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About qazgosu

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. to na banarei i NC etc apla sto tixaio den ginete gia na fas ban prepei na se trwei kai ligo o kwlos sou , wste na se kanoun polla atoma petition. twra o mythos oti to IG eiani safe kai to OOG den einai safe den isxiei o kwdikas p stelnei to IG kai to OOG einai o idios alla kai pali diaforetikos apo ena kanoniko client kai stis 2 periptwseis i NC kserei oti botareis. alla gt na banarei kati apo to opoio vgazei lefta.
  2. etc kai o alliws o mixanismos tou l2 den antexei panw apo 1 noumero psifiwn 2.147.463.234 i kati tetoio
  3. funny one , i ll try it
  4. tha mporouse na dothei ena guide gia auto ?
  5. twra meta ta 30% to frenzy xanete are den einai kai toso tromeros o destro gia trena pia ><
  6. einai psilo zoriko
  7. treasure hunter / adventurer > all :D
  8. got problem , the tate recs script is not repeating , its finishes the quest and just stop there any infos bout that?
  9. there are but ppl dont want to share ....
  10. mallon ennoei ti xrisi nostromo mousepad to opoio exei macro pano tou me aplo mouse den mporeis na kaneis kati tetoio
  11. retail has 0.3 sec cooldown per cp pot
  12. re bymafe2 me to simpatheio alla to site sou einai tiga ston io..
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