all trials of world". It aches head - it cuts head. The antisemitism of Fy'rer walked hera'kj-hera'kj with the "psychology of masses". All in a tsoyva'lj and whoever it takes ha'ros. Of course in what they are to blaim also himself ha'kers has tangled the cucumber with the broccoli. According to parapa'nw site, the right hacker works aco'ryva and undergrounds and she does not come out kompa'sej that "dja'lysa the ta'de or I extinguished sy'mpan". Hence, hacking it is the knowledge that is used for good aim but also occasionally for ekdjkitjkoy's aims, but this him will see below. The psychology of hacker The hacker is also is not mad simultaneously. Insane is because many times plays his head crown letters in order to it achieves what wants. He isn't however also insane, why you have seen many "shot" with such level of knowledge? In order to is delivered no one in hacking needs time and little money (in order to it acquires certain well - but also expensively - books that it needs). But from all it above needs time. Time usually they have the pjtsjrjka'des (students-student) and the pensioners. But because the pensioners are somehow big in order to they deal with all them, pjtsjrjka'des they are those that are included ana'mesa in ha'kers. A hacker of that is 30-35 years, has passed the first impetuses that had in the puberty or up to the 21-22 and it prefers "it only breaks" sites and only in order to it achieves "it breaks". Afterwards it throws one anonymous mail in admin and him it says which problems it has his system. Many ha'kers work for big companies, making them "testers of" safety of system. Other ha'kers work as admin in companies and in particular in systems that "they had broken" old. You do not make impression all these. It is reason. "When you cannot overcome somebody, went with him". When you see somebody that alwnj'zej in your system those who firewalls have having put, you remain than to him you engage as admin so that you it protects as no other does not know. However pjtsjrjka's, that wants a aytoprovoli' and magkja', enters in site and him it makes kwlohanej'o with all importance of word. It sends mail-bombs (of course this can him makes each one that has a proportional program what is found easily), it extinguishes hard, it takes root access and it makes the life martyrdom of ston anypobj'asto user that wants simply serfa'rej, it steals password files the system in order that it has no hundredth accounts plays, him plays anarchist and frjkjo' and if him you ask, it does not even know what is the anarchy and who are the basic beginnings (and however it has!). Anarchy believes that it is no hundredth kwlo'pajda that flies molo'tof in the Techical university and destroys the foreigner fortune. The pjtsjrjka'des these simply do not have psychology. Acting as terrorists and they believe that a'ma they enter in the ta'de Turkish university and put the Greek Flag in the first page we took Istamboul. It is not however thus. In the IRC we have chased their Toy'rkoys/Citizens of the ancient Yougoslavian Republic of Macedonia (they go parcel) but also us they have chased. Them we chased however because they entered in our channels and us vrj'zane (and on National Subjects I request). The attack in the http://www.macedonia.org needed because FYROM has right to use the term "Macedonia" in his interior but provided that it made site with the term "Macedonia (Macedonia)" and has recipient all the world, it forces this agreement. The attacks Attacks have become many the last years in the abroad. As examples I report the attack in central site the CIA (and he is worthy query how they could pass from no one 1ärja' firewalls!!), in site the NASA, the American Ministry of Justice and various companies. In Greece, the last year we had a rapid increase of attacks so much in the interior of our country what in the abroad (Turkey and macedonia.org). The pages of Hardave'lla and Njkoloy'li, certain Turkish sites, the pages of publications Ljva'ni with regard to the ARKAS and the book of Mjmi's, are most recent. Attacks have still accepted, the FORTHNET, the COMPULINK and Matrix BBS. Exist also other that to me slip this moment. The every attack has her psychology: the attacks in the big ISP's were in spirit "ej'ma - - - and - - unique - in - safety" and same the FORTHNET who ko'mpaze and kama'rwne wsa'n gy'ftjko skepa'rnj, but in the substance was as if said "re! Here I am! Come if you dare!". And dared. And to them changed Fotis. The arrogance you do not forgive from the decided hacker. Can visit the "Underworld of Jnternet". In regular time intervals (as say their authors, are "whenever - us - kaylwsjaj'o" periodical), this online magazine of (as they are "Kyvernogra'foj") is informed for the attacks and generally for the all underground scene of Greece in this space. Obviously "it is published" by individuals that have relation with the space direct or are same ha'kers. Something that is to say as the Free press for the "17 November", only that the attacks in sites are not naturally terrorist attacks: -)). Also, attacks became in schools (as the Duke) with which "somebodies" protested for the educational system. You say and were to blaim this schools for the carpets of Education in Greece! Rather for their plate him they made this attack and no for the substance. Noteworthy it is that attack accepted also one node of Compulink in Rhodes, where admin (at name) it had set up the BackOffice of Microsoft, it made login, it stepped ENTER and took root! The hacker that struck the site warned admin to lock site his, because next time him it will extinguish that it has and does not have. And be lucky admin of that his hacker liked Rhodes, ejdemi'! Also, information (but bjli') for the attacks can no one read in the "Black Hole" in the periodical Net Surfing. Somewhere of course, as long as it deepens no one in the space (without essentially wants becomes hacker now or in the future), can begin to become little ypokejmenjko's in his crises, kacw's sure it tangles his intentions or the hackers for the attacks: It is demonstration of force and knowledge (as the attack in the FORTHNET) or is demonstration simply in order to it is demonstration? The answer is difficult and rather the question is oratory. The History will show. The anonymity in the Network A hacker, is not enough simply it knows she steals code and him she makes all lampo'gyallo. It should. it knows and it is hidden. It should it extinguishes his "traces" from the sites that enter, because in most countries of world (recently and in our country) exists legislation that punishes all what pra'toyn ha'kers. Otherwise, each one it could in some time interval (in a text I had read that with knowledge UNIX and somebodies script it can somebody - if it reads and enough - it breaks first site in 3 months!) enter almost where it wants and it lowers the Sy'mpan. For this and them