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About DeLaSouL

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  1. Who gives a shit about l2 these days except brain dead albanians :d Suck my dick
  2. Phone message : I made koza lose 300 euro now he is mad cuz he lost money , and I made money some time back, the retard Albanian now thinks that every Il server that opens is mine hahahahaha lol albanian retarded logic. Bottom line is that I'm not the owner or gm or staffer of this server and you just bully the owners. I'm present on the forums just cuz I wanted to play the server, right now I don't care anymore,going back to retail [yo koza I'm also the owner l2 eu core ddos that also man haha ] Plus that chaos guy is just another random brain dead Albanian so I won't pay any attention to him. Yo koza suck my dick man -300 eu GG WP bb loser W8'ing for core eu to get ddosed by koza hahaahahhahha Bb losers Mager soon jail irl bb
  3. GL xD Mager lake gras.
  4. Ty 4 posting it xD point made once again. For who do not understand I'm jush bashing this guy forum wize and irl wize, soon going to send him back to jail from where he was before, refering to biggreen aka mager and qqsage aka josh haha Losers irl gg qq wp.
  5. Mager how is jail time mate? Still derp?
  6. Koza -300 euro gg wp, next! Josh u suck pula , mager derp. At topic : I'm not owner nor a staffer but after the logics of these schizofrenic people I'm even dev at ritel, for the haters : suck ma penis. Msg from phone
  7. Website down haha, turk haz problems ?
  8. It must not be a cracked version to contain or not backdoors. Do you think the original file coder doesn't have a backdoor to your files ? Then you're wrong.
  9. If you removed the backdoors from within the files and if you have a live test server i would be interested to get them. My Skype : delasoul_007 , my MSN : delasoul_007@hotmail.com
  10. I am looking for a panel already done with the features mentioned above or someone capable to create it. I have alot of stuff on my head than to stay and code/test this panel, that is the reason im willing to buy it. If you know somone who has such panel type or has the ability to code it then give me a pm. Thank you.
  11. Why dont you code it yourself, aint hard.
  12. Its a piece of crap, who the hell would bother with such shit.
  13. Lameguard is the thing you need.
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