they chase because they make damage. It is that is to say zimja'rides. In the Network it circulates the FakeIP which covers the IP of address hacker and him does not find no one. However you it does not give the anonymity that you want. The Network is a enormous space, a'narhos and the other that to you speaks to the IRC can be woman and to you say that it is... mpetatzi's. Never you cannot know who is who. But with log files that they keep servers, somewhere somebody can you see. Moreover, with the so much es-mail bombers that circulate, it is dangerous know the many even your e-mail! You enter in no one site and you says the other "I can I see your hard disk and that other disk you have in your system". This system is simple becomes also ignorant him it steps and it hangs the mouth admiring. The good therefore hacker knows she is hidden in order to she does not lead in bejroy'. And this is that makes real ha'kers distinguish from lamers: they know they are hidden. All ways however invent certain in order to they learn who we are, other so much ways find certain in order to they do not learn who we are. Attention therefore with who you speak and to who it is given your e-mail. If you eat no one mail-bomb not you shout afterwards. That for them you will find 2600 magazine In the following piece on the subject "URL for you begin..." you partially can find certain addresses relative with hacking. First you advance to endo'tera, you read well a disclaimer (small text that to you it says that all these kaloy'dja that you will find here in they are for educational reasons, that the sejrjakoj' numbers of commercial programs it should they are used provided that you lost yours and that all the hakerj'stjka programs they are in order to you check the such safety of certain servers and other foy'mara) and you respect the terms that place certain from them. As a example however, I can you give the address of "Bible ha'kers", 2600 Magazine ", a magazine that is published in the USA and exists also in online form. Of course the online publication contains the 1/10 from those who it writes the magazine (which it did not happen him I read never) but has contributed enough in the safety big servers. It is that is to say a magazine that encourages the healthy side hacking and no the destructions that become from lamers. Apart from ha'kers, him they read the majority of serious admins in order to they know which holes they close in their system and generally those who are interested for the safety of calculating systems. It would be useful him you visit and you read that it is also offered if you are lucky, you will see also analyses of attacks in big sites, something as the "Underworld of J'nternet", only that this deals with big attacks and no certain changes of pages in certain small servers. On the other hand, if mpi'te in certain big search engines, as the Altavista, the Yahoo and the Excite and you give to search "hacking" you find certain thousands URL's in order to you see. Most are 1-day sites, that is to say exist until him discovers the ISP and him it cuts. Certain of them contain so much files what texts that you mean that you they help you become ha'kers. However, as we were not laughed. Hacker you become with a lot of reading and experimentations, if you want to become. The plate is however, that also ha'kers they have removed their own search engines, as the Astalavista and the Yoohoo (as paraphrase of Altavista and Yahoo) where it can no one find from spasti'rja for games, hacking tools, up to piratical programs. h/p/c/a/v They are initial the words hacking/phreaking/cracking/anarchy/virii. As him we see a- one in order to you know what they mean and what they concern. Hacking: What deals the present article. The knowledge of lacks of system so that him they exploit those who know these lacks. Phreaking: The possibility that is given in certain, with the manufacture of certain experts of "boxes" (boxes) passing long distance calls, koroj!dey'ontas the telephone network. Knownest box is blue box. Because the "boxes" these were made for the telephone network of USA, certain tried they make the blue "box" in Greece and it appears that him they accomplished it functions. But this is fames. Cracking: The possibility that is given with a patch of breaking program and to him of removing those annoying ypencymjstjke's pictures that they remove in order to we make registry or the time that to us remains in order to hrisjmopojej'soyme regularly provided that pro'ketaj for somebody trial publication. Still it can concern programs for fracture code password crackers) as the Johny the Riper or spasti'rja pajhnjjdw'n for inexperienced lives etc Very interesting all these for candidate crackers/hackers. Anarchy: the paradise of anarchist. Description for manufactures molo'tof, bombs and that other destroys the system, rendering. Virii: Paraphrase virus. Here usually you can find machines that give birth viruses. If you have certain annoying and you it sticks, you make your own virus and him you change Fotis. Simple things. Front you lower always anything from anyone in the Network, him you search for viruses, even if is struck the person in charge that are 100% free or virus. Still, you do not play and a lot with the programs that make (or they say that they make) viruses, because it can stick your own computer and afterwards will request the Mcafee you to make antj-jj!ko'. CONCLUSION The travel in the world hacking can strike fascinating, full glory but resembles with our idol in the mirror. In mirror that all can be reflected well, it can reversed. It can mean knowledge but it can it means also prison. No one is not legalised it makes damage in the other. For this exist also the courts. You make a my'nisi and him we find in the rooms. Of course this is heard utopian but is legal. In the cases mail-bomb, most follow the biblical "Eye antj' eye". To me you threw bomb, to you I will throw 15 more. The other can follow and it goes saying. However all these do not remove nowhere. All we would remember the attack in site the Njkoloy'li but the Njkoloy'li it will not stop it removes her bwma'kj from the pain of other. I do not agree with panto's type reality show the Greek television, but apart from the laughter, a attack of this type I do not believe that it will remove something. Say is afraid the Njkoloy'li or the Hardave'llas if his salatopoji'sej certain site? Hesti'kane with sympa'cejo. Nor with the attacks in Turkish sites we do something. We are not to take behind Cyprus with ayto'.ton the way (we say now). Whoever wants it deals seriously with his hacking and no tsapatsoy'ljka, as him it makes with healthy form. As him sees as a form of knowledge and no as a form of revenge. Even the plate has her limits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erm heres the buchered english version... enjoy? hehe
nice gonna make one asap